Premenstrual syndrome: natural supplements
PMS affects women prominently, from one to two weeks before the onset of the menstrual cycle, below shows the main symptoms, causes and possible dietary supplements.
main causes of PMS:
Excess estrogen-progesterone-Fault
-High levels of prolactin (possibly related to low levels of zinc)
-Hypothyroidism-Stress, lack of endogenous opioids (endorphins and dynorphin) and adrenal dysfunction
nutritional abnormalities
-Alterazioni/eccesso macronutrient
-Lack of micronutrients
Signs and symptoms of PMS:
-Decreased energy
-Depression-Irritability Headache-
-Impaired libido
breast-Pain-Back Pain-
-abdominal swelling Swelling of the fingers and ankles
physiological effects induced by the increased ratio estrogen / progesterone:
-Hepatic impairment ----> ----> Deterioration of cholestasis SPM to difficulties in flow of bile ----> worsening liver function (vicious circle)
-Reduction of the production of serotonin in mood disorders ---->
-Decrease of the Increase vitamin B6 ----> nervousness, breast tenderness, and weight change of mood takes place because vitamin B6 permit the entry of magnesium into cells and it affects the factors described above.
-Increased secretion of aldosterone ---->
Water retention-Increased secretion of prolactin ----> more likely to breast pain and fibrocystic disease
Exams Recommended:
-Complete blood:
low white blood cells (Stress)
Framework chemistry, the values \u200b\u200bof SGOT and SGPT liver damage if you exclude normal, but abnormal hepatic detoxification explain that high estrogen levels, detectable by a special test called the profile of liver detoxification, and may be useful to detect the adrenal stress index and a search for food allergy, these tests are useful if the CBC and the general haematochemical framework have not been reflected in abnormalities.
Thyroid: [Normal range]
T3: 80 to 220 ng / dl TSH
: 0.35 to 5.50 mIU / ml
T3 Uptake of thyroxine (T4): 4.8 to 13 , 2 mIU / dl
index of free T4: 0.9 - 2 ng / dl
These values \u200b\u200bserve to exclude hypothyroidism, which manifests itself with menstrual dysfunction, such as prolonged menstrual flow associated with shortness of the cycle.
Ferritin represents the body's iron stores (along all'emosiderina), therefore a decrease in ferritin prepares to anemia, is recommended as a blood test because it is a feature of iron deficiency in women with PMS. Are considered normal values \u200b\u200bin the range: 5 to 177 ng/100ml.
Low levels of progesterone and high estrogen levels are linked to anxiety, irritability and emotional instability (SPM by anxiety).
low levels of estrogen lead to the destruction of neurotransmitters (eg serotonin), and then the SPM depression.
Low levels of estrogen produced by the ovary may be due to an increased secretion of adrenal androgens and / or progesterone-induced stress. Weight gain with swelling and abdominal discomfort, breast tenderness and swelling of face, hands and ankles may be due to excess aldosterone, which increases water retention, and this may be due to stress, excess estrogen, a failure magnesium or an excessive intake of salt (SPM by overhydration), to that end it is useful to the licorice, it should be avoided by those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure, because it tends to raise it, and who is suffering from renal failure .
In cases where the levels aldosterone are normal, excessive intake of licorice-like effects could lead to aldosterone-induced water retention on the glycyrrhizic contained in licorice, but it is sufficient to take potassium to prevent them. The richest natural source of potassium is the active dry yeast, but also, in descending order, dried apricots, lentils, dried figs, broken peas, almonds, raisins, and banana. Licorice in addition to blocking aldosterone is also useful to increase the levels of progesterone inhibits the enzyme responsible for its degradation.
High prolactin levels are induced by endogenous and exogenous estrogen (birth control pills contraception), but are also linked to hypothyroidism. Useful for lowering and supplementation with vitamin B6 and zinc plant and the chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus), useful to push down in case of failure of the corpus luteum (3 weeks after the onset of menstruation lower blood levels of progesterone 10-12 ng / ml are related to the high probability of failure), poster with menstrual irregularities such as excessive blood loss, menstruation absent, persistent, and more often and with decreased thyroid function.
The liver uses a variety of B vitamins to metabolize and excrete estrogens in the bile, and an excess of them justifies a possible deficiency of vitamin B6 and recommended its inclusion, along with herbal supplements to help your liver function, otherwise there is a cholestasis (stasis or poor flow of bile in the liver) by inserting a vicious circle which the liver disposes of more difficulties so that estrogens appear to have increasing values, and further aggravate the SPM.
Lipotropic compounds that exist that promote liver function and therefore the flow of bile, as well as fat metabolism as choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B6 and natural cholagogues like turmeric and dandelion, which also acts as a choleretic, that induces contractions of the gallbladder favoring flow of bile to the intestine.
Care must be taken to take dandelion if there is no doubt of gallstones, because its choleretic action could result in a push that could give problems of colonic obstruction and, if gallstones were not able to flow into the common bile duct.
In descending order of the richest natural sources of choline are egg yolks, organ meats (liver), yeast, wheat germ and fish. Low zinc levels lead to the release of prolactin, thus taking zinc can reduce blood levels of prolactin. The richest natural sources of zinc are oysters, herring, mushrooms, yeast, wheat bran, Full oats and wheat germ.
Folic acid is related to the metabolism of vitamin B6 and the richest natural sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, root, offal, eggs, cereals and yeast complete (ie whole, unrefined).
Magnesium helps to reduce nervousness, breast tenderness, weight gain and mood changes, better effects on symptoms of PMS can be obtained by supplementing with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which allows their transport into cells . (Dose: 6mg per kg bodyweight). The richest natural sources of magnesium are in descending order cocoa, soy, almond, peanut, bean white, walnut and hazelnut, while the richest natural sources of vitamin B6 are present, always descending in brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts and Grenoble.
The acid GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) is reduced in women with PMS may be incorporated in the form of borage oil, and with this also regulates the production of prostaglandins, compounds related to many processes such as inflammation, production typically altered in the SPM. Essential in the metabolism of essential fatty acids is the presence in adequate amounts of vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc, can be therefore useful to integrate them.
supplementation with vitamin It has worked well to reduce breast tenderness, nervous tension, headache, fatigue, depression and insomnia. The richest natural source of vitamin E is wheat germ oil, but they also contain high amounts of sunflower seed oil, cold pressed vegetable oils, fruits and egg oil. We must also remember the
SPM carbohydrate that occurs with increased appetite, particularly in respect of sugar, headache, fatigue, palpitations and fainting, and is detectable by a blood glucose curve flattened in the early part of the curve, 5-10 days before of menstruation, detectable by the assay of glucose tolerance.
Gastrointestinal Flora
Integrating probiotics in your diet such as Bifidobacterium bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus without milk, is important both because of stress due to which women have been subjected SPM occurs with a lowering of the immune system and thus the health of the intestine, both reduce the activity of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which decouples the carcinogens coupled to glucuronic acid by the liver and secreted into the bile to detoxify the body, in particular, this integration is very important for those suffering from Gilbert's syndrome which manifests itself with high blood levels of bilirubin, due to the low activity of the enzyme glucuronidase which makes it critical for the glucuronidation detoxification, improved by intake of monoterpene limonene in the oil content of fennel seeds, cumin and lemon zest. This integration of probiotics is important because women with PMS who have received estrogen have an increased risk of breast cancer estrogen-dependent, since they represent a greater load for the body to detoxify, and decrease the activity of probiotics 'enzyme that, in addition to restore the bacterial flora allowing it to donate to the intestinal walls a better filter for toxins, improve immunity, prevent bacterial growth and associated irregular lowering of defenses and a depletion of the intestinal flora such as Candida albicans. (Dose 1 to 10 billion live cells per day).
E 'recommended reducing the intake of fats, limiting red meat, preferring white meat and fish, because with this device you can dramatically reduce estrogen levels in the blood, remove the caffeine in coffee and some carbonated drinks, because worsens PMS symptoms such as anxiety, depression, breast tenderness and fibrocystic disease affects, reduce the salt that puts a strain on the kidneys and increases blood pressure and water retention, reduce the ' exposure to exogenous estrogen and a diet exclusively or predominantly vegetarian.
addition to deficiencies of iron and zinc, many women with PMS also have deficiencies of manganese. Iron can be supplemented in the diet through soybeans, cocoa, beef liver, offal, red wine, white beans and lentils, although it is not recommended because it promotes intestinal fermentation potentially exacerbating the weakness of the intestine and then the immune system, worsening the filtering action of its walls by bacteria and toxins, it is useful instead to take vitamin C, which increases absorption. The richest natural sources of vitamin C are, in descending order, parsley, dandelion, green leafy vegetables, peppers, citrus fruits.
The richest natural sources of manganese are, in descending order, tea, cloves, ginger, rice bran and spinach.
soy-based foods are good as a regularization of estrogen because it can be useful to both in case of failure (in some cases of SPM) and the lack of them (eg menopause).
Eliminate sugar, especially chocolate, which interferes with estrogen metabolism, and pay special attention to its combination with caffeine as the worst effects of SPM and mood.
Cimicifuga racemosa
Integration with this plant is useful in case of uterine fibroids and is very effective in reducing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, tension and mood swings. Dosage: Standardized extract (4 mg of 27-desossiacteina) 1 tablet (2 for women in menopause) 2 times / day.
Special dietary practices
Although recommended for their high vitamin content and / or minerals, foods such as cocoa, offal and yeast are not recommendable because it was seen that some chocolate worsens PMS symptoms as described above The yeast causes fermentation intestinal worse functioning intestine and thus weakening the immune system, and offal Since filtering organs like the liver have a high probability the majority of residues of toxins, solvents and pollutants, which remain in these tissues, and this can only worsen the SI who assumes that food. Like red meat, more fat than white, are not recommendable as well as a justification of worsening symptoms of PMS and weight, including the fact that fat tissue more easily retain the pollutants, and most likely this is related to a 'increased incidence of cancer in populations that make frequent use.
sporting activities
Regular sporting activity helps to improve mood through the resulting increased release of endorphins in the brain, which are reduced when you have high values \u200b\u200bof estrogen and is useful in the treatment of PMS also because it lowers levels of cortisol. Environmental pollution of compounds such as DDT, DDE, PCB, PCP, chlordane and dieldrin is particularly harmful for women with PMS since they mimic the action of estrogen, and are probably related to the increased incidence of breast cancer.
Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red
Association Médicale Kousmine International Editions - "The Kousmine method "- Editions Techniques New
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