Here I report a program from a friend consigliatomi naturopath, I could not bear the name of the products and manufacturers, but following the ingredients listed and explained in detail as well as comprenderme beneficial effects on the body and useful the loss of weight you can get the same effect if you can find in herbal medicine, organic supermarkets now widespread in many health food stores in the city or of our own supplements equivalent, with the same ingredients, the herbalist or specialist advise them that we certainly know better than us the characteristics of the various existing supplements containing the ingredients that I reported here.
What I wanted to emphasize is the synergy of cooperation that the individual ingredients lead to slimming and toning of our tissues and organs, the experience of a naturopath and the empiricism of the cases observed and better view of my friend, led to confirmation of the validity of the method, the bibliography is a further seal of the studies and the experience of other scholars and doctors.
Choose practice this method is a personal choice, consult a physician and / or dietitian responsible for confirming that supplements and methods given here are appropriate to your body and not in conflict with their own health problems.
First, you need to follow a cleansing diet to eliminate toxins from the body, what follows is a diet program with three modules: diet, food supplements and therapy of movement, planned by the American naturopaths and Barrie Bennett. Besides the classic advice to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, are given the nutrients and foods with particular roles and particular attention is given to the protein, if you choose to avoid meat, to be replaced by products based on rice flour, rich in protein, vegetables and seaweed, rich in amino acids, the basic building blocks of proteins, and in fact it is as if they were digested proteins. Within the diet is a program of treatment bowel, liver and kidney, which must precede the actual diet, because it is good to cleanse their bodies of food residues and toxins wrong, so it increases the effectiveness of weight-loss diet and bodies healed. Before using supplements such as algae, vitamins, and eat with rice, raw vegetables before main meals, and grains as recommended, it should then do the treatment program.
a Diet
Before following a good diet is purifying their bodies. Must first be purified to detoxify the bowel, which inevitably raises to dispose of toxins by the liver first. Then so it must be taken on a liver cleansing is recommended while taking probiotics to help restore a healthy bacterial flora and the intestinal walls. Finally you need a cleaning of kidneys, which do have a filter for the blood and excrete waste resulting from water-soluble liver detoxification, to cleanse themselves from the workload that had the first two stages.
Retention water
This problem may be due to poor drainage of the tissues, to the aftermath of a steroid treatment, and stress. To eliminate these problems must be taken on a special diet, taking little sugar and yeast (a little beer, pasta, bread, pizza except for kefir), instead of using whole grain flours and sugar and eliminating dairy products. Obviously this issue to look bad tissue and contributes to the difficulty of disposing of toxins. In particular, rye, and then all the bread and rye-based products help to dispose of liquid accumulated in the tissues, as well as having a beneficial blood glucose lowering effect that prevents the prediabetic condition. Also excellent Evening primrose oil el'alga Hijiki (seafood spaghetti) to help combat fluid retention, this seaweed is also rich in vitamin C, and therefore also suitable to recover from periods of cool, seaweed is also a general are also good antioxidants and are able to detoxify the body from heavy metals tying.
Program purification
This detoxification program naturopath recommended it to me. I researched the properties of the components of these formulations on the purification of natural medicine manual written by two members of Bastyr University in Seattle, dedicated to scientific studies on substances Natural and Herbal Medicine on a text by Jean Valnet, medical officer of the French army during the war in Vietnam, considered one of the fathers of naturopathy.
This program is a first step towards the beginning of a diet, to help clean up the bodies of toxins and waste food wrong, or otherwise tainted by industrial products.
Purifying intestinal
To start a supplement is taken as bowel cleansing, which contains
oxide and peroxide of magnesium useful for:
gluten-encrusted stuck to the intestinal walls after years of gluten-containing foods in fact, to carbohydrate refined (pasta, bread, flour, cakes), is also useful to oxygenate tissues
essential oil of tarragon (or tarragon) that is used:
-hiccup against
also has properties:
-stomach-digestive ( aids digestion)
-carminative (promotes the contractility of the digestive system and therefore the expulsion of intestinal gas)
oe chamomile useful
to help digestion
oe is savory :
-antiseptic, thus useful against microorganisms and fungal diseases such as candidiasis-
useful for bronchitis and asthma
-profit for insomnia
-psycho-physical activity stimulates both brain cortico-adrenal
Chamomile and savory are also used as sedatives for a nervous stomach cramps.
Purifying liver
then is taken as a useful supplement:
-like liver-cleansing against ritezione
-water to combat cellulite
-estimate of kidney stones and gall-
for the expulsion in urine waste of physiological processes (urea, uric acid, chloride) is therefore useful for those who suffer from gout
should be taken after the bowel cleansing because this action raised some toxins are eliminated, but some inevitably fall into the circulation and must be filtered by the liver, which therefore requires a purification. In addition to this action, it is helpful to take probiotics for intestinal flora, even the good part is damaged in the cleaning intestinal and needs help with reintegration of acidophilus bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus), you should say that yogurt does not contain this type of bacteria (some vendors will carry the label type and you can check for yourself).
This supplement contains:
grass used for:
-inflammation of the urinary and digestive
being diuretic-being cholagogue cholelithiasis (stimulates contraction of the gall bladder), kidney stones
also has properties:
rosemary that is:
- antiseptic, antispasmodic
-diuretic, digestive tonic
chicory useful to
-cystitis (bladder inflammation)
-arthritis-like mild laxative
viola tricolor useful for: herpes-
- urticaria
-oliguria (lack of urine)-
nervous spasms
mullein (rate Barbasso) indicated for:
-hemorrhoids-bronchitis (being bechico or soothing cough)
thymus indicated for:
nature of nervous-stomach cramps, general weakness
prune juice:
-used mainly as a laxative
concentrated grape:
contains many vitamins and minerals
horseradish juice useful for:
digestive atony, digestions difficult
-lymphatic (hyperplasia of the constitutional elements of the lymphatic system, in particular lymph nodes and adenoids), it has utility General cleaning of the lymphatic system that carries waste cell
elderberry juice is also helpful to fight:
-water retention
-rheumatic gout-
-nephritis (kidney inflammation)
essential states of inflammation (ie inflammation)
aloe vera which is a:
-tonic (stimulates circulation and digestion)
-budget anti-smoking for active / passive and combustion (barbecue, fire, and on environmental pollution) [benzopyrene]
-stimulator of the immune system by increasing the phagocytosis of macrophages
-estimate of gastric ulcers by contact with irritants
-oxidant against free radicals
burdock helpful for:
viper bites
-diabetes-gout (excess uric acid in 'body, not the urine) and as
microbicide: antibiotic against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus)
ash that is:
-cleansing purgative
useful against:
-dropsy [payment of serum into a natural body cavities (abdomen, meninges)]
meadowsweet, return to fight:
-water retention, cellulite
-kidney stones (precursor of kidney stones)
-articular rheumatism also
-stimulates the secretion of bile (choleretic )
-diuretic eliminator urea, uric acid and chlorides
birch as indicated:
guar gum and pectin: they are soluble fiber, helpful in:
-poisoning Heavy metal-
increased intestinal permeability, which occurs with a diet rich in dairy products and by-intestinal dysbiosis (altered bacterial flora at the expense of the regular one that lives in the intestines), which may result to poor nutrition and diarrhea
Obviously, horseradish juice, guar gum and pectin are used as a vehicle for mixing and transporting the extracts of herbs and of the plants mentioned.
As the third and final purification is taken a kidney cleansing is also useful for increasing cellular metabolism through the seaweed kelp, and to obtain weight loss.
This must include:
Taraxacum (Dandelion) which has properties:
-preventive of kidney stones and bile-stimulating
kidneys and immune system, stimulating the path of supplement or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxins due to the high content of inulin, which is also useful to decrease the permeability of the intestinal wall, making it more difficult to re-absorption of toxins from the body.
-Also useful for cellulite
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)
it has an action: pre-
of gastric cancer in the esophagus and liver, small intestine, pancreas, colon, lung, breast and of cancers arising from the use of estrogen (birth control pills, patches menopause, anabolic steroids), and the use of sausages and industrial products and water containing nitrates
-antioxidant to protect cell membranes from attack by free radicals, thus useful as anti-aging
-heart-protective antiendotossinemia (intestinal toxins that tend to be partially reabsorbed by the body)
Sea Oak (Fucus vesiculosus)
This alga has important properties:
prevents the absorption of strontium-related nuclear emission-
protects against cadmium, one of the most dangerous heavy metals
-accelerates cellular metabolism due to its high content of iodine, thus facilitating fat intake and thus weight loss, achieved with this algae, as well as with spirulina, thanks to the mucilage and the alginate content, which on one hand increase the sense of fullness in the stomach swelled, and the other decreases the intestinal absorption of fat and sugar.
addition the algae are given in weight-loss diets because they contain fiber also increases satiety, and accelerate intestinal transit while minimizing the possible re-absorption of toxins in the intestine, and the risk of bowel cancer due to contact of substances harmful with its walls, and several amino acids, trace elements and minerals.
Orthosiphon or Java Tea (Orthosiphon stamineus)
this is indicated for:
-cellulite-hepatic-renal lithiasis
-cystitis (calm the pain associated with inflammation of the bladder)
-high cholesterol-
Fennel has an action:
-digestive-carminative (even against bloating)
with asthma-hayfever-
antilitiasica urine (urinary calculi)
useful against:
nervous dyspepsia (digestive problems such as heartburn, reflux gastro-oesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting), urinary infection
reduced-oliguria or anuria (urine or a few absent)
-worms (roundworm, hookworm, botriocefali, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms) for these worms are also useful garlic, carrot, cabbage, onion, potato, leek, parsley, rhubarb, thyme, strawberry, almond, walnut, peach, plum
Dietary advice
During the depuration phase and subsequently during the period for which you want to take the diet, it is a good habit to eat raw vegetables such as carrot, artichoke and fennel 10 minutes before meals, so it increases the sense of satiety and clean up the bodies of toxins, including the intestine through the fibers contained. If you do not want avoid meat you should eat for dinner, while the best carbohydrates to consume whole (unrefined) for lunch, dinner, just before sports. Recommended smoothies, and fruit juices and vegetables, and of course their entire intake, and cereal grains such as oats and millet, to be cooked like rice.
Foods to Avoid (if possible)
-meat, fish, poultry and eggs
-dairy-fat and oils (excluding virgin olive oil / virgin [2 tablespoons per day or raw linseed])
chocolate-nuts and oil seeds, butter and margarine
-legumes (except soybeans, mung beans, miso and Phaseolus aureus)
-food derived from corn, oats, wheat and sugar-
-alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea
A liquid diet for 2 days is safe and cleanses the blood, with liquid diet and short fasts are also recommended in cases of:
· pesticide poisoning
· RA
· Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Drink at least 2 liters of water per day while dieting to prevent DISIDATRAZIONE not to leave the dirty blood of waste
Avoid coffee, which often serves as a diuretic in those who took stress from the hustle and ignore the signals of thirst that sends the body, often the symptoms of thirst is mistaken for hunger.
Other dietary advice
Beverages Allowed:
· lemonade at a dose of half a lemon in a quart of softened water with half a cup of grape juice
· green teas
· Te
· centrifuged fruit and vegetables excluding the grapefruit which inhibits the functions of the liver detoxification
not allowed:
alcohol-including beer and wine
-salt vegetable
naturally fermented soy sauce or tamari
culinary spice miso-
to Avoid:
types of ready-
spicy additives
-rice-rice-Basmati rice
Thai (jasmine)
wild-products from rice flour and sweet rice, quinoa, amaranth and millet flours in general not
· sugar molasses honey
· artificial sweeteners
· wheat, corn and derived products and in general products containing gluten
vegetables recommended
can be steamed, sauteed, baked, or whisked centrifuged
leaf vegetables: lettuce, endive, arugula, spinach, thistle
Root and tuber vegetables: carrots , beets, potatoes, celery, radishes, turnips
Mustard cabbage, broccoli, turnips, horseradish, radish, watercress and brussels sprouts, mustard leaves
Climbing: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins
Bulbs: shallots, garlic, onions, leeks
Other vegetables: asparagus, celery, artichokes, eggplant, green beans, peppers, seaweed, cabbage fermented without the addition vinegar or preservatives
The centrifuged fruit and vegetables provide vitamins, enzymes and minerals without burdening the body. You may suffer
Meteora initially because of vegetables caused by bacterial fermentation initially but quickly eliminated, it can be used to solve ginger powder, cardamom and cinnamon, and avoid salads, onions and cabbage, in the case did not go through those remedies
These varieties of fruits and vegetables can cause hives, difficulty breathing, headaches and stomach pains in avoiding those that give malaise
-red and green peppers
-cucumber-cherry-raspberry and strawberry
-fresh figs, melons, oranges
The food is good medicine:
Protein rice
You can use rice milk shake, blending rice flour with water or fruit juice to reduce the cramps of hunger detox treatment involving a few foods introduced.
Artichokes and foods containing inulin: This substance is a powerful stimulant to the kidneys and immune system by stimulating the complement pathways or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxin, the substance also has high concentration nell'echinacea, sunflower seeds, bell nell'enula and burdock. For this is a recommended daily portion of artichokes.
course, all dietary advice for the disposal of food is not totally easy to follow, nonetheless serve as a reference.
2 Nutritional Supplements
For each of these categories targeted to a specific purpose to help the detox, just take a supplement.
Carriers bile
The toxins are best eliminated by the liver is stimulated if the excretion of bile. And 'Just use one of the following:
Lecithin-Bile salts-ox-
So for example, will be sufficient to take turmeric.
binders of bile
After a meal, a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to contract, allowing the flow of bile into the duodenum, but some toxic compounds such as toxins carried in the duodenum can bind to bacteria, some of these produce a enzyme called beta-glucuronidase catalyzes these toxins that facilitate the absorption.
serves to bind the bile, so that no toxins catalysts, the effect of that enzyme action of some intestinal microorganisms. The cure is not possible even when the toxins are carried by the blood, plasma or gastric juice once the bile is linked to the charcoal. It 'also used as an antidote in case of poisoning and acts as a sponge for ammonia, viruses, bacteria and their waste, even used for the treatment of cholera and dysentery. It 's the best binder of toxins and that derived from wood is the only recommended in the book. Dosage: 2 capsules with each meal or 2 teaspoons powder.
If the food stays too long in the intestines can occur processes of necrosis (tissue death) and poisoning intestine. Adequate doses of soluble fiber can be obtained from futta fresh, vegetables and rice milk shakes, and can reduce the formation of endotoxin absorption promoting their elimination.
Increased intestinal permeability
The healthy intestine allows for a certain passage of nutrients but when the permeability increases above physiological values \u200b\u200bhere that the function of filtering bacteria and toxins that should be eliminated from the intestine penetrate in the blood.
substances effective in healing damage to the intestinal walls:
· glutamine
· Vitamin E
· pantothenic acid (contained in the probiotic "Probiophilus)
· zinc
· soluble fiber inulin
To achieve this aim the reorganization of the intestinal walls is sufficient to assume the alga spirulina, can be taken as a soluble fiber guar gum, milkshakes rice seed, psyllium and pectin (found in the cookie jar).
Vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients
These elements are essential as processing aids in the detoxification process. The nutrients listed here are contained in high doses in spirulina, carrots, and various vitamins (vitamin B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid and folic acid) in formulazioe Probiophilus of probiotics.
Spirulina (Spirulina maxima)
has a high content of Vitamin C, E, B group, carotene and carotenoids, selenium, methionine, manganese, copper, zinc, and superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme very useful to combat free radicals. It therefore has a key role to support the fight against free radicals released by the process of purification and toxins, and strengthen the defenses and facilitates the transit of bile. With methionine participates in the division of estrogen, which makes it particularly important in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that can be caused by an abnormal production of estrogen, which guarantees a supply of amino acids specific for the breakdown of toxins. With vitamins C and E protects tissues from free radicals generated during the detoxification, very dangerous for the cell membranes, which attacks can also lead to cell degeneration. It also serves to decrease the intestinal permeability, to give greater sense of satiety, and decrease the absorption of sugars and fats is recommended for slimming diets.
Bioflavonoids are antioxidants capable of protecting the tissues. Vitamin C increases the antioxidant capacity of bioflavonoids that the combined use of both substances is recommended. This combination is in the wording of Vitamin C 2000 all'acerola Bioflavonoids are recommended catechin, silymarin and curcumin. Green tea has been shown to contain the EGCC, a catechin that has 200 times the antioxidant vitamin E in protecting cell membranes, protects against intestinal bacterial toxins and Collagen as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma, a disease that causes thickening el 'hardening of the skin, then protects against liver disease and cardiovascular diseases. Dosage: 3 cups of green tea daily.
silymarin in Milk Thistle is located in large quantities. No drug synthesis proves as effective as liver protection, increase production by 35% Glutathione even in healthy patients by facilitating the detoxification of hepatic phase 2 and preventing the depletion of glutathione, very important because it also acts as an antioxidant against free radicals generated by the first phase of detoxification, which would tend to damage the liver.
Directions for use:
-diabetic-neuropathy in diabetic patients
Liver fat-Nausea in pregnancy
alcoholism, liver dysfunction (cholestasis that you stay of bile in the liver, the blood can not be filtered properly 99% in one step as occurs in healthy patients because the liver fails to eliminate toxins, and sometimes also requires 10 steps)
acute viral hepatitis-liver cirrhosis-
-Protection of the immune system and liver
Dosage: 200 mg 3 times daily.
Recommended Vitamin A Retinol, or acid retinol, for immune disorders and infections rather than vitamin A itself. Dosage: 10000-30000 IU / Per doses above 10,000 IU is required prescription.
riboflavin (vitamin B2)
Promotes cellular energy production and glutathione. Gives the urine a yellow Dosage: 10-20 mg / day.
niacin (vitamin B3)
Used in the treatment of colesteromia, diabetes, schizophrenia and cerebrovascular insufficiency. Involved in the detoxification process but also in the production of neurotransmitters and energy metabolism of cells. Dosage: 10-100 mg / day.
offers a wide range of protection, it is important for the synthesis of coenzyme A glucuronic acid and used as purifying the body by drugs and toxins. Pantothenic acid also controls the antioxidant enzymes and is an important nutrient when the body increases its biochemical activity as a result of injury or exposure to toxins. Dosage: 500 mg / day.
cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folic Acid And pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Vitamin B12 acts as metildonatore and thus facilitates the process of detoxification of homocysteine. Although folic acid and vitamin B6 are performing this task following a high-protein diet. Vitamin B12 also helps in cases of sensitivity to sulfites in foods, which manifests itself with symptoms similar to asthma. In this case, we recommend vitamin B12 with molybdenum in doses of 100-600 mcg / day. High values \u200b\u200bof homocysteine \u200b\u200bare linked to a risk of cardiovascular disease, especially women have a higher risk. Dosage of Vitamin B12: 1000 mcg / day.
tablets of vitamin C all'acerola
There are tablets of vitamin C and bioflavonoids extracted from fruit of course, based on acerola, rose hips, green pepper, raspberry, black currant, the property described above one can understand how this supplement may have beneficial properties.
3 The treatment of movement
These therapies reduce tension, improve blood circulation and metabolic rate.
consists of alternating hot and cold water, should an empty stomach, early in the morning or at bedtime.
Take a hot shower for 5 minutes, letting the water run along the back, then take a cold shower for a period equal to 30 breaths and repeat the cycle three times, dry well and resting in bed for half an hour, otherwise the blood to flow back slowly, especially in the abdomen, is stimulated the sympathetic system that runs along the spine, should be performed 2 times daily, or at least 1 time.
dry clutch
made on the skin with a natural fiber brush, make short strokes toward the heart but still decided to stimulate the elimination of toxins.
A good aerobic exercise is jumping rope, jumping 200 continuous to start without errors, otherwise start over, and increase up to 1000, excellent calves, hips and abdominal muscles. This is to improve coordination, aerobic and rhythmic.
Yoga and alternate nostril breathing
There are various yoga poses, the goal is relaxation. For the alternate nostril breathing lie down on the floor with a pillow under your buttocks or sit with your back straight, slowly exhale and then insipirare with the right nostril with the thumb holding the other occluded, when the lungs are filled close the left nostril with the 'ring and remove the thumb from the right. You can start with breathing and count to ten that exhale, then switch to eg higher than 5 times and 10 units (15/15, 20/20, 30/30) then you can still improve in exhaling twice as long on inspiration. Yoga is recommended in particular the Savasana position.
is obviously impossible to take all these actions of dietary supplements, food, and relaxing effect of exercise and breathing, but with better results considering the synergy of results of specific operations.
Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Editions
Association Médicale Kousmine International - "The method Kousmine" - Editions Techniques New
Jean Valnet - "Herbal Medicine - Healing with Plants" - Giunti Editore
Various Authors - "Detox in 7 Days" - Techniques new editions
Roberto Spinelli - "Turmeric" - Edizioni MIR
What I wanted to emphasize is the synergy of cooperation that the individual ingredients lead to slimming and toning of our tissues and organs, the experience of a naturopath and the empiricism of the cases observed and better view of my friend, led to confirmation of the validity of the method, the bibliography is a further seal of the studies and the experience of other scholars and doctors.
Choose practice this method is a personal choice, consult a physician and / or dietitian responsible for confirming that supplements and methods given here are appropriate to your body and not in conflict with their own health problems.
First, you need to follow a cleansing diet to eliminate toxins from the body, what follows is a diet program with three modules: diet, food supplements and therapy of movement, planned by the American naturopaths and Barrie Bennett. Besides the classic advice to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, are given the nutrients and foods with particular roles and particular attention is given to the protein, if you choose to avoid meat, to be replaced by products based on rice flour, rich in protein, vegetables and seaweed, rich in amino acids, the basic building blocks of proteins, and in fact it is as if they were digested proteins. Within the diet is a program of treatment bowel, liver and kidney, which must precede the actual diet, because it is good to cleanse their bodies of food residues and toxins wrong, so it increases the effectiveness of weight-loss diet and bodies healed. Before using supplements such as algae, vitamins, and eat with rice, raw vegetables before main meals, and grains as recommended, it should then do the treatment program.
a Diet
Before following a good diet is purifying their bodies. Must first be purified to detoxify the bowel, which inevitably raises to dispose of toxins by the liver first. Then so it must be taken on a liver cleansing is recommended while taking probiotics to help restore a healthy bacterial flora and the intestinal walls. Finally you need a cleaning of kidneys, which do have a filter for the blood and excrete waste resulting from water-soluble liver detoxification, to cleanse themselves from the workload that had the first two stages.
Retention water
This problem may be due to poor drainage of the tissues, to the aftermath of a steroid treatment, and stress. To eliminate these problems must be taken on a special diet, taking little sugar and yeast (a little beer, pasta, bread, pizza except for kefir), instead of using whole grain flours and sugar and eliminating dairy products. Obviously this issue to look bad tissue and contributes to the difficulty of disposing of toxins. In particular, rye, and then all the bread and rye-based products help to dispose of liquid accumulated in the tissues, as well as having a beneficial blood glucose lowering effect that prevents the prediabetic condition. Also excellent Evening primrose oil el'alga Hijiki (seafood spaghetti) to help combat fluid retention, this seaweed is also rich in vitamin C, and therefore also suitable to recover from periods of cool, seaweed is also a general are also good antioxidants and are able to detoxify the body from heavy metals tying.
Program purification
This detoxification program naturopath recommended it to me. I researched the properties of the components of these formulations on the purification of natural medicine manual written by two members of Bastyr University in Seattle, dedicated to scientific studies on substances Natural and Herbal Medicine on a text by Jean Valnet, medical officer of the French army during the war in Vietnam, considered one of the fathers of naturopathy.
This program is a first step towards the beginning of a diet, to help clean up the bodies of toxins and waste food wrong, or otherwise tainted by industrial products.
Purifying intestinal
To start a supplement is taken as bowel cleansing, which contains
oxide and peroxide of magnesium useful for:
gluten-encrusted stuck to the intestinal walls after years of gluten-containing foods in fact, to carbohydrate refined (pasta, bread, flour, cakes), is also useful to oxygenate tissues
essential oil of tarragon (or tarragon) that is used:
-hiccup against
also has properties:
-stomach-digestive ( aids digestion)
-carminative (promotes the contractility of the digestive system and therefore the expulsion of intestinal gas)
oe chamomile useful
to help digestion
oe is savory :
-antiseptic, thus useful against microorganisms and fungal diseases such as candidiasis-
useful for bronchitis and asthma
-profit for insomnia
-psycho-physical activity stimulates both brain cortico-adrenal
Chamomile and savory are also used as sedatives for a nervous stomach cramps.
Purifying liver
then is taken as a useful supplement:
-like liver-cleansing against ritezione
-water to combat cellulite
-estimate of kidney stones and gall-
for the expulsion in urine waste of physiological processes (urea, uric acid, chloride) is therefore useful for those who suffer from gout
should be taken after the bowel cleansing because this action raised some toxins are eliminated, but some inevitably fall into the circulation and must be filtered by the liver, which therefore requires a purification. In addition to this action, it is helpful to take probiotics for intestinal flora, even the good part is damaged in the cleaning intestinal and needs help with reintegration of acidophilus bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus), you should say that yogurt does not contain this type of bacteria (some vendors will carry the label type and you can check for yourself).
This supplement contains:
grass used for:
-inflammation of the urinary and digestive
being diuretic-being cholagogue cholelithiasis (stimulates contraction of the gall bladder), kidney stones
also has properties:
rosemary that is:
- antiseptic, antispasmodic
-diuretic, digestive tonic
chicory useful to
-cystitis (bladder inflammation)
-arthritis-like mild laxative
viola tricolor useful for: herpes-
- urticaria
-oliguria (lack of urine)-
nervous spasms
mullein (rate Barbasso) indicated for:
-hemorrhoids-bronchitis (being bechico or soothing cough)
thymus indicated for:
nature of nervous-stomach cramps, general weakness
prune juice:
-used mainly as a laxative
concentrated grape:
contains many vitamins and minerals
horseradish juice useful for:
digestive atony, digestions difficult
-lymphatic (hyperplasia of the constitutional elements of the lymphatic system, in particular lymph nodes and adenoids), it has utility General cleaning of the lymphatic system that carries waste cell
elderberry juice is also helpful to fight:
-water retention
-rheumatic gout-
-nephritis (kidney inflammation)
essential states of inflammation (ie inflammation)
aloe vera which is a:
-tonic (stimulates circulation and digestion)
-budget anti-smoking for active / passive and combustion (barbecue, fire, and on environmental pollution) [benzopyrene]
-stimulator of the immune system by increasing the phagocytosis of macrophages
-estimate of gastric ulcers by contact with irritants
-oxidant against free radicals
burdock helpful for:
viper bites
-diabetes-gout (excess uric acid in 'body, not the urine) and as
microbicide: antibiotic against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus)
ash that is:
-cleansing purgative
useful against:
-dropsy [payment of serum into a natural body cavities (abdomen, meninges)]
meadowsweet, return to fight:
-water retention, cellulite
-kidney stones (precursor of kidney stones)
-articular rheumatism also
-stimulates the secretion of bile (choleretic )
-diuretic eliminator urea, uric acid and chlorides
birch as indicated:
guar gum and pectin: they are soluble fiber, helpful in:
-poisoning Heavy metal-
increased intestinal permeability, which occurs with a diet rich in dairy products and by-intestinal dysbiosis (altered bacterial flora at the expense of the regular one that lives in the intestines), which may result to poor nutrition and diarrhea
Obviously, horseradish juice, guar gum and pectin are used as a vehicle for mixing and transporting the extracts of herbs and of the plants mentioned.
As the third and final purification is taken a kidney cleansing is also useful for increasing cellular metabolism through the seaweed kelp, and to obtain weight loss.
This must include:
Taraxacum (Dandelion) which has properties:
-preventive of kidney stones and bile-stimulating
kidneys and immune system, stimulating the path of supplement or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxins due to the high content of inulin, which is also useful to decrease the permeability of the intestinal wall, making it more difficult to re-absorption of toxins from the body.
-Also useful for cellulite
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)
it has an action: pre-
of gastric cancer in the esophagus and liver, small intestine, pancreas, colon, lung, breast and of cancers arising from the use of estrogen (birth control pills, patches menopause, anabolic steroids), and the use of sausages and industrial products and water containing nitrates
-antioxidant to protect cell membranes from attack by free radicals, thus useful as anti-aging
-heart-protective antiendotossinemia (intestinal toxins that tend to be partially reabsorbed by the body)
Sea Oak (Fucus vesiculosus)
This alga has important properties:
prevents the absorption of strontium-related nuclear emission-
protects against cadmium, one of the most dangerous heavy metals
-accelerates cellular metabolism due to its high content of iodine, thus facilitating fat intake and thus weight loss, achieved with this algae, as well as with spirulina, thanks to the mucilage and the alginate content, which on one hand increase the sense of fullness in the stomach swelled, and the other decreases the intestinal absorption of fat and sugar.
addition the algae are given in weight-loss diets because they contain fiber also increases satiety, and accelerate intestinal transit while minimizing the possible re-absorption of toxins in the intestine, and the risk of bowel cancer due to contact of substances harmful with its walls, and several amino acids, trace elements and minerals.
Orthosiphon or Java Tea (Orthosiphon stamineus)
this is indicated for:
-cellulite-hepatic-renal lithiasis
-cystitis (calm the pain associated with inflammation of the bladder)
-high cholesterol-
Fennel has an action:
-digestive-carminative (even against bloating)
with asthma-hayfever-
antilitiasica urine (urinary calculi)
useful against:
nervous dyspepsia (digestive problems such as heartburn, reflux gastro-oesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting), urinary infection
reduced-oliguria or anuria (urine or a few absent)
-worms (roundworm, hookworm, botriocefali, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms) for these worms are also useful garlic, carrot, cabbage, onion, potato, leek, parsley, rhubarb, thyme, strawberry, almond, walnut, peach, plum
Dietary advice
During the depuration phase and subsequently during the period for which you want to take the diet, it is a good habit to eat raw vegetables such as carrot, artichoke and fennel 10 minutes before meals, so it increases the sense of satiety and clean up the bodies of toxins, including the intestine through the fibers contained. If you do not want avoid meat you should eat for dinner, while the best carbohydrates to consume whole (unrefined) for lunch, dinner, just before sports. Recommended smoothies, and fruit juices and vegetables, and of course their entire intake, and cereal grains such as oats and millet, to be cooked like rice.
Foods to Avoid (if possible)
-meat, fish, poultry and eggs
-dairy-fat and oils (excluding virgin olive oil / virgin [2 tablespoons per day or raw linseed])
chocolate-nuts and oil seeds, butter and margarine
-legumes (except soybeans, mung beans, miso and Phaseolus aureus)
-food derived from corn, oats, wheat and sugar-
-alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea
A liquid diet for 2 days is safe and cleanses the blood, with liquid diet and short fasts are also recommended in cases of:
· pesticide poisoning
· RA
· Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Drink at least 2 liters of water per day while dieting to prevent DISIDATRAZIONE not to leave the dirty blood of waste
Avoid coffee, which often serves as a diuretic in those who took stress from the hustle and ignore the signals of thirst that sends the body, often the symptoms of thirst is mistaken for hunger.
Other dietary advice
Beverages Allowed:
· lemonade at a dose of half a lemon in a quart of softened water with half a cup of grape juice
· green teas
· Te
· centrifuged fruit and vegetables excluding the grapefruit which inhibits the functions of the liver detoxification
not allowed:
alcohol-including beer and wine
-salt vegetable
naturally fermented soy sauce or tamari
culinary spice miso-
to Avoid:
types of ready-
spicy additives
-rice-rice-Basmati rice
Thai (jasmine)
wild-products from rice flour and sweet rice, quinoa, amaranth and millet flours in general not
· sugar molasses honey
· artificial sweeteners
· wheat, corn and derived products and in general products containing gluten
vegetables recommended
can be steamed, sauteed, baked, or whisked centrifuged
leaf vegetables: lettuce, endive, arugula, spinach, thistle
Root and tuber vegetables: carrots , beets, potatoes, celery, radishes, turnips
Mustard cabbage, broccoli, turnips, horseradish, radish, watercress and brussels sprouts, mustard leaves
Climbing: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins
Bulbs: shallots, garlic, onions, leeks
Other vegetables: asparagus, celery, artichokes, eggplant, green beans, peppers, seaweed, cabbage fermented without the addition vinegar or preservatives
The centrifuged fruit and vegetables provide vitamins, enzymes and minerals without burdening the body. You may suffer
Meteora initially because of vegetables caused by bacterial fermentation initially but quickly eliminated, it can be used to solve ginger powder, cardamom and cinnamon, and avoid salads, onions and cabbage, in the case did not go through those remedies
These varieties of fruits and vegetables can cause hives, difficulty breathing, headaches and stomach pains in avoiding those that give malaise
-red and green peppers
-cucumber-cherry-raspberry and strawberry
-fresh figs, melons, oranges
The food is good medicine:
Protein rice
You can use rice milk shake, blending rice flour with water or fruit juice to reduce the cramps of hunger detox treatment involving a few foods introduced.
Artichokes and foods containing inulin: This substance is a powerful stimulant to the kidneys and immune system by stimulating the complement pathways or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxin, the substance also has high concentration nell'echinacea, sunflower seeds, bell nell'enula and burdock. For this is a recommended daily portion of artichokes.
course, all dietary advice for the disposal of food is not totally easy to follow, nonetheless serve as a reference.
2 Nutritional Supplements
For each of these categories targeted to a specific purpose to help the detox, just take a supplement.
Carriers bile
The toxins are best eliminated by the liver is stimulated if the excretion of bile. And 'Just use one of the following:
Lecithin-Bile salts-ox-
So for example, will be sufficient to take turmeric.
binders of bile
After a meal, a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to contract, allowing the flow of bile into the duodenum, but some toxic compounds such as toxins carried in the duodenum can bind to bacteria, some of these produce a enzyme called beta-glucuronidase catalyzes these toxins that facilitate the absorption.
serves to bind the bile, so that no toxins catalysts, the effect of that enzyme action of some intestinal microorganisms. The cure is not possible even when the toxins are carried by the blood, plasma or gastric juice once the bile is linked to the charcoal. It 'also used as an antidote in case of poisoning and acts as a sponge for ammonia, viruses, bacteria and their waste, even used for the treatment of cholera and dysentery. It 's the best binder of toxins and that derived from wood is the only recommended in the book. Dosage: 2 capsules with each meal or 2 teaspoons powder.
If the food stays too long in the intestines can occur processes of necrosis (tissue death) and poisoning intestine. Adequate doses of soluble fiber can be obtained from futta fresh, vegetables and rice milk shakes, and can reduce the formation of endotoxin absorption promoting their elimination.
Increased intestinal permeability
The healthy intestine allows for a certain passage of nutrients but when the permeability increases above physiological values \u200b\u200bhere that the function of filtering bacteria and toxins that should be eliminated from the intestine penetrate in the blood.
substances effective in healing damage to the intestinal walls:
· glutamine
· Vitamin E
· pantothenic acid (contained in the probiotic "Probiophilus)
· zinc
· soluble fiber inulin
To achieve this aim the reorganization of the intestinal walls is sufficient to assume the alga spirulina, can be taken as a soluble fiber guar gum, milkshakes rice seed, psyllium and pectin (found in the cookie jar).
Vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients
These elements are essential as processing aids in the detoxification process. The nutrients listed here are contained in high doses in spirulina, carrots, and various vitamins (vitamin B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid and folic acid) in formulazioe Probiophilus of probiotics.
Spirulina (Spirulina maxima)
has a high content of Vitamin C, E, B group, carotene and carotenoids, selenium, methionine, manganese, copper, zinc, and superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme very useful to combat free radicals. It therefore has a key role to support the fight against free radicals released by the process of purification and toxins, and strengthen the defenses and facilitates the transit of bile. With methionine participates in the division of estrogen, which makes it particularly important in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that can be caused by an abnormal production of estrogen, which guarantees a supply of amino acids specific for the breakdown of toxins. With vitamins C and E protects tissues from free radicals generated during the detoxification, very dangerous for the cell membranes, which attacks can also lead to cell degeneration. It also serves to decrease the intestinal permeability, to give greater sense of satiety, and decrease the absorption of sugars and fats is recommended for slimming diets.
Bioflavonoids are antioxidants capable of protecting the tissues. Vitamin C increases the antioxidant capacity of bioflavonoids that the combined use of both substances is recommended. This combination is in the wording of Vitamin C 2000 all'acerola Bioflavonoids are recommended catechin, silymarin and curcumin. Green tea has been shown to contain the EGCC, a catechin that has 200 times the antioxidant vitamin E in protecting cell membranes, protects against intestinal bacterial toxins and Collagen as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma, a disease that causes thickening el 'hardening of the skin, then protects against liver disease and cardiovascular diseases. Dosage: 3 cups of green tea daily.
silymarin in Milk Thistle is located in large quantities. No drug synthesis proves as effective as liver protection, increase production by 35% Glutathione even in healthy patients by facilitating the detoxification of hepatic phase 2 and preventing the depletion of glutathione, very important because it also acts as an antioxidant against free radicals generated by the first phase of detoxification, which would tend to damage the liver.
Directions for use:
-diabetic-neuropathy in diabetic patients
Liver fat-Nausea in pregnancy
alcoholism, liver dysfunction (cholestasis that you stay of bile in the liver, the blood can not be filtered properly 99% in one step as occurs in healthy patients because the liver fails to eliminate toxins, and sometimes also requires 10 steps)
acute viral hepatitis-liver cirrhosis-
-Protection of the immune system and liver
Dosage: 200 mg 3 times daily.
Recommended Vitamin A Retinol, or acid retinol, for immune disorders and infections rather than vitamin A itself. Dosage: 10000-30000 IU / Per doses above 10,000 IU is required prescription.
riboflavin (vitamin B2)
Promotes cellular energy production and glutathione. Gives the urine a yellow Dosage: 10-20 mg / day.
niacin (vitamin B3)
Used in the treatment of colesteromia, diabetes, schizophrenia and cerebrovascular insufficiency. Involved in the detoxification process but also in the production of neurotransmitters and energy metabolism of cells. Dosage: 10-100 mg / day.
offers a wide range of protection, it is important for the synthesis of coenzyme A glucuronic acid and used as purifying the body by drugs and toxins. Pantothenic acid also controls the antioxidant enzymes and is an important nutrient when the body increases its biochemical activity as a result of injury or exposure to toxins. Dosage: 500 mg / day.
cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folic Acid And pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Vitamin B12 acts as metildonatore and thus facilitates the process of detoxification of homocysteine. Although folic acid and vitamin B6 are performing this task following a high-protein diet. Vitamin B12 also helps in cases of sensitivity to sulfites in foods, which manifests itself with symptoms similar to asthma. In this case, we recommend vitamin B12 with molybdenum in doses of 100-600 mcg / day. High values \u200b\u200bof homocysteine \u200b\u200bare linked to a risk of cardiovascular disease, especially women have a higher risk. Dosage of Vitamin B12: 1000 mcg / day.
tablets of vitamin C all'acerola
There are tablets of vitamin C and bioflavonoids extracted from fruit of course, based on acerola, rose hips, green pepper, raspberry, black currant, the property described above one can understand how this supplement may have beneficial properties.
3 The treatment of movement
These therapies reduce tension, improve blood circulation and metabolic rate.
consists of alternating hot and cold water, should an empty stomach, early in the morning or at bedtime.
Take a hot shower for 5 minutes, letting the water run along the back, then take a cold shower for a period equal to 30 breaths and repeat the cycle three times, dry well and resting in bed for half an hour, otherwise the blood to flow back slowly, especially in the abdomen, is stimulated the sympathetic system that runs along the spine, should be performed 2 times daily, or at least 1 time.
dry clutch
made on the skin with a natural fiber brush, make short strokes toward the heart but still decided to stimulate the elimination of toxins.
A good aerobic exercise is jumping rope, jumping 200 continuous to start without errors, otherwise start over, and increase up to 1000, excellent calves, hips and abdominal muscles. This is to improve coordination, aerobic and rhythmic.
Yoga and alternate nostril breathing
There are various yoga poses, the goal is relaxation. For the alternate nostril breathing lie down on the floor with a pillow under your buttocks or sit with your back straight, slowly exhale and then insipirare with the right nostril with the thumb holding the other occluded, when the lungs are filled close the left nostril with the 'ring and remove the thumb from the right. You can start with breathing and count to ten that exhale, then switch to eg higher than 5 times and 10 units (15/15, 20/20, 30/30) then you can still improve in exhaling twice as long on inspiration. Yoga is recommended in particular the Savasana position.
is obviously impossible to take all these actions of dietary supplements, food, and relaxing effect of exercise and breathing, but with better results considering the synergy of results of specific operations.
Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Editions
Association Médicale Kousmine International - "The method Kousmine" - Editions Techniques New
Jean Valnet - "Herbal Medicine - Healing with Plants" - Giunti Editore
Various Authors - "Detox in 7 Days" - Techniques new editions
Roberto Spinelli - "Turmeric" - Edizioni MIR
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