Friday, November 19, 2010

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The nun, the stone and the new medicine

This time I want to talk to an existing connection in many cultures, even though this is not quite so obvious.

The sister in question is a saint, a mystic, who had several visions of God from a young age, St. Hildegard . In her visions, the Almighty himself pointed to the holy writing of natural remedies that he set out to help improve the health and healing of many diseases, and then communicate them to others.

Like it or not believe, and that even I myself was amazed, including remedies, as well as many herbs and herbal teas, there is the use of stones such as carnelian, to boil in wine issues such as nosebleeds, or sore spots on jasper from press to treat gout and tendonitis.

Looking in the medicine of mysticism can be understood as his vision was not very different from what we stand for the ancient Greek physicians, considering that man is characterized by the passing of four bodily fluids, called humors, theory, moreover, not unlike even the Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

Medicine of Hildegard of Bingen saw man as inseparable unity of body and soul, and regarded fasting as a healthy practice to practice to purify the mood on the physical plane, and to atone for sins and in a sense, the attachment to daily habits, and the desire on the spiritual plane.

Often talking to Christian friends of these remedies feel disbelief, and considering that the stones are also used in oriental medicine we can understand how such different cultures, have much in common, although, as we are concerned, these remedies generally are located in an area new age, rather than a Catholic, and for this to most people, the majority of people, linked to rationality, but escapes the grandeur of the works of St. Hildegard.
often is, many even people who are legitimately related to a religious beliefs and philosophical, they end up stranded in the concepts. You could do an experiment, try to tell your friends if Catholics believe that a stone can cure a disease, then if no answer, as most do, tell them that it is a remedy of St. Hildegard, and see the reaction ... . then you see that?

Got the secret?

dell'autocondizionamento This is an example to which we are often self-induced, precisely because without disturbing philosophies and beliefs different from ours, we have already within our response, for example, from a Catholic point of view the stones were created by God, so if he talks to a mystical commanding written notice to the other people that they are useful for certain diseases, it will do a good reason, even considering the visions of mysticism have been officially recognized by the church although we may discuss about the bureaucratic recognition of this.

Certainly the Ayurvedic medicine is closely related to skiing, the Hindu religion, for which everything is constantly changing, and even the stones have in a sense, a conscience, but is not necessary to frame a remedy, considering the philosophy applied in place of traditionally used, the very fact that the same remedy is used for medicinal purposes, in so many different peoples, and then men, however, having given to improving health outcomes should make us reflect on what we allow ourselves to be influenced by our own preconceptions.

today against natural remedies, there is a growing interest, but these remedies, however, labeled 'a bit special ", often many people believe that if they were effective, this is exclusively derived from 'placebo effect. Probably beyond that of course everyone has the freedom to believe what they want, we can not relegate all of a placebo effect, however, no I think, you never take the trouble to do a double-blind study to assess the effectiveness of a stone, comparing it with placebo, the fact remains that being "available" to a healing, that allow a remedy to act, is essential, otherwise, if closed, paradoxically not believe you end up affecting negatively the implementation of a remedy with the opposite effect, the nocebo effect. Of course we must not end up being gullible ciarlartani and also because people are always in bad faith around like sharks ready to take advantage.

From this little comparison between ancient medicine is now more evident that ever, the comparison of what may be useful to others, and between different cultures and distant peoples is very useful for a new global development based on cooperation and brotherhood, and not on competition and enterprise un'esacerberata.

No one apart from others, no one can disregard the health of others, and the planet, all combine to create what happens in the world, why we need to roll up their sleeves and work together for a better world, even in world of natural medicine, at least we should all, as civilians, or at least worthy of the name, to study medicine or philosophy or religion, before he could speak, as if we were the best or the only correct, useful or effective. We have entered a decade in the third millennium, so we should all strive to ensure that these thousands of years of knowledge and experience have not been in vain, unity is strength, the union of parts is not a net sum, but summary shows that quality can not be estimated by observing the different parties, not by chance that the scientific progress while cataloging all under a quantitative aspect, is expected to grow exponentially, then we could say that each of us is responsible for a potential exponential growth in quality of human progress, civil , and so spiritual, it is only up to us to adopt a proper motivation relate to others, and in making sure that human relations with all other men to be calm and loving, the only way we can live in complete harmony with others and therefore enjoy full health, physical, mental and spiritual, this is the new medicine.


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