Monday, December 15, 2008

Metformin How Long Does It Take To Work

Cellulite: how to fight it with natural remedies

The therapeutic approach to fight cellulite has as its goal the reduction of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer, and the revival of the integrity of connective tissue. To reduce the subcutaneous fat has been proven to the cola in the form of ointments, thanks to its caffeine component, taking action by lipolysis to catecholamines contained, and is especially useful to follow a diet of complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and snacks made with whole grain flours and cereals rich as spelled kamut, oats, amaranth, quinoa, rye, reduce carbohydrates from refined flour resulting poor who are usually in grocery stores, and fats. To strengthen the structure of the connective tissue is rather useful oral supplementation of Centella asiatica, capable of reducing sclerosis.

With regard to topical preparations, or for local use, ointments of escin, a compound isolated dell'ippocastano, gave good results with anti-edema and anti-inflammatory properties, also has a property venotonicha, useful for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, managing to reduce the permeability of the capillaries, and the number of small pores on their walls. To increase effectiveness in this sense we can make oral supplementation with horse chestnut tincture.

Centella extract to 70% when taken orally, has proven to be very effective in treating not only of cells but also of distal venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Topical preparations are recommended based escin and cola, are to be applied with circular movements from the periphery to the center (towards the heart), the presence of vegetable oils such as almond oil, give elasticity and shine of the skin due to its high content of vitamin E that distinguishes them, and essential oils of clove, lemon and cypress are used to give back to the skin itself. The

argirescina, a compound isolated seeds of horse chestnut, has similar anti-inflammatory and anti-edema of escin, and more is a good venotonico, increasing the contractile force of the elastic fibers of the vein wall, this is very important because the collapse of walls of the veins is characteristic of varicose veins, this is also very important in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. The form of recruitment is as dell'argirescina extract oral or cream form of a complex argirescina / cholesterol for local treatment.

Extract holly (Ruscus aculeatus) is useful both internally and externally for the treatment of varicose veins, a problem often related to cellulite, and hemorrhoids, thanks to anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive action. The flavonoids in hawthorn berries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries and holly in (Fagopyrum esculentum), and to prevent varicose veins are able to:-Reduce

capillary fragility
-Increase the integrity of the walls venous
-Inhibiting the breakdown of compounds which are substance-baseline
Increasing the muscle tone of the veins

Bromelain help break down the fibrin that tends to deposit in tissues causing varicose veins near the skin so-called "orange peel". Also chili, garlic, onion and ginger enhance the destruction of fibrin, and are good remedies to supplement the diet. Important to take lots of fiber in the diet as Psyllium, pectin, flax seed and guar gum, which makes the stool soft and easy bowel peristalsis and defecation then, so the work on dimuendone and abdominal pressure created at this stage , which can lead to long, making more difficult the flow of venous blood from the legs back, with problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Even a diet high in refined foods, or non-integral, contributing increased risk of varicose veins.


This plant is used for different applications:

-Detoxifying the liver from toxins, is the best natural supplement together with the detoxifying turmeric
-Water Retention

-Hepatitis-Jaundice, Hepatomegaly

-diuretic action replacing potassium (avoids its loss characteristic of diuretic medications), urinary disinfectant

-Action-prevents and cures the formation of gallstones through the action cholagogue (stimulates the production of bile and its flow) and choleretic (induces contractions gallbladder), thanks also to the content of choline, lipotropic a good way (helps the metabolism of fat in the liver), unlocking the annoying situation of so called "sluggish liver" characteristic of situations such as:

-Excess estrogen or birth control pills
Presence of gallstones
-Alcohol Endotoxin-

-liver disorders such as Gilbert's Syndrome
-steroidal anabolic substances and drug-
various nutritional deficiency
inhibitor of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice
-cancer-employed in China for the treatment of breast cancer


Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni


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