the attention of the Mayor of the City of San Giovanni in Fiore
p / c
commissioner of public works p / c City's planning department
Subject : Old Town redevelopment area "Timpone"
Gunesh the cultural association, in the person of President Alfredo Federico, he plans to reassess the historical center of which concerned. This reassessment should take place in the first instance with the construction of permanent works of art, in order to create an outdoor museum, freely accessible to visitors.
The first of these works is a sculpture monolith establishing a cut on four sides. The cut in question belongs to the famous twentieth century artist Lucio Fontana, founder of space, movement started around 1950.

As the name of the movement he founded (space). Fontana in his work focuses attention on space, however, understood not as empty, but as raw material, means for its development.
In this case, there is limited to working with color and different materials, like other artists informal: this is literally the size hole or the subject, introducing the work, as a constituent element of it, next to the color and the different materials, the space behind.
the Spacers have the priority to color or paint the surface, but create it on the building that show through the eyes of that, even in the purely pictorial, there is the three-dimensionality. Their intent is to shape the new energy that vibrated in the postwar world, where the awareness of the existence of hidden forces of nature as particles, rays, electrons with uncontrollable force pressing on the "old" surface of the canvas. These forces will find the final rein in the revolutionary act of Fontana, which puncturing and cutting the surface of the painting, made the final step of separation from the "old" art to the new art space.
Cutting the material surface, it is relieves tension, allowing viewers to see the space beyond it, creating a kind of sense of infinity.
"... Pass the infinite there, the light passes, there is no need to paint ..." (L. Fontana)
The monolith in question, designed by the artist Paolo Venturini, in collaboration with geom. Luigi Ambrosio will be built by construction firm Matal, sponsored by the cultural Gunesh. The monolith is made of copper, a material that fits well with the context of the historical center will be located where the granite base will be silane, in the center will place a dim light that lit the night will release the energies evoked Fountain in the enunciation of its new artistic movement: spatial.
The environment where the work will be placed will be painted with an ivory white.
The work will be placed on a Avellino.
are attached on a purely indicative picture of how the area is now in question, how will the monolith and the painting of the walls surrounding.
costs for its development are the responsibility of the cultural Gunesh, will the kind only the connection to the municipal administration of public lighting current to power the dim light that will be placed in the center of the work.
The association also is doing his best to find other works of art in wrought iron and, to be placed in other areas of the district, in view of what this administration asks the City gracious concession of any works of art abandoned.
San Giovanni in Fiore Federico Alfredo 02.11.2009
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