Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Ramps For Bmx For Sale
This time I want to talk to an existing connection in many cultures, even though this is not quite so obvious.
The sister in question is a saint, a mystic, who had several visions of God from a young age, St. Hildegard . In her visions, the Almighty himself pointed to the holy writing of natural remedies that he set out to help improve the health and healing of many diseases, and then communicate them to others.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Letter To The Priest For Confirmation
Have Robinho, Pato, Thiago Silva, Coutinho. Neymar out
September 23, 18:52
(AP) - RIO DE JANEIRO, 23 September - Robinho, Pato and Thiago Silva AC Milan, Inter Coutinho: are the 'Italian' called by the Brazilian coach Mano Menezes. The coach chose the players for the Selecao will play two friendlies' in Europe, dates and opponents to be determined. The surprise 'was the exclusion of the young champion Neymar. Menezes stayed the striker after the incident that led to the exemption of the coach of Santos, Dorival Junior, in which Neymar had a dominant role.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Cover Up Pedestal Sink Pipes
The heat released this picture is indescribable! Would you like to comment you?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Instead Of A Period I Got White Discharge

In universities, some three thousand years, around the shady trees will take courses that explain how a story should be written: vintage men of the guys but still subtly brilliant dissect the techniques necessary to ensure that the interaction between Achilles Hector and intrigues the reader in the story involving maidens, traitors and sacrifices in order to assemble the right number of pages, or bets.
fear of not being able to say any more scientifically accurate or topic. Like you, I do not know what makes a really beautiful story.
The stories are really beautiful in my eyes smoky forms, they wander among the palm trees moved by obscure motives. Require rhythmic and regular sacrifices in front of a keyboard, without explanation or certainty about the happy ending.
Often the stories betray, as lovers hidden capable of idioms, in ballet pulling some magic in place of any satisfactory logical sequence. Often adjusting to dictate some barbarian on the budget, producing dull chapters filled with dentists and wells of polystyrene.
Perhaps in a parallel universe there is no such disappointments: there maybe a Scottish roams far and wide causing only happiness and quantum collapses, but there is no need to shake the galaxy to create memorable stories.
takes the duelists in front of an empty chair, a cartridge that slips on the record because of an unexpected visit, a wall filled with graffiti that appear only in the dark, an impostor priest full of faith, placed in front of a huge question mark.
takes a doctor, a con man, a fugitive, a millionaire, a paraplegic, a torturer, a troubled couple.
See ya in Another Life, brothas.
Friday, March 12, 2010
What Do Dying Warts Look Like

The rules are simple - shut up to make badass dick and remains close to the group
- I shoot you while charging. lead pollution, and we care.
- there is only expert
simple, in fact. Mica is not a brainy, four elements are enough wire on Forrest Gump and a shred of discipline
tonight we have both.
the way to the mall was mild, controlled, free of unnecessary noises. we killed a fucking no worries, no panic. Pirico the equivalent of a choke made of pillows.
management was such that during the climb to the third floor - home and garden-Sweden has granted a whim picking up the grenade launcher.
the grenade launcher is the litmus test of the balls. in with the wrong hand does little harm to the very virulent and on those who can still boast an immune system worthy of the name.
but Sweden is not a jerk. is diligent, rarely shoot high and parables. thins the first wave czech Republic and Russia, leaving the task to take out the bulk of the average distance, using the sacred coupled Charlie & Yuri, aka M16 & AK47.
me to task would be to remove more stubborn dirt and next to shots of buckshot. But Sweden's move caught me off guard and now I'm here with a telescope. two long range weapons and none for the near future.
but everything is going so well, why bother.
counts tanks says that there are only two, then the Dodge Charger on the ground floor, a modern version of the General Lee, on the ground will download the correct amount of torque, evacuated from this valley of tears.
commercial break
here we are again, and this is also the last two tanks.
Russia collects the first and throws it down the balustrade. Czech republic tries to imitate him closer to the second, but here are from the brass at low frequency.
the tank will appear directly down the hall, or three meters from Sweden, immediately sfanculando the usefulness of the launcher. czech Republic retreats while pulling a barrage of 24 rounds without any pause that Russia does what you always do in such cases: he pulls out the Molotov cocktails.
Rule 4 - to keep the petrol bombs the tank. the bastard should burn while the group sings a cappella burn baby burn.
experto the tank never dies if it is not in focus, and Russia knows it. we first sawing, saw that too, without panic, without worry. pillow.
the molotov flies over the head of the tank. crashes on a plastic plant behind him without even cause him a rash, while the giant lashes out at Sweden and kills him in a split second.
a little dazed at the scene, then emptied the entire magazine of the sniper rifle with no iron sight, for so the beast is near. the mountain of muscle and stamina in Russia comes along and makes it fly down the three floors of restaurants, chemists, herbalists and customer listening posts crossed in a second.
czech Republic and I both have time to reload and re-empty their warehouses, then move in unison on guns. Callaghan on his magnum on me ... a katana.
why the fuck I got a fucking katana? I hate all this shit of knives, I avoid like the plague. how do you explain that my field of vision is occupied by hulk and a blade forged Japanese economically in korea?
and ponder the possibility that the first, on the ground floor, the rush has probably pushed me to purchase a fallacious even try to sketch a pathetic swipe at about two tons of red fibers and gamma rays in full momentum to me. a second later I'm on the ground. two seconds after I died.
czech Republic is unhurt and is shooting behind the beast. this turns around, raises his hands as if to ask some more strength to the god of the trolls, then collapses to the ground.
now, czech Republic has the necessary experience to realize that alone, in a warehouse infested with zombie expert and not yet a full tank of petrol, the wisest thing to do is restart the level or sadly being torn to pieces without reacting .
yet seen him pick up the tank from the ground, throw it down the stairs, closer to my body and bring out the defibrillator.
zzot! return from the dead hailed from a single sentence, delivered with that unmistakable mix of Slavic accent and squealing microphone
"cover me!"
czech Republic set out these words you shoot a dose of adrenaline in the body and runs toward the stairs
lame pick the sniper rifle and look to do a shred of health that I find myself. something in a few seconds behind me aggredirĂ killing and letting czech Republic alone at the mercy of unstoppable horde. neglect the last shred of hope when a boomer appears around the corner, filling my fellow green vomit before it can reach the stairs.
a door behind me opens, leaving a group of employees in the running. link on me while reloading. two meters, one meter, zero.
than me, ignoring me.
are following breakneck czech Republic, covered with bile attractive. czech Republic but is faster, adrelinicamente fast zombies behind him. runs as the son of the wind.
realization of worrying about only those who are in front.
pointed his gun, looking through the viewfinder. Saving Silverman dating zooms on the stairs.
bam! one out.
bam! out two. bam! diridindin, the prize of the bailout bell.
headphone two voices coming from beyond the grave begins to rumble, no cheering.
bam! four. bam! bam! the Razer slowly slips on the pad, I'm not even breathing. are possessed by the spirit of a Siberian hunter hired by Stalin.
dirdindin BAM! BAM! that has passed? fifteen seconds? Republic is on the last ramp. the few infected my passing shots to go down Stalingrad Kalashnikov Czechs.
headphones are the screams. Czech republic collects the tank farthest reaches and the machine starts to pay
bam! dirindindin bam! bam! dirindindin!
Republic run to take the second tank, the one closest. picks it up while I see something darting toward him. is the language of the smoker. Republic tries to turn around and shoot. but does not see his assailant, not as I see it.
is hidden in a corner to me, under the columns of the first floor. I only see her tongue twisted around my friend who struggles against the machine, which should give him the freedom, with the tank solver to two feet away, unreachable.
hold my breath, I aim to thin tongue.
bam! failure. bam! man ... katana.
what the fuck?! I have the exact same strange face first, his face dell'idiota the katana, which ended the ammunition of the gun. while I let the disappointment most absurd ever produced by a video game should attack me I'll take a moment to listen to what they're screaming Russia and Sweden headphone
"GRE ..." greatest sniper of the world? greatest effort ever made? I know man, but it is not bastat ...
three meters from me, on the ground, from seconds seem like hours, there is the launcher of Sweden.
reached him, through what appears to be the most unbearable limp in the history of lameness. Area point about the language. just the first shot.
czech Republic is free. Carl Lewis, but is no longer an old man like me, slow and clumsy, although still able to pay for petrol as it should. it does, then stops.
why not start? why do not you turn the key the Charger and dives into the arms of a sweet red? in a life of picnic, flowered balconies, incredible beauty and children's books launched in the air of a park on Sundays?
why let the horde around him string a few moments, ever closer, more rapacious, alitante hate?
I understand now when the end is a few meters away when the charger for my brother's recent election is dangerously empty. can not leave because I'm here, with three floors and a thousand light years away. still alive.
I step forward.
the low note that should accompany the impact of my death is silenced by a deafening roar, hundreds of horses American runaway screaming, smashing windows, bend steel, bite the polished marble. pistons, spark, nitrites.
last man stand.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Calories In Toblerone
Annex B
Art. 1) E 'consists of the cultural association called "Gunesh, hereafter simply called the Association.
one The association is headquartered in San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), route 34 Calvary and may establish branches, subsidiaries, agencies and representative offices elsewhere. It is of indefinite duration, but can be dissolved in the manner provided by art. 21 of these Regulations.
Art. 2) The Association is not for profit. Its purpose to encourage all initiatives that directly or indirectly, can contribute to the cultural, social, civil and economic di San Giovanni in Fiore and the district. At the heart of the Association put the study, research, debate, editorial initiatives, the promotion of technological research in the field of telecommunications, in particular with regard to wireless technologies (WIFI), the promotion of ' information technology and automation, training and updating in different cultural fields such as environment, social problems, training activities, sports and leisure. To achieve its objectives, the Association will carry out all the movable and immovable property of any kind, including those concerning the attribution of ownership of concessions to operate the radio sound system at the local level, which are necessary or simply useful objectives. The association also proposes a structure for collaboration and service associations, groups and centers that pursue goals that coincide, even partially, with the purpose of it and to institutions and public and private. Within the general intent expressed in an illustrative and not exhaustive, the Association will undertake the following activities:
Cultural activities: round tables, conferences, lectures, conferences, debates, exhibitions, seminars, screenings of films and documentaries, cultural, establishment of libraries and film collections,
recover and promote some crafts such as, mender of chairs, artisan baker, blacksmith, shoemaker, mason, embroidery and all the crafts that are part of local traditions.
Recreational activities: production and distribution of theatrical performances, music, cinema and audiovisual entertainment for the elderly, children, young people
Related activities: meetings and events on the occasion of anniversaries, holidays and more;
Training: Driving, order and carry out studies and research in the field of study, work and employment, both directly or in cooperation with similar agencies and institutions and to promote training and education of music.
Sports: promoting sporting activities and the creation of sports teams in the most congenial to the Association;
Activities Editorial: Publication of newspapers and magazines, and acts of conferences, seminars, studies and research, production of audiovisual and computer
eco-environmental initiatives and promote activities aimed at the preservation of fauna and flora, establishment of services to promote social integration and environment among different cultures, and the dissemination and education in respect for nature in all its forms. Events for the protection and enhancement of the environment, creation of services to support the territorial balance between the different cultural areas;
Promote new technologies such as Internet and computer use, technology related to automation.
The Association may make any other activity that is directly or indirectly related to social goals.
Art. 3) can join the Association to all individuals and legal entities, which share the objectives and guiding principles of the institution and comply with the provisions of this Statute. To join the Association must have at least made the fourteenth year of age. Responsible for deciding on applications for admission of new members is the Board of Directors that evaluated the reasons, make a final decision any admissions. New members must pay at the time of admission to the membership fee and, from this moment, will receive a card signed by the Chairman or by persons delegated to it that, with the sequence number to the number of the register of members; this card attest to the membership of the Association.
Art. 4) The members agree to participate in programs and services prepared by the Assembly and the Council Directors in the manner agreed upon and with the continuity required to achieve the aims set.
Art. 5) Membership shall be lost by death, withdrawal and default (non-payment of dues expired). They can also be excluded by the association members whose conduct is contrary to the provisions in the Charter and the purposes of the association. The exclusion is decided, after hearing the person concerned, by the Board with a reasoned decision.
Art. 6) bodies are:
The General Meeting;
The Board of Directors;
The officers are free of charge except for reimbursement of living expenses encountered by members of corporate bodies in carrying out their assignments, with the approval of the President or the Board of Directors.
Art. 7) The General Assembly represents the whole members and its resolutions are binding on all members, even if dissenting. It must be called at least once a year. The meeting is called by the President of the Executive Council whenever the Council deems appropriate or when requested by at least two thirds of the members. In the general each member has one vote and the same members can not be represented by proxy.
Art. 8) The meeting is chaired by the Chairman of the Board or Vice President, and if they are unable purpose by another member elected by the Assembly.
The Assembly resolution on first call with an absolute majority of the members, while on second call majority vote of members present. To amend the articles of association, it is necessary that the General Assembly, in first and second call is made and resolved by the affirmative vote of two thirds of all members. A secretary elected from among the members present, shall prepare the minutes of the deliberations of the Assembly and the reports are to be signed by the President and Secretary.
Art. 9) The General Assembly: - acting on the guidelines and directives General Association;
approve the annual budget, the budget and balance-sheets and the rules of procedure;
determine the fees;
elects the Board of Directors;
resolution any amendments to the Statutes;
the dissolution of the resolution and the modalities of its payment;
elect any other organ of the association;
act on everything else delegated to it by law.
Art. 10) The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of four members, who remain in office until revoked and two counselors. The Board of Directors will be elected by the members. The directors shall elect among themselves a Chairman, a Vice President and Secretary. In case of resignation or death of a counselor, the Chairman of the Board will provide a replacement, asking, then, validates the first general meeting.
Art. 11) The Executive Council shall meet whenever the Chairman deems necessary or that it is requested by at least two of its members and at least once a year to deliberate on the final order and the budget.
Art. 12) The quorum necessary for the effective presence and the favorable vote of a majority of Council members.
Art. 13) The Board is vested with powers for ordinary and extraordinary management of the association and is invested with power to decide on action be taken and on criteria for the attainment and implementation of the objectives of the Association. The Board of Directors:
acting on applications for admission of prospective members and on the exclusion of members;
implementing the resolutions of the Assembly;
prepares the annual work program;
prepares the budget and final accounts;
establish the rules of procedure;
decide approves contracts and agreements with public and private deliberation costs, activities and social services, running the annual program and all purchases shall act as regards the assets, revenues and ordinary and extraordinary delivery;
down the guidelines for ' implementation of the tasks of statues, establish the terms and responsibility for implementing and monitoring the performance thereof;
assign and revoke powers of attorney.
Art. 14) The President presides over the assembly, ensure the implementation of the resolutions Assembly and the Governing Council. It, in his absence the Vice President, is legally binding on third parties and in court and before any judicial and administrative authorities, has the power to appoint lawyers and attorneys active and passive. The signature of the President, the joint signature of the Secretary or whoever takes his place, according to the present Statute, shall be valid as a signature of the Association, however, the legal responsibility of these members is compared to that of any other member, meaning that each answer for their actions.
TITLE V: Outlying
Art. 15) At the request of a significant number of members, if it proves necessary, will be formed a home device. Each home device, in accordance with the Statutes, defines its own regulation will become effective upon approval of the Governing Council. Each location device will be controlled by a member of the Governing Council, which will be named Head of Office, in the absence of a member of the Governing Council, the task will be entrusted to another member of the Board. This manager will report to the Governing Council on the activities of a branch. Every incorporated association, be ascribed to this Statute and shall be subject to review by the Governing Council has the power to recall or dissolve the order.
Art. 16) The Common Fund of the Association shall consist of:
by annual members and their contributions;
from charges for various services to members or third parties;
the goods become the property Association;
by voluntary contributions, donations or bequests made to a group;
from possible contributions from public and private
from operating income;
any other type of revenue that contributes to increasing the mutual fund.
Art. 17) For the duration of the individual association members can not apply for a division of the mutual fund, or claim the amount in the event of withdrawal
Art. 18) The association is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, any surplus funds and however denominated funds and reserves during the life of the same amenities that the distribution is not required by law .
Art. 19) The annual budget from January to December 31, is prepared and drafted by the Governing Council and approved by the members by 30 April each year.
Art. 20) The budget should include all revenue and expenses in one year and must be filed within 15 days before the convocation of the headquarters of the association so that members can inspect it.
Art. 21) The dissolution of the association is approved by the General Meeting which provides for the possible appointment of one or more liquidators. The remaining assets after the exhaustion of the settlement will be donated other associations working in the same or similar field.
Art. 22) All matters not expressly provided in this Statute, the provisions of the Code of Civil Laws and regulations.
read, approved and signed
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How Does Exercise Affect Herpes?
Corporatism is the first official step of Fascist Syndicalism, built by the turmoil of revolutionary syndicalism, which aims to unite all workers in the sign of a struggle and inter-national anti-capitalism and communism.

Rossoni takes just a bitter struggle to master class, unwilling to accept the growing importance workers, which earned him unexpected successes: responsible for organizing whole industries move from socialism to fascism, as duly described by R. De Felice, Mussolini, the Fascist.
The objective of the Secretary is not to "defeat" Confindustria and Confagricoltura, but to achieve an "integral syndicalism ', involving them equally to its organization into a single summary. This is precisely the focus of the Idea Corporate: Exceeding the class struggle for the realization of a "third way" between liberal state and the communist state.
"Who says work says productive bourgeoisie and working class towns and camps. Not Privileges the first, not privileges to last, but protection of all interests are harmonized with those of production and the Nation "Mussolini said in his first speech in the House, one month after the March on Rome.
Since the early years of government, in fact, the system launches social laws of paramount importance, while the red and black design sees the signing of two cooperation agreements between unions and Confindustria (Covenant of Palazzo Chigi, Palazzo Vidoni 1923, Pact, 1925 ) as a starting point.
With the Law 563 of 3 April 1926 indigo is conventionally the start of the factual corporatism, with recognition of the syndicates as the sole representative of the workers to conclude collective agreements work. They are given legal force: the producers, under the impulse and control of the Fascist Revolution, enter the "citadel of the state" and become the protagonists of the economic life of the country.
The following year, leaving the Charter of Labour (will also be the basis of 18 points in Verona ...) states that further progress:
- the establishment of the Labour Court to settle disputes between unions and employers in ' national interest (which has "the purpose, life, means of action than those of individuals divided '). With this institution strikes are considered unnecessary and prohibited.
- the right to annual leave
- Establishment of offices State placement
- setting the amount of indemnity
addition to the strengthening of all the immense achievements in terms of assistance and security made in previous years. These successes
require continued efforts of the "social fighters" fascists, opposed by the Crown, by banks, industry, the Masons, as well as consistent conservative in the same scheme (translated: the forces of reaction).
In 1924 there were even numerous strikes called by the syndicates (for example, in Valdarno, in the Lunigiana, Orbetello), starring Renato Ricci, Domenico Bagnasco, Luigi Race and Bramante Cook, as a further confirmation of the essence Exercise: "Fascism than socialism, but collects the good fruits of socialist according to his own law, and that work continues" is the definition of acute E. Corradini in the columns of the "people of Italy."
The revolutionary process continues gradually enriched by contributions from famous (like "communism hierarchical 'theorized by Ugo Spirito), and sees as fundamental steps:

"What are the goals? An organization that gradually shortened the distances between the inflexibility and maximum and minimum possibility of life (...) regulated economy, harmonized view of collective utility "(Benito Mussolini at the first General Assembly of the Corporations).
- 1939: Creation of the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, which replaces the Chamber of Deputies. Composed of members of the National Fascist Party and members of the Board of Corporations, discusses all the bills and general interest.
"They must shorten, and shortened, the distances between the different categories of producers who recognize the hierarchies of the highest duty and responsibility of the hardest "points out, those who had not yet clear, the Head of Fascism.
Just this year he predicts the crisis in the Western economic system (and not in the system), creating two masterpieces such as the IMI rage (back in vogue in recent times of crisis ...) and promulgating the Banking Act ( 1936): the state stands to protect the people.

There are, of course, the errors and contradictions, but the road seems to have taken the right one. A final decision probably will never give, as to interrupt the dream comes the war ... and the battle of "Blood against gold" does not go as planned. ACU
the crisis all the forces of reaction, which had so enthusiastically supported the scheme, changes to the front fence through the Anglo-American. Fascism reborn with the Italian Social Republic, and it is no coincidence that 'when all the enemies you did recognize, instantly and eagerly returned to their original essence and lymph socialist revolutionary social and Eve began to flow freely (as it admirably described by LL Rimbotti Fascism left).
Eat Raw White Potatoes
basic steps to get to the Manifesto of Verona
"The Socialization is nothing but the realization Italian, Roman, us, execution of socialism, as I say our work is the only subject of the economy but rejects the leveling everyone and everything, leveling does not exist in human nature and not in history "(Mussolini - October 14, 1944)
theorist and historian of Catholic doctrine, Don Ennio Innocenti, who has spent many years studying and teaching, he wrote that the problem faced by Mussolini in the last decade of his life "was to let the corporatism in enterprises to raise the worker from a partner company involved in the management and ownership, and then to the economic results of production." He adds: "... During the RSI was issued a decree providing for the nationalization of enterprises. 'This was essentially the message that Mussolini has entrusted the future. It' s a message in perfect harmony with Catholic social doctrine, which is and will always be fundamentally hostile to both capitalism and social-capitalism. In this last message of Mussolini's exaltation of work we repent something prophetic. "
The idea of \u200b\u200ba "social benefits" arose in Mussolini in 1914, when he left the Socialist Party, "body" unrealistic and talkative and developed in the immediate post-war period.
In 1919, Mussolini speaking, the workers of "Dalmine" who had occupied the factories and raised the tricolor flags instead of the red and continued to work under the guidance of technicians, among other things, declared that "the work had to be conquered, victory of free men. You are no longer employed but shares in it, co-responsible production. "
This war has been written and said that the idea of \u200b\u200bMussolini Socialization "was only a belated ploy to deceive the toiling masses." And 'one of many lies from the thousands and thousands, a corrupt and inept regime terrified of facing a serious confrontation with the government that preceded it.
All activity of the Mussolini government was a constant succession of decrees and laws of clear social goals leader not only in Italy but even in the world.
Those laws, of which Italian workers still enjoy its privileges, are those required by Mussolini in his twenty years of government. Any comparison with the work done by the governments of the postwar period, would be stark.
I will mention only some of those laws or decrees, those, that I find it more representative, recalling that the first of fascism in the specific field of legislation was the most absolute emptiness:
All this shows why the governments that followed after the war, to prevent a democratic confrontation, were forced to create a curtain of lies and enact those laws undemocratic and damaging to freedom of thought, such as "Read Scelba", "Royal Law" and "Mancino Law" '
on this topic return in the near future and fall readily recalling the statement concerning Mussolini's "go to the people", then transformed in more social "be with the people."
The essential principles of corporate order are expressed and sorted in the Charter of work "that was born April 21, 1927.
" The Charter of Labour "the worker carrying out of the darkness of the Middle Ages to enter it in a social context of rights, the relationships between capital and labor were for the first time in the world, provided and coded.
In an editorial that appeared a few years ago on "The Newspaper of Italy, among other things it says:" The birth of the corporate state represented the attempt to overcome the limitations of the so-called liberal state and the nightmare of the Soviet state. The Second World War broke the experiment into a crucial phase that was already due to the isolation caused by international sanctions and dall'autarchia>. The Corporate Law
tends to put man at the center of the Company by postulating the principles of which I quote a few considered the most characteristic and using the studio of Dr. Sebastian Barolini:
1. 1) downsizing the excessive power of the owners through worker participation in management;
2. 2) employee participation in the profits of the enterprise;
3. 3) participation of workers in decision-making to avoid sudden layoffs or closures of companies without their informed in good time employees, who are interested in finding other solutions that do not lose their jobs;
4. 4) intervention by the State through its officials placed on the boards of directors when companies take a greater interest in national defense workers
5. 5) property rights in social function, that is to fight real estate and merger law for every citizen, as an employee, the ownership of his house;
6. 6) right to private initiative in the spring of all progress against the flattening of social communities and the concentrations capitalist;
7. 7) building a social justice that take the more income to the rich and distribute it among the poorer classes through social security, free care for mothers and children, sea and mountain settlements for poor children, the 'care for the elderly, the working men's club for the workers, the popular trains, and so on;
8. 8) elimination of social conflicts through the creation of a separate Labour Court in accordance with the principle that if a citizen can not take the law if the same should apply to social conflicts and avoiding strikes and lockouts that cause so much harm to the parties and society at national
9. 9) abolition of trade unions class now reduced to belts of the parties that control them and creating economic unions and a consequent change in a House of Parliament composed of members elected by each category of confederations of employers and employees;
10. 10) The implementation, particularly in the South, the land reclamation that deprives the landowners of the vacant lands, making them productive and distributes them free to poor farmers property.
These statements, which date from the early 30s, are merely the logical development of those formulated in 1919 and which we find expressed even more succinctly in the "Manifesto of Verona." (1) As a logical sequence of this
process which, as we have seen, he left in 1914 and came to land on "Read on Socialization" in the Italian Social Republic.
Since the meeting of the Council of Ministers of 27 September 1943 (then a few days after his release), Mussolini declared inter alia that "the Republic would have a social content pronunciatissimo" September 29 and even more explicitly: "(the Italian Social Republic had) a clearly establishing a socialist nationalization of large companies and self-government of the workers. "
socialization was a tool for a broader transformation of the state as it was in fascist thought: socialize the economy to socialize the state.
This thought can be more clear by reading an excerpt from the report that accompanied the decree Tarchi, Minister of Economy: "(...) civilization tends to a new cycle, and that new cycle in which man will summarize the role of protagonist of his own history and its destiny as a function of his personality estrinsecantesi in concrete social activity, that is at work. In this respect the programmatic statement that acknowledges the work as the subject of the economy (...)".
Here then take shape as the doctrine of the company was glimpsed from Saint Simon, Owen, Mazzini, Bolshevism but scorned in conceptions well focus from the "social benefits" of Mussolini and recorded in the "Manifesto of Verona" and formalized the policy statement of 13 January 1944 and legislative decree of 11 February following.
The Singapore stock market, which was very vital in the Social Republic, Jan. 13, the announcement of the measures on Socialization, determined the day after the fall of the general index from 854 to 727 points. After a lull, February 13 when the decrees were issued to socialize, the general index fell 567 points, but then, to start shooting from March to rise up to touch, 6 June 1944 the remarkable level of 1745 points (2).
Surely the country that bore more than four years of devastating war and several months of struggle, hardly could rapidly implement such an ambitious project to transform the state. Project, however, that, like Mussolini in Milan said "whatever happens, it is intended to sprout." Rightly, the lawyer Manlius Sargent recently noted: "Unfortunately this project never came true. The Italians have forgotten what was the most original, the most innovative proposal of their recent history. They have forgotten the very ones who are considered followers of the idea of \u200b\u200bFascism and Social Republic. "
1) These revolutionary principles that would put into question the "rights acquired "forced many" powerful of the earth ", to join forces to thwart the process by imposing sanctions Mussolini first, then forcing us to war, thus" inventing "the" July 25 "on 8 September and then the massacres of the postwar order that those ideas did not remain a trace. paradox is that this diabolical project of the large funds that made use of its class that was affected: the class of the poor. And the deception continues!
2) Only for historical knowledge June 6, at the news of the Anglo-American landing in France, there was the collapse of 30% closing, however, the year the stock Aug. 2, 1944, to the proper level of 1219 points.
Before closing the work and conclude, it is important to mention items that are the basis of our fight politicosociale, articles, fifty years after their promulgation of course, there can be adjusted where necessary, but whose spirit must remain intact.
1. Article 9) base of the Italian Social Republic and its primary subject is the work, manual, technical, intellectual, in all its manifestations.
2. Article 10) Private property, the fruit of labor and individual savings, integration of human personality, is guaranteed by the state. However, it should not become physical and moral disintegration of personality to other people, through the exploitation of their work.
3. Article 12) In every firm (industrial, private, parastatal, state), representatives of workers and engineers work together closely - through direct knowledge of managing the equitable distribution of profits between the fund and the reserve, the result of capital equity and profit sharing by the workers themselves (...). The articles mentioned are certainly worthy of mention, but lack of space lead me to mention only the essential ones that characterize the basic spirit of the "Manifesto of Verona," and always to the tyranny of space are forced to withdraw due to a comment Articles also mentioned.
The implementation of the "Law on the Socialization" found enormous difficulties caused both by industry, for obvious reasons, the Germans fearful that the passive resistance on the part of industrial production could damage the war, by the Communists, who now plagiarized the workers, fearing that the Socialization them dismount on the left.
This stalemate persisted until Concept Pettinato, that Mussolini had himself called "our most important journalistic mind", created a sensational case. One of his article, published in La Stampa "(of which he was director) of 21 June 1944, entitled: "If you're knock once," gave a boost to the Head of CSR and forced him to enforce those laws on Socialization As we have seen, had already approved in the legislation, but remained ineffective.
Mussolini broke with the delay and issued the Decree of June '44 and the entry into force of the Decree of the previous February.
Because of the dramatic crisis sweeping the country, Mussolini considered it appropriate to implement the Socialization for degrees starting from publishing companies.
The situation was falling, but in socialized enterprises there is a significant increase in production. In December 1944, Nicola Bombacci planned a series of meetings and conferences between the socialized enterprises and among these, he visited the Mondadori drawing surprise and emotion. Following this, he sent a letter to Mussolini in which, among other things, he wrote: "I talked to workers who are part of the Management Board, which I found full of enthusiasm and including this mission because of gains after the first few months is about 3 million."
The war is coming to an end and, as Amick wrote in "The 600 days of Mussolini:" Mussolini wanted the Allies and the monarchists would find the socialized northern Italy, initiated the drive for social goals, he wanted the workers to decide , against the new occupiers and anti-fascists, the social gains achieved with CSR. Precisely for this purpose
March 22, 1945 the Council of Ministers decided that it should proceed by April 21 to Socialization of enterprises with 100 employees and one million in capital.
To repay the huge contribution played by the big industrialists, the communists who controlled the full CLNAI, as the first official act, or even April 25, 1945, even as they continued to shoot and as he started the "black holocaust", I repeat, as first official act was the abolition of the "Law on Socialization."
had begun the great insult to the detriment of workers.
LINE N. 5-6. Giugno-July 1995