Read here, a wonderful event to try!
(the program may vary) Monday, February 23, 2009
18.00 reenactment of the arrival in Madonna di Campiglio Dolomiti Square on a horse-drawn carriage of the Prince Francesco and Princess Sissi with other characters in costume. The small caravan of four cars will be welcomed by a group of trumpeters of the period and the public rejoicing, gadget which will be distributed with the colors of the Austro-Hungarian flag and bearing the royal coat of arms (which may be flags).
After this brief presentation will be offered refreshments to the historical characters and all those present.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 (Mardi Gras)
14.00 minstrels and storytellers will entertain children and teach them games that were practiced in the IXX century
At 21.00 reenactment of the fireworks display held in honor of Prince Francesco and Princess Sissi torchlight runway at Belvedere.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 (the Ashes)
14.00 The Sissi with Piazza in Palu '
18.30 Concerto in Piazza Dolomiti di Brenta
Thursday, February 26, 2009 18:00 pm
fancy dress ball on skates on the frozen lake interpreted by a Figure Skating School of Madonna di Campiglio .
theater at 21.00 pm Palawroom. In this way everyone can experience the magic atmosphere of a magnificent dance Habsburg.
Friday, February 27, 2009 21:00
"Habsburg Grand Gala" Hofer salon in costume at the Hotel Des Alpes. All participants will wear costumes hired by the Committee and attend a fabulous evening of dance to be held on the famous waltz rhythms so beloved by the Princess Sissi and played for the occasion by a string quartet.
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