with chronic candidiasis is defined as the benign overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans which is normally present in the digestive tract and vagina. The cause is multifactorial and also symptoms that can result are manifold. So it is important to finally win this annoying problem, identify the predisposing factors and correct their lifestyle and diet. The yeast multiplies beyond measure mainly when there is a lowering of the immune system and when you have damage to the intestinal walls, so that our body absorbs particles of yeast and toxins from the gut, which is no longer a good filter for them, thus causing a deterioration in the processes of various organs by developing the so-called "yeast syndrome." The symptoms relate mainly to the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, the endocrine system and urogenital tract and nervous system and chronic fatigue, allergies, immune dysfunction, depression, digestive disturbances and sensitivity to chemicals. Predominantly affects women between 15 and 50 years with rates 8 times higher than in males, due to the effects of estrogen, the greater quantity of pills and took antibiotics.
predisposing factors in an overgrowth of Candida
-dietary factors
-Nutritional deficiencies
-drugs (mainly antibiotics, especially if taken prolungatamente)
-Alteration of intestinal bacterial flora
-immune dysfunction
-Hepatic function abnormal disease-
General Symptoms
-Chronic fatigue-decreased energy, general malaise
-Diminuizone libido
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Swelling
-intestinal cramps, alteration of bowel function
-anal itching
-vaginal yeast infections (vaginitis)
-recurring bladder infections (cystitis)
Disorders endocrine
Disorders related to the menstrual cycle
nervous system disorders
-Lack of concentration Irritability
-Depression-immune disorders
-depressed functions immuntarie
-Allergy-Sensitivity to chemicals
History (history of the habits of the patient)
-chronic yeast vaginitis
-Antibiotics given in a chronic infection or acne-
Taking birth control pills
-administration of oral steroid
issues associated
-Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual
-sensitivity to foods, chemicals or other allergens
-Endocrine Disorders-Eczema-Psoriasis
-Strong desire for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast
The Antibiotics suppress the immune system and normal bacterial flora, which has a role in the prevention of bacterial overgrowth of yeast, are a major factor in the proliferation of Candida. Sometimes they are prescribed for problems such as acne, recurrent cystitis, otitis, sinusitis and chronic bronchitis, and irritation of the throat without the presence of bacteria could be avoided by using the most effective natural remedies, having also induced resistance in bacterial strains to these drugs. The WHO (World Health Organization) we are getting closer to a "post-antibiotic was" in which many infectious diseases will become impossible to treat, perlaltro the warming is changing the micro-climates on different continents and are expected to trigger a return of old infectious diseases and epidemiology to further strengthen those currently available. Antibiotic resistance is enhanced by its addition to animal feed, perpetuated since the fifties, and the WHO recommended limit their use and prevent misuse. This resistance antibiotic is much more common as it is their administration, and this is especially problematic in relation to structures osperdaliere organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which often lead to fatal complications, and there is no resistance when given sporadic, so to avoid this situation as a possible remedy is to reduce the limitation period. The health effects triggered by overuse of antibiotics can make you feel even after decades, for example, since 1950, since it was introduced in addition to their use for livestock feed in developed countries, Crohn's disease is increased, in areas where it was presented prior to, thus removing the etiological hypotheses, or causal, genetic. Comparative statistics show a correlation between areas of high incidence of Crohn's disease and those related to premature wear and high use of antibiotics, there is also a parallel increase in the quantity required and the annual increase in the incidence of the disease.
therapeutic approach
With the therapeutic approach described here has ensured complete elimination of chronic candidiasis.
First Step: Identify and possibly eliminate the predisposing factors
(for example: dietary factor on the weakening of the immune system, a compromised liver function or a pre-existing illness).
Eliminate antibiotics, steroids, immunosuppressants, and birth control pills, except those cases that require urgent medical use.
Scan complete digestive stool, which is useful to assess digestive function, environment and intestinal absorption, digestive disorders and to understand what may be the basis for bacterial overgrowth of Candida, such as hypochlorhydria, or a lack of production hydrochloric acid, insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes such as proteases, which in addition to have a digestive function of proteins in the small intestine is used to eliminate pests such as bacteria, yeasts, protozoa and intestinal worms, and low production of bile, which may be useful to take additional food substances that promote the flow. Moreover, this test can determine a possible correlation of symptoms with other conditions such as Candida from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and irritable bowel syndrome.
Observe the recommendations of the predisposing factors identified.
Second Phase: Follow a control diet for Candida
or simple sugars and refined, because refined sugar is the main food for yeast, can be replaced with honey, maple syrup and fruit juice.
or Milk and dairy products, with the high lactose content promotes the growth of candida, as well as milk is one of the most common food allergens and a less digestible gradually advancing age, a decrease of ' enzyme lactase to help his digestion, thus giving rise to problems such as fermentation and development of intestinal gas going to weaken even more the intestine.
or foods with high of yeasts and molds such as alcoholic drinks, cheese, dried fruits, melons and peanuts.
Food allergies or known or suspected, it is useful in this regard using the ELISA to determine IgE-mediated food allergies and IgG-mediated.
Third Step: Take nutritional supplements
- Vitamin and mineral preparations highly effective as carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium, useful for the prevention of involution of the thymus-
antioxidant supplements (the same vitamins C, E and selenium are above)
-One tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day
Fourth phase: Improving immune function
-Encourage a positive mindset
-Take positive techniques to combat stress-
Avoid taking alcohol and refined sugar, smoking and controlling blood levels of cholesterol that if high could lead to a weakening of the immune function
-long sleep and rest to reduce stress and allow your body to regenerate
-Take 750 g per day of crude fractions of polypeptides to assist the functions of the thymus gland
factors that suppress the immune system in candidiasis:
-Taking antibiotics, corticosteroids or other medications that suppress the immune system
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Food allergies
sugar-rich diet
Fifth step: To promote detoxification and evacuation.
Take the evening of 4 grams of soluble fiber, guar gum, psyllium or pectin to promote intestinal motility. Device especially recommended for those who have followed antilievito therapies to remove the dead yeast cells. The psyllium fiber in particular has proved most effective among the soluble fiber as a laxative.
When it is necessary to improve liver function in such case in history of taking contraceptive oral steroids or estrogen, alcohol abuse, gallstones, hepatitis viral infection, diabetes, psoriasis, excess weight over 10 kg, high epsosizione to certain chemicals or drugs, such as solvents and cleaners, pesticides, antibiotics, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and thyroid hormone, taking silymarin and lipotropics factors for facilitating the flow of bile from the liver and fat and to itself, and fat metabolism. This need is often manifested through sensitivity and allergies to chemicals, which are signs of stress reactions of detoxification. The liver is very sensitive to chemical toxins and even when it is slightly damaged the immune system is seriously damaged, and therefore this is another predisposing factor of excessive growth of candida. In particular to assist the body's detoxification process is recommended:
-Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds
-Adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and taking regular exercise physical
-Take Vitamin and mineral supplements for high-efficiency
Take prepared lipotropics which 1000 mg / day and 1000 mg choline / d of methionine and / or cysteine, and 140 mg of silymarin (an excerpt is taken from Sylibum marianum (milk thistle), 3 times daily, for protect the liver and enhance its functionality. Studies show property agents Lipotropics increase the SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), which is the main compound lipotropic hepatic, and glutathione, the main compound of the liver detoxification
Follow-fasting for three days at each change of season
Sixth stage: Take probiotics
The recommended dose of probiotics from 1 to 10 billion viable cells of L. acidophilus and B.bifidum per day, which had proved effective for most patients, higher doses may result in mild intestinal disorders while lower doses may be insufficient to colonize intestinal tract. The main functions of the use of probiotics for the treatment of chronic candidiasis are the creation of a healthy intestinal environment, a return to balance as postantibiotica therapy, a useful support to vaginal infections caused by yeast and urinary tract infections, which also depend intestinal health. It 's very important to supplement with probiotics, since it helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, as his health is closely related to the nutritional status of the host, and influences on aging, on the genesis of cancer, functions the immune system, and metabolism of cholesterol.
Seventh step: Follow appropriate therapy antilievito
-Taking nutritional supplements and / or herbs recommended to control the bacterial overgrowth and restore health to the bacterial flora.
-When necessary, take medication antilievito, in general, however, many patients may benefit from taking natural substances rather than from that of a pharmacological preparation. The exclusive use of drugs leads to antilievito Herxheimer reaction caused by the rapid killing of the microorganism and the following intestinal absorption of high amounts of toxins, and antigens derived yeast. To avoid this reaction follow the dietary advice above, help the liver function, and take a natural supplement antilievito given here, starting with a low dose until you arrive at the therapeutic dose indicated.
-Taking supplements antilievito natural
caprylic acid, which is a natural antifungal fatty acid in the form of capsules or coated preparation delayed effect, since it is rapidly absorbed from the intestine at a dose of 1500 mg / day with food.
berberine-containing plants such as goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and barberry (Berberis vulgaris).
-The berberine is an alkaloid from the potent antibiotic against bacteria, protozoa and fungi, including Candida albicans, which prevents the overgrowth of yeast, caused widespread side effect of antibiotics. The berberine is effective in combating a common symptom in patients suffering from Candida albicans as diarrhea, and such a powerful antidiarrhoeal action is also related to infections such as cholera, amebiasis, giardiasis and other acute gastrointestinal infections such as E. Coli, singuellosis, Salmonella, Klebsiella). For this reason, berberine-containing plants are used to combat cystitis, which affects mainly women, since these bacteria are frequently present in the intestines of these patients. In Europe has formed a tradition of using the Warburg salutaris to combat chronic candidiasis, It contains an alkaloid very similar to berberine and therefore is also useful to combat cystitis, unfortunately, has been banned since January 2007, and an alternative remedy is the grapefruit seed extract (GSE = grapefruit seeds extract). The dosage of standardized liquid extract (1:1) of berberine is 2-4 ml (0.5-1 teaspoon) of tincture (1:5), 6-12 ml (1.5-3 teaspoons tea). The recommended reference dose of berberine result have effective in combating gastrointestinal infections are of 25-50 mg 3 times a day. In particular, the Warburg-
salutaris manages to be effective against Candida albicans because it alters the functioning of the membrane and external causes such destruction, berberine is not toxic when taken in recommended doses, but if it is exceeded, it may interfere with the metabolism of vitamin B, and is not recommended to take during pregnancy.
-garlic, proved to be an important antifungal agent, thanks to the active component allicin, which gives the characteristic pungent odor. There are preparations of garlic without having the typical unpleasant smell due to the fact that allicin is formed only in the small intestine and large intestine when the coated tablet reaches you. The dosage for the treatment of chronic candidiasis is at least 10 mg of allicin or a potential of 4 g (one slice) of fresh garlic.
essential oils the form of capsules coated, in particular the essential oil of oregano has been shown to have 100 times more effective caprylic acid against Candida albicans, but we can not recommend this assumption because essential oils can give rise to problems for people with heart problems, and should be made detailed examinations on the lot belonging to detect the amount of essential oil components evaluated in relation to particular problems, however, only Daun aromatherapy or by a physician experienced in the field, even in Italy this discipline is not yet widespread in contrast to France where it is widespread in the studies of medical Jean Valnet. The dosage of reference for the preparation of essential oil is 0.2-0.4 ml per day in the form of capsules coated, due to the rapid intestinal absorption of the oil, and its association with heartburn.
If despite this guideline is not followed has detected an improvement in the problem should be repeated laboratory tests such as stool cultures and analysis of the levels of antigens to assess whether the candidates actually hides other problems. If the organism does not appear to have been deleted in addition to the recommendations that have been described need to take antibiotics.
Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni
predisposing factors in an overgrowth of Candida
-dietary factors
-Nutritional deficiencies
-drugs (mainly antibiotics, especially if taken prolungatamente)
-Alteration of intestinal bacterial flora
-immune dysfunction
-Hepatic function abnormal disease-
General Symptoms
-Chronic fatigue-decreased energy, general malaise
-Diminuizone libido
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Swelling
-intestinal cramps, alteration of bowel function
-anal itching
-vaginal yeast infections (vaginitis)
-recurring bladder infections (cystitis)
Disorders endocrine
Disorders related to the menstrual cycle
nervous system disorders
-Lack of concentration Irritability
-Depression-immune disorders
-depressed functions immuntarie
-Allergy-Sensitivity to chemicals
History (history of the habits of the patient)
-chronic yeast vaginitis
-Antibiotics given in a chronic infection or acne-
Taking birth control pills
-administration of oral steroid
issues associated
-Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual
-sensitivity to foods, chemicals or other allergens
-Endocrine Disorders-Eczema-Psoriasis
-Strong desire for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast
The Antibiotics suppress the immune system and normal bacterial flora, which has a role in the prevention of bacterial overgrowth of yeast, are a major factor in the proliferation of Candida. Sometimes they are prescribed for problems such as acne, recurrent cystitis, otitis, sinusitis and chronic bronchitis, and irritation of the throat without the presence of bacteria could be avoided by using the most effective natural remedies, having also induced resistance in bacterial strains to these drugs. The WHO (World Health Organization) we are getting closer to a "post-antibiotic was" in which many infectious diseases will become impossible to treat, perlaltro the warming is changing the micro-climates on different continents and are expected to trigger a return of old infectious diseases and epidemiology to further strengthen those currently available. Antibiotic resistance is enhanced by its addition to animal feed, perpetuated since the fifties, and the WHO recommended limit their use and prevent misuse. This resistance antibiotic is much more common as it is their administration, and this is especially problematic in relation to structures osperdaliere organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which often lead to fatal complications, and there is no resistance when given sporadic, so to avoid this situation as a possible remedy is to reduce the limitation period. The health effects triggered by overuse of antibiotics can make you feel even after decades, for example, since 1950, since it was introduced in addition to their use for livestock feed in developed countries, Crohn's disease is increased, in areas where it was presented prior to, thus removing the etiological hypotheses, or causal, genetic. Comparative statistics show a correlation between areas of high incidence of Crohn's disease and those related to premature wear and high use of antibiotics, there is also a parallel increase in the quantity required and the annual increase in the incidence of the disease.
therapeutic approach
With the therapeutic approach described here has ensured complete elimination of chronic candidiasis.
First Step: Identify and possibly eliminate the predisposing factors
(for example: dietary factor on the weakening of the immune system, a compromised liver function or a pre-existing illness).
Eliminate antibiotics, steroids, immunosuppressants, and birth control pills, except those cases that require urgent medical use.
Scan complete digestive stool, which is useful to assess digestive function, environment and intestinal absorption, digestive disorders and to understand what may be the basis for bacterial overgrowth of Candida, such as hypochlorhydria, or a lack of production hydrochloric acid, insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes such as proteases, which in addition to have a digestive function of proteins in the small intestine is used to eliminate pests such as bacteria, yeasts, protozoa and intestinal worms, and low production of bile, which may be useful to take additional food substances that promote the flow. Moreover, this test can determine a possible correlation of symptoms with other conditions such as Candida from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and irritable bowel syndrome.
Observe the recommendations of the predisposing factors identified.
Second Phase: Follow a control diet for Candida
or simple sugars and refined, because refined sugar is the main food for yeast, can be replaced with honey, maple syrup and fruit juice.
or Milk and dairy products, with the high lactose content promotes the growth of candida, as well as milk is one of the most common food allergens and a less digestible gradually advancing age, a decrease of ' enzyme lactase to help his digestion, thus giving rise to problems such as fermentation and development of intestinal gas going to weaken even more the intestine.
or foods with high of yeasts and molds such as alcoholic drinks, cheese, dried fruits, melons and peanuts.
Food allergies or known or suspected, it is useful in this regard using the ELISA to determine IgE-mediated food allergies and IgG-mediated.
Third Step: Take nutritional supplements
- Vitamin and mineral preparations highly effective as carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium, useful for the prevention of involution of the thymus-
antioxidant supplements (the same vitamins C, E and selenium are above)
-One tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day
Fourth phase: Improving immune function
-Encourage a positive mindset
-Take positive techniques to combat stress-
Avoid taking alcohol and refined sugar, smoking and controlling blood levels of cholesterol that if high could lead to a weakening of the immune function
-long sleep and rest to reduce stress and allow your body to regenerate
-Take 750 g per day of crude fractions of polypeptides to assist the functions of the thymus gland
factors that suppress the immune system in candidiasis:
-Taking antibiotics, corticosteroids or other medications that suppress the immune system
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Food allergies
sugar-rich diet
Fifth step: To promote detoxification and evacuation.
Take the evening of 4 grams of soluble fiber, guar gum, psyllium or pectin to promote intestinal motility. Device especially recommended for those who have followed antilievito therapies to remove the dead yeast cells. The psyllium fiber in particular has proved most effective among the soluble fiber as a laxative.
When it is necessary to improve liver function in such case in history of taking contraceptive oral steroids or estrogen, alcohol abuse, gallstones, hepatitis viral infection, diabetes, psoriasis, excess weight over 10 kg, high epsosizione to certain chemicals or drugs, such as solvents and cleaners, pesticides, antibiotics, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and thyroid hormone, taking silymarin and lipotropics factors for facilitating the flow of bile from the liver and fat and to itself, and fat metabolism. This need is often manifested through sensitivity and allergies to chemicals, which are signs of stress reactions of detoxification. The liver is very sensitive to chemical toxins and even when it is slightly damaged the immune system is seriously damaged, and therefore this is another predisposing factor of excessive growth of candida. In particular to assist the body's detoxification process is recommended:
-Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds
-Adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and taking regular exercise physical
-Take Vitamin and mineral supplements for high-efficiency
Take prepared lipotropics which 1000 mg / day and 1000 mg choline / d of methionine and / or cysteine, and 140 mg of silymarin (an excerpt is taken from Sylibum marianum (milk thistle), 3 times daily, for protect the liver and enhance its functionality. Studies show property agents Lipotropics increase the SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), which is the main compound lipotropic hepatic, and glutathione, the main compound of the liver detoxification
Follow-fasting for three days at each change of season
Sixth stage: Take probiotics
The recommended dose of probiotics from 1 to 10 billion viable cells of L. acidophilus and B.bifidum per day, which had proved effective for most patients, higher doses may result in mild intestinal disorders while lower doses may be insufficient to colonize intestinal tract. The main functions of the use of probiotics for the treatment of chronic candidiasis are the creation of a healthy intestinal environment, a return to balance as postantibiotica therapy, a useful support to vaginal infections caused by yeast and urinary tract infections, which also depend intestinal health. It 's very important to supplement with probiotics, since it helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, as his health is closely related to the nutritional status of the host, and influences on aging, on the genesis of cancer, functions the immune system, and metabolism of cholesterol.
Seventh step: Follow appropriate therapy antilievito
-Taking nutritional supplements and / or herbs recommended to control the bacterial overgrowth and restore health to the bacterial flora.
-When necessary, take medication antilievito, in general, however, many patients may benefit from taking natural substances rather than from that of a pharmacological preparation. The exclusive use of drugs leads to antilievito Herxheimer reaction caused by the rapid killing of the microorganism and the following intestinal absorption of high amounts of toxins, and antigens derived yeast. To avoid this reaction follow the dietary advice above, help the liver function, and take a natural supplement antilievito given here, starting with a low dose until you arrive at the therapeutic dose indicated.
-Taking supplements antilievito natural
caprylic acid, which is a natural antifungal fatty acid in the form of capsules or coated preparation delayed effect, since it is rapidly absorbed from the intestine at a dose of 1500 mg / day with food.
berberine-containing plants such as goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and barberry (Berberis vulgaris).
-The berberine is an alkaloid from the potent antibiotic against bacteria, protozoa and fungi, including Candida albicans, which prevents the overgrowth of yeast, caused widespread side effect of antibiotics. The berberine is effective in combating a common symptom in patients suffering from Candida albicans as diarrhea, and such a powerful antidiarrhoeal action is also related to infections such as cholera, amebiasis, giardiasis and other acute gastrointestinal infections such as E. Coli, singuellosis, Salmonella, Klebsiella). For this reason, berberine-containing plants are used to combat cystitis, which affects mainly women, since these bacteria are frequently present in the intestines of these patients. In Europe has formed a tradition of using the Warburg salutaris to combat chronic candidiasis, It contains an alkaloid very similar to berberine and therefore is also useful to combat cystitis, unfortunately, has been banned since January 2007, and an alternative remedy is the grapefruit seed extract (GSE = grapefruit seeds extract). The dosage of standardized liquid extract (1:1) of berberine is 2-4 ml (0.5-1 teaspoon) of tincture (1:5), 6-12 ml (1.5-3 teaspoons tea). The recommended reference dose of berberine result have effective in combating gastrointestinal infections are of 25-50 mg 3 times a day. In particular, the Warburg-
salutaris manages to be effective against Candida albicans because it alters the functioning of the membrane and external causes such destruction, berberine is not toxic when taken in recommended doses, but if it is exceeded, it may interfere with the metabolism of vitamin B, and is not recommended to take during pregnancy.
-garlic, proved to be an important antifungal agent, thanks to the active component allicin, which gives the characteristic pungent odor. There are preparations of garlic without having the typical unpleasant smell due to the fact that allicin is formed only in the small intestine and large intestine when the coated tablet reaches you. The dosage for the treatment of chronic candidiasis is at least 10 mg of allicin or a potential of 4 g (one slice) of fresh garlic.
essential oils the form of capsules coated, in particular the essential oil of oregano has been shown to have 100 times more effective caprylic acid against Candida albicans, but we can not recommend this assumption because essential oils can give rise to problems for people with heart problems, and should be made detailed examinations on the lot belonging to detect the amount of essential oil components evaluated in relation to particular problems, however, only Daun aromatherapy or by a physician experienced in the field, even in Italy this discipline is not yet widespread in contrast to France where it is widespread in the studies of medical Jean Valnet. The dosage of reference for the preparation of essential oil is 0.2-0.4 ml per day in the form of capsules coated, due to the rapid intestinal absorption of the oil, and its association with heartburn.
If despite this guideline is not followed has detected an improvement in the problem should be repeated laboratory tests such as stool cultures and analysis of the levels of antigens to assess whether the candidates actually hides other problems. If the organism does not appear to have been deleted in addition to the recommendations that have been described need to take antibiotics.
Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni
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