Corporatism is the first official step of Fascist Syndicalism, built by the turmoil of revolutionary syndicalism, which aims to unite all workers in the sign of a struggle and inter-national anti-capitalism and communism.

Rossoni takes just a bitter struggle to master class, unwilling to accept the growing importance workers, which earned him unexpected successes: responsible for organizing whole industries move from socialism to fascism, as duly described by R. De Felice, Mussolini, the Fascist.
The objective of the Secretary is not to "defeat" Confindustria and Confagricoltura, but to achieve an "integral syndicalism ', involving them equally to its organization into a single summary. This is precisely the focus of the Idea Corporate: Exceeding the class struggle for the realization of a "third way" between liberal state and the communist state.
"Who says work says productive bourgeoisie and working class towns and camps. Not Privileges the first, not privileges to last, but protection of all interests are harmonized with those of production and the Nation "Mussolini said in his first speech in the House, one month after the March on Rome.
Since the early years of government, in fact, the system launches social laws of paramount importance, while the red and black design sees the signing of two cooperation agreements between unions and Confindustria (Covenant of Palazzo Chigi, Palazzo Vidoni 1923, Pact, 1925 ) as a starting point.
With the Law 563 of 3 April 1926 indigo is conventionally the start of the factual corporatism, with recognition of the syndicates as the sole representative of the workers to conclude collective agreements work. They are given legal force: the producers, under the impulse and control of the Fascist Revolution, enter the "citadel of the state" and become the protagonists of the economic life of the country.
The following year, leaving the Charter of Labour (will also be the basis of 18 points in Verona ...) states that further progress:
- the establishment of the Labour Court to settle disputes between unions and employers in ' national interest (which has "the purpose, life, means of action than those of individuals divided '). With this institution strikes are considered unnecessary and prohibited.
- the right to annual leave
- Establishment of offices State placement
- setting the amount of indemnity
addition to the strengthening of all the immense achievements in terms of assistance and security made in previous years. These successes
require continued efforts of the "social fighters" fascists, opposed by the Crown, by banks, industry, the Masons, as well as consistent conservative in the same scheme (translated: the forces of reaction).
In 1924 there were even numerous strikes called by the syndicates (for example, in Valdarno, in the Lunigiana, Orbetello), starring Renato Ricci, Domenico Bagnasco, Luigi Race and Bramante Cook, as a further confirmation of the essence Exercise: "Fascism than socialism, but collects the good fruits of socialist according to his own law, and that work continues" is the definition of acute E. Corradini in the columns of the "people of Italy."
The revolutionary process continues gradually enriched by contributions from famous (like "communism hierarchical 'theorized by Ugo Spirito), and sees as fundamental steps:

"What are the goals? An organization that gradually shortened the distances between the inflexibility and maximum and minimum possibility of life (...) regulated economy, harmonized view of collective utility "(Benito Mussolini at the first General Assembly of the Corporations).
- 1939: Creation of the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, which replaces the Chamber of Deputies. Composed of members of the National Fascist Party and members of the Board of Corporations, discusses all the bills and general interest.
"They must shorten, and shortened, the distances between the different categories of producers who recognize the hierarchies of the highest duty and responsibility of the hardest "points out, those who had not yet clear, the Head of Fascism.
Just this year he predicts the crisis in the Western economic system (and not in the system), creating two masterpieces such as the IMI rage (back in vogue in recent times of crisis ...) and promulgating the Banking Act ( 1936): the state stands to protect the people.

There are, of course, the errors and contradictions, but the road seems to have taken the right one. A final decision probably will never give, as to interrupt the dream comes the war ... and the battle of "Blood against gold" does not go as planned. ACU
the crisis all the forces of reaction, which had so enthusiastically supported the scheme, changes to the front fence through the Anglo-American. Fascism reborn with the Italian Social Republic, and it is no coincidence that 'when all the enemies you did recognize, instantly and eagerly returned to their original essence and lymph socialist revolutionary social and Eve began to flow freely (as it admirably described by LL Rimbotti Fascism left).
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