Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lead Singer Disturbed Piercing Art

Meditation, a natural remedy for depression, headaches, stress and dysthymia

Meditation is a bit 'a natural medicine for at least the Eastern culture, while in the West necessarily associate this practice with philosophies or traditions such spiritual Buddhism and Hinduism. Perhaps it would be fairer to situate it in a broader context with a goal of psychological well-being, which is abstracted from the belief or spiritual belief. Indeed, there is also yoga, but this technique can not be obtained the same results, because in addition to the classic cross-legged meditation posture, which can also be replaced by to sit with your back straight in a chair, it is important guidance of a teacher or a recorded voice, which shows us the steps to focus our attention on the breath and the display to be made upon us in order to really break away from discursive thought staying with ourselves, with our most intimate and natural, in order to obtain a continuous physical and psychological benefit. In yoga the traditional sense, it generally does not practice what he says and views the teacher is more an indication of the movements or breathing to do rather than an urge to self-esteem and awareness of what we are conditioned by the daily permissible while education received childhood. Following a voice that repeats phrases instead aimed at observing the world, not shut ourselves up in ourselves and be open to observe all that happens, we can actually wake up and be involved in a continuous series of moments of mental clarity, without thinking of the past as a continuous flow of negativity and discomfort. In this way the voice heard is to act on the limbic brain allowing you to transform into the habit of optimism and confidence in ourselves and then in the life and the environment in which we find ourselves, diverting attention from the past and flaws. It 's a bit a game that aims to shed light to clear the shadows, denying the fact that negativity does not send the brain the negation of a concept that is conceived as not denied, that concept is the basis of GNP ( neurolinguistic programming). For example if there was reiterated that the perceived flaws that were not real to ourselves, our brain thinks first and then the defects would be deployed to deny them, as if we were told to think an elephant without a hat, we would immediately think of an elephant from his hat, and then we will endeavor to take off the top of the image without success. In fact, meditation has strong psychological foundation of logic and this is also its value and success.

There are now numerous scientific studies that demonstrate the usefulness of meditation to improve or even solve problems such as headaches, back pain and chronic stress, in fact induced by meditation on the production of the hormone DHEA, a precursor of many other hormones produced by our endocrine system, it impedes the production of cortisol, a major stress hormones. Also induced the increased production of endorphins, inducing a sense of humor in the meditator.

These mechanisms are the basis of Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) that studies the links between brain system, endocrine and immune systems. Meditation is also a good remedy for depression and mood swings, which are increasingly common in these times of global crises and constant changes of life partner.

With meditation in time you can disconnect yourself from the habitual tendencies to think about the negative aspects of situations in which we are involved, and at the same time disconnect the so-called yellow brain linked to emotions and animal instincts that have been imprinted in our genetic code that brain would lead us to a dual-choice fight / flee. Meditation also allows you to become more patient, because meditating regularly, simply because to sit and stand still, it takes an inner strength and resistance to external influences, thus becoming not only stronger but also much stronger as a reference for others.

Greg Braden, an American engineer who has observed a number of studies on meditation, Buddhist believes that the supervision developed with guided meditation teachings of liberation (dharma) of Buddhism, is an excellent remedy to solve many psychological problems are not resolved by the psychology just because some problems still remain for a long time in patients, and while trying to remove them, in the brain such memories remain unconscious. Basically, the rational brain is like a computer that runs at a speed 1000 times lower than unconscious, and the latter as the meetings of the psychologist to be effective, will continue to prevail over the rational, while in fact acting on the detachment of emotions, acting on this in a totally spontaneous through meditation, we come to perceive any problem before us, as something that flows and will learn to evaluate it for what it is, without distorting the meaning or giving it a label printed by our preconceptions. Even in the Christian figures like St. Francis and other mystical practice of meditation, but these practices are currently not accessible, at least for the laity .....

also at the level of brain waves, which are normally in the beta stage of wakefulness, it was shown that during meditation will lead to progressively lower frequencies through the alpha waves in a phase of relaxation, to those theta (which are also produced during sleep and allow the release of endorphins) to go to those delta, about the status of mystical experiences, and inducing the production of DHEA. Of course the descent of the brain waves up to these levels is not immediate and it takes time to get used to relax and focus on meditation, but the studies we have seen that three consecutive days of meditation are able to halve the amount of cortisol produced, an increase of 50% to double that of DHEA and melatonin.

I think it is desirable to have a greater spread of this practice benefits, of course, since science has largely upheld the validity of psychological well-being by giving value to the cultural tradition of Eastern philosophy. Referring to a qualified teacher you can have assurances about his preparation and the descendants of the lineage of the masters who preceded him, thus having the security of having a method handed down from master to disciple, genuine and preserved for centuries.


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