Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eat Raw White Potatoes


basic steps to get to the Manifesto of Verona

"The Socialization is nothing but the realization Italian, Roman, us, execution of socialism, as I say our work is the only subject of the economy but rejects the leveling everyone and everything, leveling does not exist in human nature and not in history "(Mussolini - October 14, 1944)
theorist and historian of Catholic doctrine, Don Ennio Innocenti, who has spent many years studying and teaching, he wrote that the problem faced by Mussolini in the last decade of his life "was to let the corporatism in enterprises to raise the worker from a partner company involved in the management and ownership, and then to the economic results of production." He adds: "... During the RSI was issued a decree providing for the nationalization of enterprises. 'This was essentially the message that Mussolini has entrusted the future. It' s a message in perfect harmony with Catholic social doctrine, which is and will always be fundamentally hostile to both capitalism and social-capitalism. In this last message of Mussolini's exaltation of work we repent something prophetic. "
The idea of \u200b\u200ba "social benefits" arose in Mussolini in 1914, when he left the Socialist Party, "body" unrealistic and talkative and developed in the immediate post-war period.
In 1919, Mussolini speaking, the workers of "Dalmine" who had occupied the factories and raised the tricolor flags instead of the red and continued to work under the guidance of technicians, among other things, declared that "the work had to be conquered, victory of free men. You are no longer employed but shares in it, co-responsible production. "
This war has been written and said that the idea of \u200b\u200bMussolini Socialization "was only a belated ploy to deceive the toiling masses." And 'one of many lies from the thousands and thousands, a corrupt and inept regime terrified of facing a serious confrontation with the government that preceded it.
All activity of the Mussolini government was a constant succession of decrees and laws of clear social goals leader not only in Italy but even in the world.
Those laws, of which Italian workers still enjoy its privileges, are those required by Mussolini in his twenty years of government. Any comparison with the work done by the governments of the postwar period, would be stark.
I will mention only some of those laws or decrees, those, that I find it more representative, recalling that the first of fascism in the specific field of legislation was the most absolute emptiness:

All this shows why the governments that followed after the war, to prevent a democratic confrontation, were forced to create a curtain of lies and enact those laws undemocratic and damaging to freedom of thought, such as "Read Scelba", "Royal Law" and "Mancino Law" '
on this topic return in the near future and fall readily recalling the statement concerning Mussolini's "go to the people", then transformed in more social "be with the people."

The essential principles of corporate order are expressed and sorted in the Charter of work "that was born April 21, 1927.
" The Charter of Labour "the worker carrying out of the darkness of the Middle Ages to enter it in a social context of rights, the relationships between capital and labor were for the first time in the world, provided and coded.
In an editorial that appeared a few years ago on "The Newspaper of Italy, among other things it says:" The birth of the corporate state represented the attempt to overcome the limitations of the so-called liberal state and the nightmare of the Soviet state. The Second World War broke the experiment into a crucial phase that was already due to the isolation caused by international sanctions and dall'autarchia>. The Corporate Law
tends to put man at the center of the Company by postulating the principles of which I quote a few considered the most characteristic and using the studio of Dr. Sebastian Barolini:

1. 1) downsizing the excessive power of the owners through worker participation in management;
2. 2) employee participation in the profits of the enterprise;
3. 3) participation of workers in decision-making to avoid sudden layoffs or closures of companies without their informed in good time employees, who are interested in finding other solutions that do not lose their jobs;
4. 4) intervention by the State through its officials placed on the boards of directors when companies take a greater interest in national defense workers
5. 5) property rights in social function, that is to fight real estate and merger law for every citizen, as an employee, the ownership of his house;
6. 6) right to private initiative in the spring of all progress against the flattening of social communities and the concentrations capitalist;
7. 7) building a social justice that take the more income to the rich and distribute it among the poorer classes through social security, free care for mothers and children, sea and mountain settlements for poor children, the 'care for the elderly, the working men's club for the workers, the popular trains, and so on;
8. 8) elimination of social conflicts through the creation of a separate Labour Court in accordance with the principle that if a citizen can not take the law if the same should apply to social conflicts and avoiding strikes and lockouts that cause so much harm to the parties and society at national
9. 9) abolition of trade unions class now reduced to belts of the parties that control them and creating economic unions and a consequent change in a House of Parliament composed of members elected by each category of confederations of employers and employees;
10. 10) The implementation, particularly in the South, the land reclamation that deprives the landowners of the vacant lands, making them productive and distributes them free to poor farmers property.
These statements, which date from the early 30s, are merely the logical development of those formulated in 1919 and which we find expressed even more succinctly in the "Manifesto of Verona." (1) As a logical sequence of this
process which, as we have seen, he left in 1914 and came to land on "Read on Socialization" in the Italian Social Republic.
Since the meeting of the Council of Ministers of 27 September 1943 (then a few days after his release), Mussolini declared inter alia that "the Republic would have a social content pronunciatissimo" September 29 and even more explicitly: "(the Italian Social Republic had) a clearly establishing a socialist nationalization of large companies and self-government of the workers. "
socialization was a tool for a broader transformation of the state as it was in fascist thought: socialize the economy to socialize the state.
This thought can be more clear by reading an excerpt from the report that accompanied the decree Tarchi, Minister of Economy: "(...) civilization tends to a new cycle, and that new cycle in which man will summarize the role of protagonist of his own history and its destiny as a function of his personality estrinsecantesi in concrete social activity, that is at work. In this respect the programmatic statement that acknowledges the work as the subject of the economy (...)".
Here then take shape as the doctrine of the company was glimpsed from Saint Simon, Owen, Mazzini, Bolshevism but scorned in conceptions well focus from the "social benefits" of Mussolini and recorded in the "Manifesto of Verona" and formalized the policy statement of 13 January 1944 and legislative decree of 11 February following.
The Singapore stock market, which was very vital in the Social Republic, Jan. 13, the announcement of the measures on Socialization, determined the day after the fall of the general index from 854 to 727 points. After a lull, February 13 when the decrees were issued to socialize, the general index fell 567 points, but then, to start shooting from March to rise up to touch, 6 June 1944 the remarkable level of 1745 points (2).
Surely the country that bore more than four years of devastating war and several months of struggle, hardly could rapidly implement such an ambitious project to transform the state. Project, however, that, like Mussolini in Milan said "whatever happens, it is intended to sprout." Rightly, the lawyer Manlius Sargent recently noted: "Unfortunately this project never came true. The Italians have forgotten what was the most original, the most innovative proposal of their recent history. They have forgotten the very ones who are considered followers of the idea of \u200b\u200bFascism and Social Republic. "

1) These revolutionary principles that would put into question the "rights acquired "forced many" powerful of the earth ", to join forces to thwart the process by imposing sanctions Mussolini first, then forcing us to war, thus" inventing "the" July 25 "on 8 September and then the massacres of the postwar order that those ideas did not remain a trace. paradox is that this diabolical project of the large funds that made use of its class that was affected: the class of the poor. And the deception continues!
2) Only for historical knowledge June 6, at the news of the Anglo-American landing in France, there was the collapse of 30% closing, however, the year the stock Aug. 2, 1944, to the proper level of 1219 points.

Before closing the work and conclude, it is important to mention items that are the basis of our fight politicosociale, articles, fifty years after their promulgation of course, there can be adjusted where necessary, but whose spirit must remain intact.

1. Article 9) base of the Italian Social Republic and its primary subject is the work, manual, technical, intellectual, in all its manifestations.
2. Article 10) Private property, the fruit of labor and individual savings, integration of human personality, is guaranteed by the state. However, it should not become physical and moral disintegration of personality to other people, through the exploitation of their work.
3. Article 12) In every firm (industrial, private, parastatal, state), representatives of workers and engineers work together closely - through direct knowledge of managing the equitable distribution of profits between the fund and the reserve, the result of capital equity and profit sharing by the workers themselves (...). The articles mentioned are certainly worthy of mention, but lack of space lead me to mention only the essential ones that characterize the basic spirit of the "Manifesto of Verona," and always to the tyranny of space are forced to withdraw due to a comment Articles also mentioned.
The implementation of the "Law on the Socialization" found enormous difficulties caused both by industry, for obvious reasons, the Germans fearful that the passive resistance on the part of industrial production could damage the war, by the Communists, who now plagiarized the workers, fearing that the Socialization them dismount on the left.
This stalemate persisted until Concept Pettinato, that Mussolini had himself called "our most important journalistic mind", created a sensational case. One of his article, published in La Stampa "(of which he was director) of 21 June 1944, entitled: "If you're knock once," gave a boost to the Head of CSR and forced him to enforce those laws on Socialization As we have seen, had already approved in the legislation, but remained ineffective.
Mussolini broke with the delay and issued the Decree of June '44 and the entry into force of the Decree of the previous February.
Because of the dramatic crisis sweeping the country, Mussolini considered it appropriate to implement the Socialization for degrees starting from publishing companies.
The situation was falling, but in socialized enterprises there is a significant increase in production. In December 1944, Nicola Bombacci planned a series of meetings and conferences between the socialized enterprises and among these, he visited the Mondadori drawing surprise and emotion. Following this, he sent a letter to Mussolini in which, among other things, he wrote: "I talked to workers who are part of the Management Board, which I found full of enthusiasm and including this mission because of gains after the first few months is about 3 million."
The war is coming to an end and, as Amick wrote in "The 600 days of Mussolini:" Mussolini wanted the Allies and the monarchists would find the socialized northern Italy, initiated the drive for social goals, he wanted the workers to decide , against the new occupiers and anti-fascists, the social gains achieved with CSR. Precisely for this purpose
March 22, 1945 the Council of Ministers decided that it should proceed by April 21 to Socialization of enterprises with 100 employees and one million in capital.
To repay the huge contribution played by the big industrialists, the communists who controlled the full CLNAI, as the first official act, or even April 25, 1945, even as they continued to shoot and as he started the "black holocaust", I repeat, as first official act was the abolition of the "Law on Socialization."
had begun the great insult to the detriment of workers.

LINE N. 5-6. Giugno-July 1995


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