Annex B
Art. 1) E 'consists of the cultural association called "Gunesh, hereafter simply called the Association.
one The association is headquartered in San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), route 34 Calvary and may establish branches, subsidiaries, agencies and representative offices elsewhere. It is of indefinite duration, but can be dissolved in the manner provided by art. 21 of these Regulations.
Art. 2) The Association is not for profit. Its purpose to encourage all initiatives that directly or indirectly, can contribute to the cultural, social, civil and economic di San Giovanni in Fiore and the district. At the heart of the Association put the study, research, debate, editorial initiatives, the promotion of technological research in the field of telecommunications, in particular with regard to wireless technologies (WIFI), the promotion of ' information technology and automation, training and updating in different cultural fields such as environment, social problems, training activities, sports and leisure. To achieve its objectives, the Association will carry out all the movable and immovable property of any kind, including those concerning the attribution of ownership of concessions to operate the radio sound system at the local level, which are necessary or simply useful objectives. The association also proposes a structure for collaboration and service associations, groups and centers that pursue goals that coincide, even partially, with the purpose of it and to institutions and public and private. Within the general intent expressed in an illustrative and not exhaustive, the Association will undertake the following activities:
Cultural activities: round tables, conferences, lectures, conferences, debates, exhibitions, seminars, screenings of films and documentaries, cultural, establishment of libraries and film collections,
recover and promote some crafts such as, mender of chairs, artisan baker, blacksmith, shoemaker, mason, embroidery and all the crafts that are part of local traditions.
Recreational activities: production and distribution of theatrical performances, music, cinema and audiovisual entertainment for the elderly, children, young people
Related activities: meetings and events on the occasion of anniversaries, holidays and more;
Training: Driving, order and carry out studies and research in the field of study, work and employment, both directly or in cooperation with similar agencies and institutions and to promote training and education of music.
Sports: promoting sporting activities and the creation of sports teams in the most congenial to the Association;
Activities Editorial: Publication of newspapers and magazines, and acts of conferences, seminars, studies and research, production of audiovisual and computer
eco-environmental initiatives and promote activities aimed at the preservation of fauna and flora, establishment of services to promote social integration and environment among different cultures, and the dissemination and education in respect for nature in all its forms. Events for the protection and enhancement of the environment, creation of services to support the territorial balance between the different cultural areas;
Promote new technologies such as Internet and computer use, technology related to automation.
The Association may make any other activity that is directly or indirectly related to social goals.
Art. 3) can join the Association to all individuals and legal entities, which share the objectives and guiding principles of the institution and comply with the provisions of this Statute. To join the Association must have at least made the fourteenth year of age. Responsible for deciding on applications for admission of new members is the Board of Directors that evaluated the reasons, make a final decision any admissions. New members must pay at the time of admission to the membership fee and, from this moment, will receive a card signed by the Chairman or by persons delegated to it that, with the sequence number to the number of the register of members; this card attest to the membership of the Association.
Art. 4) The members agree to participate in programs and services prepared by the Assembly and the Council Directors in the manner agreed upon and with the continuity required to achieve the aims set.
Art. 5) Membership shall be lost by death, withdrawal and default (non-payment of dues expired). They can also be excluded by the association members whose conduct is contrary to the provisions in the Charter and the purposes of the association. The exclusion is decided, after hearing the person concerned, by the Board with a reasoned decision.
Art. 6) bodies are:
The General Meeting;
The Board of Directors;
The officers are free of charge except for reimbursement of living expenses encountered by members of corporate bodies in carrying out their assignments, with the approval of the President or the Board of Directors.
Art. 7) The General Assembly represents the whole members and its resolutions are binding on all members, even if dissenting. It must be called at least once a year. The meeting is called by the President of the Executive Council whenever the Council deems appropriate or when requested by at least two thirds of the members. In the general each member has one vote and the same members can not be represented by proxy.
Art. 8) The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board or Vice President, and if they are unable purpose by another member elected by the Assembly.
The Assembly resolution on first call with an absolute majority of the members, while on second call majority vote of members present. To amend the articles of association, it is necessary that the General Assembly, in first and second call is made and resolved by the affirmative vote of two thirds of all members. A secretary elected from among the members present, shall prepare the minutes of the deliberations of the Assembly and the reports are to be signed by the President and Secretary.
Art. 9) The General Assembly: - acting on the guidelines and directives General Association;
approve the annual budget, the budget and balance-sheets and the rules of procedure;
determine the fees;
elects the Board of Directors;
resolution any amendments to the Statutes;
the dissolution of the resolution and the modalities of its payment;
elect any other organ of the association;
act on everything else delegated to it by law.
Art. 10) The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of four members, who remain in office until revoked and two counselors. The Board of Directors will be elected by the members. The directors shall elect among themselves a Chairman, a Vice President and Secretary. In case of resignation or death of a counselor, the Chairman of the Board will provide a replacement, asking, then, validates the first general meeting.
Art. 11) The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems necessary or that it is requested by at least two of its members and at least once a year to deliberate on the final order and the budget.
Art. 12) The quorum necessary for the effective presence and the favorable vote of a majority of Council members.
Art. 13) The Board is vested with powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the association and is invested with power to decide on action be taken and on criteria for the attainment and implementation of the objectives of the Association. The Board of Directors:
acting on applications for admission of prospective members and on the exclusion of members;
implementing the resolutions of the Assembly;
prepares the annual work program;
prepares the budget and final accounts;
establish the rules of procedure;
decide approves contracts and agreements with public and private deliberation costs, activities and social services, running the annual program and all purchases shall act as regards the assets, revenues and ordinary and extraordinary delivery;
down the guidelines for ' implementation of the tasks of statues, establish the terms and responsibility for implementing and monitoring the performance thereof;
assign and revoke powers of attorney.
Art. 14) The President presides over the assembly, ensure the implementation of the resolutions Assembly and the Governing Council. It, in his absence the Vice President, is legally binding on third parties and in court and before any judicial and administrative authorities, has the power to appoint lawyers and attorneys active and passive. The signature of the President, the joint signature of the Secretary or whoever takes his place, according to the present Statute, shall be valid as a signature of the Association, however, the legal responsibility of these members is compared to that of any other member, meaning that each answer for their actions.
TITLE V: Outlying
Art. 15) At the request of a significant number of members, if it proves necessary, will be formed a home device. Each home device, in accordance with the Statutes, defines its own regulation will become effective upon approval of the Governing Council. Each location device will be controlled by a member of the Governing Council, which will be named Head of Office, in the absence of a member of the Governing Council, the task will be entrusted to another member of the Board. This manager will report to the Governing Council on the activities of a branch. Every incorporated association, be ascribed to this Statute and shall be subject to review by the Governing Council has the power to recall or dissolve the order.
Art. 16) The Common Fund of the Association shall consist of:
by annual members and their contributions;
from charges for various services to members or third parties;
the goods become the property Association;
by voluntary contributions, donations or bequests made to a group;
from possible contributions from public and private
from operating income;
any other type of revenue that contributes to increasing the mutual fund.
Art. 17) For the duration of the individual association members can not apply for a division of the mutual fund, or claim the amount in the event of withdrawal
Art. 18) The association is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, any surplus funds and however denominated funds and reserves during the life of the same amenities that the distribution is not required by law .
Art. 19) The annual budget from January to December 31, is prepared and drafted by the Governing Council and approved by the members by 30 April each year.
Art. 20) The budget should include all revenue and expenses in one year and must be filed within 15 days before the convocation of the headquarters of the association so that members can inspect it.
Art. 21) The dissolution of the association is approved by the General Meeting which provides for the possible appointment of one or more liquidators. The remaining assets after the exhaustion of the settlement will be donated other associations working in the same or similar field.
Art. 22) All matters not expressly provided in this Statute, the provisions of the Code of Civil Laws and regulations.
read, approved and signed
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