Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
How Much Does It Cost To Go Bowling
Saverio Basile
The Association believes that through a series meetings with cultural operators of the site in order to achieve the country's development using the multiple intelligences and the contributions that these figures can offer Gunesh.
The first meeting was held with Saverio Basile, director of the new carrier of the Sila, because you want to use just that his newspaper which is distributed mainly in Switzerland and Canada to raise awareness of the aims of the association.
The meeting has shown the willingness of the Director of the newspaper that could materialize in the coming days already with the publication of a series of problems affecting the old center of our country. Friends of
Gunesh believe this positive first meeting that will certainly among its membership to gather more Sangiovannese who love this country and for business reasons or for other reasons are far from it.
The Association believes that through a series meetings with cultural operators of the site in order to achieve the country's development using the multiple intelligences and the contributions that these figures can offer Gunesh.
The first meeting was held with Saverio Basile, director of the new carrier of the Sila, because you want to use just that his newspaper which is distributed mainly in Switzerland and Canada to raise awareness of the aims of the association.
The meeting has shown the willingness of the Director of the newspaper that could materialize in the coming days already with the publication of a series of problems affecting the old center of our country. Friends of
Gunesh believe this positive first meeting that will certainly among its membership to gather more Sangiovannese who love this country and for business reasons or for other reasons are far from it.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Steal To Shirt Sharking
A natural way to combat stress
We often think of stress as something unbeatable alien to us, leaving us involved in a whirlwind of worries and thoughts that do nothing but self-powered.
The rest is certainly very important to reduce stress, giving way to your body to recover the lost energy, but it is very important to know how to manage their emotions, first of all with the intent not to harm others, and thus save energy, because you know sooner or later to damage inflicted corriponde damage suffered, according to the law of action and reaction, and also according to the karma.
often do not realize, even when we have every right to make our voices heard, and we have to enforce them on others is not something that we believe in good faith, how many colors is tinged with anger our voice and our eyes, and As of this hatred may harm people who probably have not actually had an ethical behavior, but that may be taken with more patience and common sense.
often on social networking sites, in discussion forums on the web, or even worse on television, we see discussions on important issues such as crime and violence, with a boundless hatred and an abnormal thirst for revenge against the indicted. This only serves to feed anger and violence, past masters taught everyone, without exception, to love your neighbor as yourself. A criminal, who has a bad behavior, bad character, is also driven by a consolidated habit to do so, and their behavior in the wake of the mad, tends to run in this direction.
My citation refers to the spiritual traditions, but never mind inconveniencing the teachers the past, to understand how, in a world so violent and degenerate, it is necessary, in addition to appropriately punish the criminals, without bonus buonauscita and various pardons, the children of laziness and inactivity to build new prisons, to be merciful and forgiving. If we reflect for a moment, perhaps we have all been tempted to swear and curse the criminals, at least once, and ask for the pillory, but that will only increase our ill will, hatred, and foster in us a bad habit, Instead we try to wish them to be happy in prison serving their sentences correctly, but without invoking vengeance. In few words, often we fix attention on us, and imbues it with pride unconscious, which ultimately hurts mainly us, depriving us of energy that could be spent in activities more enjoyable and profitable. In fact it might not seem proud, but our point of view, our desire for justice is, unfortunately, often accompanied by anger and a narrow, precisely due to our ego, is not it true that sometimes a person who acts damaging others, has suffered damage, in turn, a violence in his life, and then behaved badly simply pouring out their problems on others, their wickedness, and was victim of his own folly?
How can we further aggravate the situation of this person, wishing you the worst?
In these times of violence and moral crisis, it must be bearers of peace, knowing that every action, word and thought of hatred results in negative consequences and suffering for all involved, while every action, word and thoughts of love, tolerance, respect and compassion, leading to consequences of joy and happiness.
A person committing an act of violence, a crime is automatically punished, can not have a clear conscience, and even when they blatantly flaunt peace, must deal with his pride and rain down on him sooner or later many undesirable situations and violence . Not always the law of action and reaction is evident times in this life, is not even necessary to believe, but at least civil to wish others happiness forever, to ourselves when we want to wish you ... practically from birth always seek happiness!
Think of how many times we tried our interests at the expense of someone, even in small things, stolen from a candy bar, a latch in the car by his step that you take the machine in our place, not a bus ticket stamped .... but what you want is a sweet, my friend has a lot of money more than me, it is right that he take it, then there are the controllers ever, are not doing their duty, but in reality we are looking be happy to justify our failures and our self-interest of a very narrow view. In other words, we are feeding our ignorance, we are all equal, each born in different circumstances and conditions, more or less fortunate, but we all have the same soul, the same mind pure and clear.
precisely those who are less fortunate need help, and good examples to grow and become virtuous, and just with our good quality, we can be of help to others, unconditionally loving and non-judgmental, and at the same time, without forget the importance of educating and politely but firmly to resume those who were born and raised in environments and disadvantaged families. In this sense, we seek to become more impartial, equally polite and willing to love all, as taught by Jesus and Buddha. Otherwise why Jesus would protect the prostitute who blamed all, why would pardon the two thieves on Calvary? How easy is to recite the Our Father ".. and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors," and in this case is not even one of our debtor criminal, why do not suffer direct damage, and even in this If we can bring in practice the word of Jesus How easy is it to reflect and meditate on the action of harmful speech, the malice, dell'augurare harm to others, identified as harmful and bearer of suffering by the Buddha, and then as in practice it may be difficult to maintain ethical conduct!
today in this planet need to be good Christians, good Buddhists, in short, good men, to be more tolerant, and good listeners, because it is soon to become racist and intolerant trusting of what we are told in a culture and spiritual traditions of others, we must reflect and consider others, to know them and then respect them more naturally.
Let us consider only our situation, let's see how much more peace, tolerance and love, are present in us when we reflect on what motivates a person to make a gesture, hoping to change for the better, serving the sentence, but in peace, it is in fact inflicting punishment and torture that would learn the lesson, indeed worsen even more, just ask the advice of a psychologist.
We're talking about people to help find the ethical conduct and common sense, certainly not easy, because everyone tends to keep their behavior, not surprisingly it comes to "character" of people, but surely there should be a support office within the prison of these subjects. I am the first to say that for serious crimes for which originally given a life sentence punishment should never be lowered, but should be given love and humanity in these subjects, who are men like us, but in fact even those who wish them harm, to desire to see "avenge" the victims, he commits a crime just as inhumane.
we often also take from attachment, uncontrollable desire to shop, to follow our vices, to proceed always the negative side of situations, without being able to give up, without realizing that it is temporary and impermanent happiness linked to worldly goods.
This does not necessarily mean the world outside and make an ascetic life of renunciation, but to see everything with greater detachment, and be able to spend some 'of the their time to others, devote their gestures and their development (or improvement) to the personal happiness of others.
In each context we tend to increase our stress and that of others, we tend to take sides in a political party, in a religious tradition, in a company, but everything is a bit 'different from how it appears, can escape a particular fundamental, a situation that would change his mind about us, and we always misunderstand others. Furthermore, without realizing we are conditioned by culture and tradition of our land and our people, in these years are so difficult in terms of ecological, economic and social need contribute to a more humane world, tolerant, and then with much less stress.
Today should be good people, in practice, the theory is important, but without the application of moral precepts in daily life, any moral tradition becomes a bigot and dry, thanks to this really could be born another civilization.
You shine the joy that is in you, and spread it like a ball of golden rainbows of light, bless the universe, and wish the greatest good, and eternal in all living things, and you'll see that the whole world slowly reborn in peace! :-D
often do not realize, even when we have every right to make our voices heard, and we have to enforce them on others is not something that we believe in good faith, how many colors is tinged with anger our voice and our eyes, and As of this hatred may harm people who probably have not actually had an ethical behavior, but that may be taken with more patience and common sense.
often on social networking sites, in discussion forums on the web, or even worse on television, we see discussions on important issues such as crime and violence, with a boundless hatred and an abnormal thirst for revenge against the indicted. This only serves to feed anger and violence, past masters taught everyone, without exception, to love your neighbor as yourself. A criminal, who has a bad behavior, bad character, is also driven by a consolidated habit to do so, and their behavior in the wake of the mad, tends to run in this direction.
My citation refers to the spiritual traditions, but never mind inconveniencing the teachers the past, to understand how, in a world so violent and degenerate, it is necessary, in addition to appropriately punish the criminals, without bonus buonauscita and various pardons, the children of laziness and inactivity to build new prisons, to be merciful and forgiving. If we reflect for a moment, perhaps we have all been tempted to swear and curse the criminals, at least once, and ask for the pillory, but that will only increase our ill will, hatred, and foster in us a bad habit, Instead we try to wish them to be happy in prison serving their sentences correctly, but without invoking vengeance. In few words, often we fix attention on us, and imbues it with pride unconscious, which ultimately hurts mainly us, depriving us of energy that could be spent in activities more enjoyable and profitable. In fact it might not seem proud, but our point of view, our desire for justice is, unfortunately, often accompanied by anger and a narrow, precisely due to our ego, is not it true that sometimes a person who acts damaging others, has suffered damage, in turn, a violence in his life, and then behaved badly simply pouring out their problems on others, their wickedness, and was victim of his own folly?
How can we further aggravate the situation of this person, wishing you the worst?
In these times of violence and moral crisis, it must be bearers of peace, knowing that every action, word and thought of hatred results in negative consequences and suffering for all involved, while every action, word and thoughts of love, tolerance, respect and compassion, leading to consequences of joy and happiness.
A person committing an act of violence, a crime is automatically punished, can not have a clear conscience, and even when they blatantly flaunt peace, must deal with his pride and rain down on him sooner or later many undesirable situations and violence . Not always the law of action and reaction is evident times in this life, is not even necessary to believe, but at least civil to wish others happiness forever, to ourselves when we want to wish you ... practically from birth always seek happiness!
Think of how many times we tried our interests at the expense of someone, even in small things, stolen from a candy bar, a latch in the car by his step that you take the machine in our place, not a bus ticket stamped .... but what you want is a sweet, my friend has a lot of money more than me, it is right that he take it, then there are the controllers ever, are not doing their duty, but in reality we are looking be happy to justify our failures and our self-interest of a very narrow view. In other words, we are feeding our ignorance, we are all equal, each born in different circumstances and conditions, more or less fortunate, but we all have the same soul, the same mind pure and clear.
precisely those who are less fortunate need help, and good examples to grow and become virtuous, and just with our good quality, we can be of help to others, unconditionally loving and non-judgmental, and at the same time, without forget the importance of educating and politely but firmly to resume those who were born and raised in environments and disadvantaged families. In this sense, we seek to become more impartial, equally polite and willing to love all, as taught by Jesus and Buddha. Otherwise why Jesus would protect the prostitute who blamed all, why would pardon the two thieves on Calvary? How easy is to recite the Our Father ".. and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors," and in this case is not even one of our debtor criminal, why do not suffer direct damage, and even in this If we can bring in practice the word of Jesus How easy is it to reflect and meditate on the action of harmful speech, the malice, dell'augurare harm to others, identified as harmful and bearer of suffering by the Buddha, and then as in practice it may be difficult to maintain ethical conduct!
today in this planet need to be good Christians, good Buddhists, in short, good men, to be more tolerant, and good listeners, because it is soon to become racist and intolerant trusting of what we are told in a culture and spiritual traditions of others, we must reflect and consider others, to know them and then respect them more naturally.
Let us consider only our situation, let's see how much more peace, tolerance and love, are present in us when we reflect on what motivates a person to make a gesture, hoping to change for the better, serving the sentence, but in peace, it is in fact inflicting punishment and torture that would learn the lesson, indeed worsen even more, just ask the advice of a psychologist.
We're talking about people to help find the ethical conduct and common sense, certainly not easy, because everyone tends to keep their behavior, not surprisingly it comes to "character" of people, but surely there should be a support office within the prison of these subjects. I am the first to say that for serious crimes for which originally given a life sentence punishment should never be lowered, but should be given love and humanity in these subjects, who are men like us, but in fact even those who wish them harm, to desire to see "avenge" the victims, he commits a crime just as inhumane.
we often also take from attachment, uncontrollable desire to shop, to follow our vices, to proceed always the negative side of situations, without being able to give up, without realizing that it is temporary and impermanent happiness linked to worldly goods.
This does not necessarily mean the world outside and make an ascetic life of renunciation, but to see everything with greater detachment, and be able to spend some 'of the their time to others, devote their gestures and their development (or improvement) to the personal happiness of others.
In each context we tend to increase our stress and that of others, we tend to take sides in a political party, in a religious tradition, in a company, but everything is a bit 'different from how it appears, can escape a particular fundamental, a situation that would change his mind about us, and we always misunderstand others. Furthermore, without realizing we are conditioned by culture and tradition of our land and our people, in these years are so difficult in terms of ecological, economic and social need contribute to a more humane world, tolerant, and then with much less stress.
Today should be good people, in practice, the theory is important, but without the application of moral precepts in daily life, any moral tradition becomes a bigot and dry, thanks to this really could be born another civilization.
You shine the joy that is in you, and spread it like a ball of golden rainbows of light, bless the universe, and wish the greatest good, and eternal in all living things, and you'll see that the whole world slowly reborn in peace! :-D
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