Monday, December 15, 2008

Metformin How Long Does It Take To Work

Cellulite: how to fight it with natural remedies

The therapeutic approach to fight cellulite has as its goal the reduction of adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer, and the revival of the integrity of connective tissue. To reduce the subcutaneous fat has been proven to the cola in the form of ointments, thanks to its caffeine component, taking action by lipolysis to catecholamines contained, and is especially useful to follow a diet of complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread and snacks made with whole grain flours and cereals rich as spelled kamut, oats, amaranth, quinoa, rye, reduce carbohydrates from refined flour resulting poor who are usually in grocery stores, and fats. To strengthen the structure of the connective tissue is rather useful oral supplementation of Centella asiatica, capable of reducing sclerosis.

With regard to topical preparations, or for local use, ointments of escin, a compound isolated dell'ippocastano, gave good results with anti-edema and anti-inflammatory properties, also has a property venotonicha, useful for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, managing to reduce the permeability of the capillaries, and the number of small pores on their walls. To increase effectiveness in this sense we can make oral supplementation with horse chestnut tincture.

Centella extract to 70% when taken orally, has proven to be very effective in treating not only of cells but also of distal venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Topical preparations are recommended based escin and cola, are to be applied with circular movements from the periphery to the center (towards the heart), the presence of vegetable oils such as almond oil, give elasticity and shine of the skin due to its high content of vitamin E that distinguishes them, and essential oils of clove, lemon and cypress are used to give back to the skin itself. The

argirescina, a compound isolated seeds of horse chestnut, has similar anti-inflammatory and anti-edema of escin, and more is a good venotonico, increasing the contractile force of the elastic fibers of the vein wall, this is very important because the collapse of walls of the veins is characteristic of varicose veins, this is also very important in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. The form of recruitment is as dell'argirescina extract oral or cream form of a complex argirescina / cholesterol for local treatment.

Extract holly (Ruscus aculeatus) is useful both internally and externally for the treatment of varicose veins, a problem often related to cellulite, and hemorrhoids, thanks to anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive action. The flavonoids in hawthorn berries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries and holly in (Fagopyrum esculentum), and to prevent varicose veins are able to:-Reduce

capillary fragility
-Increase the integrity of the walls venous
-Inhibiting the breakdown of compounds which are substance-baseline
Increasing the muscle tone of the veins

Bromelain help break down the fibrin that tends to deposit in tissues causing varicose veins near the skin so-called "orange peel". Also chili, garlic, onion and ginger enhance the destruction of fibrin, and are good remedies to supplement the diet. Important to take lots of fiber in the diet as Psyllium, pectin, flax seed and guar gum, which makes the stool soft and easy bowel peristalsis and defecation then, so the work on dimuendone and abdominal pressure created at this stage , which can lead to long, making more difficult the flow of venous blood from the legs back, with problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Even a diet high in refined foods, or non-integral, contributing increased risk of varicose veins.


This plant is used for different applications:

-Detoxifying the liver from toxins, is the best natural supplement together with the detoxifying turmeric
-Water Retention

-Hepatitis-Jaundice, Hepatomegaly

-diuretic action replacing potassium (avoids its loss characteristic of diuretic medications), urinary disinfectant

-Action-prevents and cures the formation of gallstones through the action cholagogue (stimulates the production of bile and its flow) and choleretic (induces contractions gallbladder), thanks also to the content of choline, lipotropic a good way (helps the metabolism of fat in the liver), unlocking the annoying situation of so called "sluggish liver" characteristic of situations such as:

-Excess estrogen or birth control pills
Presence of gallstones
-Alcohol Endotoxin-

-liver disorders such as Gilbert's Syndrome
-steroidal anabolic substances and drug-
various nutritional deficiency
inhibitor of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice
-cancer-employed in China for the treatment of breast cancer


Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni

Sunday, November 30, 2008

White Pimples On Gums

Infertility women: the bathrooms based on peat

The bath of peat combined with hyperthermia as a treatment designed to increase body temperature by hot baths, increases white blood cell (WBC), is also useful against human papilloma virus (HPV) causes some forms of uterine cancer, infertility 'INSUFFICIENT WOMEN caused by maturation of the follicle, showing a group observed a high pregnancy rate and a virtually non-existent rate of spontaneous abortion , turns out to be frequent in the group treated with drug therapy.

peat also significantly improves pain in cases of ankylosing spondylitis by reducing C-reactive protein, an inflammatory blood marker, that is detectable by a specific blood test, blood and increase hemoglobin, and is very useful for bruises.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ingredients In The Flu Vaccine

Baita Segantini White, Pale di S. Martino

need words to describe the peace and tranquility 'that a place like this forward? At the foot of the Pale di San Martino found this wonderful Hut!

It lies within the Paneveggio Park and Pale di San Martino, near the ski resort of Passo Rolle.

The Valley of Primiero with all its countries Fair, Siror, Tonadico San Martino di Mezzano and Imer Castrozza are all tourist destinations in both summer and winter.

to see the Baita Segantini in all its beauty I suggest you plan a vacation in these areas above all in the summer when all of these colors are part of the landscape.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Getting Wife To Wear Stockings

Natural Weight Loss Diet

Here I report a program from a friend consigliatomi naturopath, I could not bear the name of the products and manufacturers, but following the ingredients listed and explained in detail as well as comprenderme beneficial effects on the body and useful the loss of weight you can get the same effect if you can find in herbal medicine, organic supermarkets now widespread in many health food stores in the city or of our own supplements equivalent, with the same ingredients, the herbalist or specialist advise them that we certainly know better than us the characteristics of the various existing supplements containing the ingredients that I reported here.

What I wanted to emphasize is the synergy of cooperation that the individual ingredients lead to slimming and toning of our tissues and organs, the experience of a naturopath and the empiricism of the cases observed and better view of my friend, led to confirmation of the validity of the method, the bibliography is a further seal of the studies and the experience of other scholars and doctors.

Choose practice this method is a personal choice, consult a physician and / or dietitian responsible for confirming that supplements and methods given here are appropriate to your body and not in conflict with their own health problems.

First, you need to follow a cleansing diet to eliminate toxins from the body, what follows is a diet program with three modules: diet, food supplements and therapy of movement, planned by the American naturopaths and Barrie Bennett. Besides the classic advice to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, are given the nutrients and foods with particular roles and particular attention is given to the protein, if you choose to avoid meat, to be replaced by products based on rice flour, rich in protein, vegetables and seaweed, rich in amino acids, the basic building blocks of proteins, and in fact it is as if they were digested proteins. Within the diet is a program of treatment bowel, liver and kidney, which must precede the actual diet, because it is good to cleanse their bodies of food residues and toxins wrong, so it increases the effectiveness of weight-loss diet and bodies healed. Before using supplements such as algae, vitamins, and eat with rice, raw vegetables before main meals, and grains as recommended, it should then do the treatment program.

a Diet

Before following a good diet is purifying their bodies. Must first be purified to detoxify the bowel, which inevitably raises to dispose of toxins by the liver first. Then so it must be taken on a liver cleansing is recommended while taking probiotics to help restore a healthy bacterial flora and the intestinal walls. Finally you need a cleaning of kidneys, which do have a filter for the blood and excrete waste resulting from water-soluble liver detoxification, to cleanse themselves from the workload that had the first two stages.

Retention water

This problem may be due to poor drainage of the tissues, to the aftermath of a steroid treatment, and stress. To eliminate these problems must be taken on a special diet, taking little sugar and yeast (a little beer, pasta, bread, pizza except for kefir), instead of using whole grain flours and sugar and eliminating dairy products. Obviously this issue to look bad tissue and contributes to the difficulty of disposing of toxins. In particular, rye, and then all the bread and rye-based products help to dispose of liquid accumulated in the tissues, as well as having a beneficial blood glucose lowering effect that prevents the prediabetic condition. Also excellent Evening primrose oil el'alga Hijiki (seafood spaghetti) to help combat fluid retention, this seaweed is also rich in vitamin C, and therefore also suitable to recover from periods of cool, seaweed is also a general are also good antioxidants and are able to detoxify the body from heavy metals tying.

Program purification

This detoxification program naturopath recommended it to me. I researched the properties of the components of these formulations on the purification of natural medicine manual written by two members of Bastyr University in Seattle, dedicated to scientific studies on substances Natural and Herbal Medicine on a text by Jean Valnet, medical officer of the French army during the war in Vietnam, considered one of the fathers of naturopathy.

This program is a first step towards the beginning of a diet, to help clean up the bodies of toxins and waste food wrong, or otherwise tainted by industrial products.

Purifying intestinal

To start a supplement is taken as bowel cleansing, which contains
oxide and peroxide of magnesium useful for:

gluten-encrusted stuck to the intestinal walls after years of gluten-containing foods in fact, to carbohydrate refined (pasta, bread, flour, cakes), is also useful to oxygenate tissues

essential oil of tarragon (or tarragon) that is used:

-hiccup against

also has properties:

-stomach-digestive ( aids digestion)
-carminative (promotes the contractility of the digestive system and therefore the expulsion of intestinal gas)

oe chamomile useful

to help digestion

oe is savory :

-antiseptic, thus useful against microorganisms and fungal diseases such as candidiasis-
useful for bronchitis and asthma
-profit for insomnia


-psycho-physical activity stimulates both brain cortico-adrenal

Chamomile and savory are also used as sedatives for a nervous stomach cramps.

Purifying liver

then is taken as a useful supplement:

-like liver-cleansing against ritezione
-water to combat cellulite
-estimate of kidney stones and gall-
for the expulsion in urine waste of physiological processes (urea, uric acid, chloride) is therefore useful for those who suffer from gout

should be taken after the bowel cleansing because this action raised some toxins are eliminated, but some inevitably fall into the circulation and must be filtered by the liver, which therefore requires a purification. In addition to this action, it is helpful to take probiotics for intestinal flora, even the good part is damaged in the cleaning intestinal and needs help with reintegration of acidophilus bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus), you should say that yogurt does not contain this type of bacteria (some vendors will carry the label type and you can check for yourself).

This supplement contains:

grass used for:

-inflammation of the urinary and digestive
being diuretic-being cholagogue cholelithiasis (stimulates contraction of the gall bladder), kidney stones

also has properties:


rosemary that is:

- antiseptic, antispasmodic

-diuretic, digestive tonic

chicory useful to

-cystitis (bladder inflammation)

-arthritis-like mild laxative

viola tricolor useful for: herpes-

- urticaria
-oliguria (lack of urine)-
nervous spasms

mullein (rate Barbasso) indicated for:


-hemorrhoids-bronchitis (being bechico or soothing cough)

thymus indicated for:

nature of nervous-stomach cramps, general weakness


prune juice:

-used mainly as a laxative

concentrated grape:
contains many vitamins and minerals

horseradish juice useful for:

digestive atony, digestions difficult
-lymphatic (hyperplasia of the constitutional elements of the lymphatic system, in particular lymph nodes and adenoids), it has utility General cleaning of the lymphatic system that carries waste cell

elderberry juice is also helpful to fight:

-water retention
-rheumatic gout-

-nephritis (kidney inflammation)
essential states of inflammation (ie inflammation)

aloe vera which is a:

-tonic (stimulates circulation and digestion)
-budget anti-smoking for active / passive and combustion (barbecue, fire, and on environmental pollution) [benzopyrene]
-stimulator of the immune system by increasing the phagocytosis of macrophages
-estimate of gastric ulcers by contact with irritants
-oxidant against free radicals

burdock helpful for:


viper bites

-diabetes-gout (excess uric acid in 'body, not the urine) and as


microbicide: antibiotic against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus)

ash that is:

-cleansing purgative

useful against:

-dropsy [payment of serum into a natural body cavities (abdomen, meninges)]

meadowsweet, return to fight:

-water retention, cellulite

-kidney stones (precursor of kidney stones)
-articular rheumatism also


-stimulates the secretion of bile (choleretic )
-diuretic eliminator urea, uric acid and chlorides

birch as indicated:


guar gum and pectin: they are soluble fiber, helpful in:

-poisoning Heavy metal-
increased intestinal permeability, which occurs with a diet rich in dairy products and by-intestinal dysbiosis (altered bacterial flora at the expense of the regular one that lives in the intestines), which may result to poor nutrition and diarrhea

Obviously, horseradish juice, guar gum and pectin are used as a vehicle for mixing and transporting the extracts of herbs and of the plants mentioned.

As the third and final purification is taken a kidney cleansing is also useful for increasing cellular metabolism through the seaweed kelp, and to obtain weight loss.

This must include:

Taraxacum (Dandelion) which has properties:

-preventive of kidney stones and bile-stimulating
kidneys and immune system, stimulating the path of supplement or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxins due to the high content of inulin, which is also useful to decrease the permeability of the intestinal wall, making it more difficult to re-absorption of toxins from the body.

-Also useful for cellulite

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

it has an action: pre-

of gastric cancer in the esophagus and liver, small intestine, pancreas, colon, lung, breast and of cancers arising from the use of estrogen (birth control pills, patches menopause, anabolic steroids), and the use of sausages and industrial products and water containing nitrates
-antioxidant to protect cell membranes from attack by free radicals, thus useful as anti-aging

-heart-protective antiendotossinemia (intestinal toxins that tend to be partially reabsorbed by the body)

Sea Oak (Fucus vesiculosus)

This alga has important properties:

prevents the absorption of strontium-related nuclear emission-
protects against cadmium, one of the most dangerous heavy metals
-accelerates cellular metabolism due to its high content of iodine, thus facilitating fat intake and thus weight loss, achieved with this algae, as well as with spirulina, thanks to the mucilage and the alginate content, which on one hand increase the sense of fullness in the stomach swelled, and the other decreases the intestinal absorption of fat and sugar.

addition the algae are given in weight-loss diets because they contain fiber also increases satiety, and accelerate intestinal transit while minimizing the possible re-absorption of toxins in the intestine, and the risk of bowel cancer due to contact of substances harmful with its walls, and several amino acids, trace elements and minerals.

Orthosiphon or Java Tea (Orthosiphon stamineus)

this is indicated for:

-cellulite-hepatic-renal lithiasis

-cystitis (calm the pain associated with inflammation of the bladder)
-high cholesterol-

Fennel has an action:

-digestive-carminative (even against bloating)
with asthma-hayfever-
antilitiasica urine (urinary calculi)

useful against:

nervous dyspepsia (digestive problems such as heartburn, reflux gastro-oesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting), urinary infection

reduced-oliguria or anuria (urine or a few absent)
-worms (roundworm, hookworm, botriocefali, pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms) for these worms are also useful garlic, carrot, cabbage, onion, potato, leek, parsley, rhubarb, thyme, strawberry, almond, walnut, peach, plum

Dietary advice


During the depuration phase and subsequently during the period for which you want to take the diet, it is a good habit to eat raw vegetables such as carrot, artichoke and fennel 10 minutes before meals, so it increases the sense of satiety and clean up the bodies of toxins, including the intestine through the fibers contained. If you do not want avoid meat you should eat for dinner, while the best carbohydrates to consume whole (unrefined) for lunch, dinner, just before sports. Recommended smoothies, and fruit juices and vegetables, and of course their entire intake, and cereal grains such as oats and millet, to be cooked like rice.

Foods to Avoid (if possible)

-meat, fish, poultry and eggs

-dairy-fat and oils (excluding virgin olive oil / virgin [2 tablespoons per day or raw linseed])
chocolate-nuts and oil seeds, butter and margarine

-legumes (except soybeans, mung beans, miso and Phaseolus aureus)
-food derived from corn, oats, wheat and sugar-

-alcoholic beverages, coffee and black tea

A liquid diet for 2 days is safe and cleanses the blood, with liquid diet and short fasts are also recommended in cases of:

· pesticide poisoning
· RA
· Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day while dieting to prevent DISIDATRAZIONE not to leave the dirty blood of waste
Avoid coffee, which often serves as a diuretic in those who took stress from the hustle and ignore the signals of thirst that sends the body, often the symptoms of thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Other dietary advice

Beverages Allowed:

· lemonade at a dose of half a lemon in a quart of softened water with half a cup of grape juice
· green teas
· Te
· centrifuged fruit and vegetables excluding the grapefruit which inhibits the functions of the liver detoxification

not allowed:


alcohol-including beer and wine



-salt vegetable

naturally fermented soy sauce or tamari
culinary spice miso-

to Avoid:

types of ready-
spicy additives



-rice-rice-Basmati rice
Thai (jasmine)
wild-products from rice flour and sweet rice, quinoa, amaranth and millet flours in general not


· sugar molasses honey
· artificial sweeteners
· wheat, corn and derived products and in general products containing gluten

vegetables recommended

can be steamed, sauteed, baked, or whisked centrifuged

leaf vegetables: lettuce, endive, arugula, spinach, thistle

Root and tuber vegetables: carrots , beets, potatoes, celery, radishes, turnips

Mustard cabbage, broccoli, turnips, horseradish, radish, watercress and brussels sprouts, mustard leaves

Climbing: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins

Bulbs: shallots, garlic, onions, leeks

Other vegetables: asparagus, celery, artichokes, eggplant, green beans, peppers, seaweed, cabbage fermented without the addition vinegar or preservatives

The centrifuged fruit and vegetables provide vitamins, enzymes and minerals without burdening the body. You may suffer
Meteora initially because of vegetables caused by bacterial fermentation initially but quickly eliminated, it can be used to solve ginger powder, cardamom and cinnamon, and avoid salads, onions and cabbage, in the case did not go through those remedies

These varieties of fruits and vegetables can cause hives, difficulty breathing, headaches and stomach pains in avoiding those that give malaise



-red and green peppers

-cucumber-cherry-raspberry and strawberry


-fresh figs, melons, oranges

The food is good medicine:

Protein rice

You can use rice milk shake, blending rice flour with water or fruit juice to reduce the cramps of hunger detox treatment involving a few foods introduced.

Artichokes and foods containing inulin: This substance is a powerful stimulant to the kidneys and immune system by stimulating the complement pathways or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxin, the substance also has high concentration nell'echinacea, sunflower seeds, bell nell'enula and burdock. For this is a recommended daily portion of artichokes.

course, all dietary advice for the disposal of food is not totally easy to follow, nonetheless serve as a reference.

2 Nutritional Supplements

For each of these categories targeted to a specific purpose to help the detox, just take a supplement.

Carriers bile

The toxins are best eliminated by the liver is stimulated if the excretion of bile. And 'Just use one of the following:


Lecithin-Bile salts-ox-

So for example, will be sufficient to take turmeric.

binders of bile

After a meal, a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to contract, allowing the flow of bile into the duodenum, but some toxic compounds such as toxins carried in the duodenum can bind to bacteria, some of these produce a enzyme called beta-glucuronidase catalyzes these toxins that facilitate the absorption.


serves to bind the bile, so that no toxins catalysts, the effect of that enzyme action of some intestinal microorganisms. The cure is not possible even when the toxins are carried by the blood, plasma or gastric juice once the bile is linked to the charcoal. It 'also used as an antidote in case of poisoning and acts as a sponge for ammonia, viruses, bacteria and their waste, even used for the treatment of cholera and dysentery. It 's the best binder of toxins and that derived from wood is the only recommended in the book. Dosage: 2 capsules with each meal or 2 teaspoons powder.


If the food stays too long in the intestines can occur processes of necrosis (tissue death) and poisoning intestine. Adequate doses of soluble fiber can be obtained from futta fresh, vegetables and rice milk shakes, and can reduce the formation of endotoxin absorption promoting their elimination.

Increased intestinal permeability

The healthy intestine allows for a certain passage of nutrients but when the permeability increases above physiological values \u200b\u200bhere that the function of filtering bacteria and toxins that should be eliminated from the intestine penetrate in the blood.

substances effective in healing damage to the intestinal walls:

· glutamine
· Vitamin E
· pantothenic acid (contained in the probiotic "Probiophilus)
· zinc
· soluble fiber inulin

To achieve this aim the reorganization of the intestinal walls is sufficient to assume the alga spirulina, can be taken as a soluble fiber guar gum, milkshakes rice seed, psyllium and pectin (found in the cookie jar).

Vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients

These elements are essential as processing aids in the detoxification process. The nutrients listed here are contained in high doses in spirulina, carrots, and various vitamins (vitamin B2, B6, B12, pantothenic acid and folic acid) in formulazioe Probiophilus of probiotics.

Spirulina (Spirulina maxima)

has a high content of Vitamin C, E, B group, carotene and carotenoids, selenium, methionine, manganese, copper, zinc, and superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme very useful to combat free radicals. It therefore has a key role to support the fight against free radicals released by the process of purification and toxins, and strengthen the defenses and facilitates the transit of bile. With methionine participates in the division of estrogen, which makes it particularly important in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that can be caused by an abnormal production of estrogen, which guarantees a supply of amino acids specific for the breakdown of toxins. With vitamins C and E protects tissues from free radicals generated during the detoxification, very dangerous for the cell membranes, which attacks can also lead to cell degeneration. It also serves to decrease the intestinal permeability, to give greater sense of satiety, and decrease the absorption of sugars and fats is recommended for slimming diets.

Bioflavonoids are antioxidants capable of protecting the tissues. Vitamin C increases the antioxidant capacity of bioflavonoids that the combined use of both substances is recommended. This combination is in the wording of Vitamin C 2000 all'acerola Bioflavonoids are recommended catechin, silymarin and curcumin. Green tea has been shown to contain the EGCC, a catechin that has 200 times the antioxidant vitamin E in protecting cell membranes, protects against intestinal bacterial toxins and Collagen as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma, a disease that causes thickening el 'hardening of the skin, then protects against liver disease and cardiovascular diseases. Dosage: 3 cups of green tea daily.

silymarin in Milk Thistle is located in large quantities. No drug synthesis proves as effective as liver protection, increase production by 35% Glutathione even in healthy patients by facilitating the detoxification of hepatic phase 2 and preventing the depletion of glutathione, very important because it also acts as an antioxidant against free radicals generated by the first phase of detoxification, which would tend to damage the liver.

Directions for use:

-diabetic-neuropathy in diabetic patients
Liver fat-Nausea in pregnancy
alcoholism, liver dysfunction (cholestasis that you stay of bile in the liver, the blood can not be filtered properly 99% in one step as occurs in healthy patients because the liver fails to eliminate toxins, and sometimes also requires 10 steps)
acute viral hepatitis-liver cirrhosis-

-Protection of the immune system and liver

Dosage: 200 mg 3 times daily.

Recommended Vitamin A Retinol, or acid retinol, for immune disorders and infections rather than vitamin A itself. Dosage: 10000-30000 IU / Per doses above 10,000 IU is required prescription.

riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Promotes cellular energy production and glutathione. Gives the urine a yellow Dosage: 10-20 mg / day.

niacin (vitamin B3)

Used in the treatment of colesteromia, diabetes, schizophrenia and cerebrovascular insufficiency. Involved in the detoxification process but also in the production of neurotransmitters and energy metabolism of cells. Dosage: 10-100 mg / day.


offers a wide range of protection, it is important for the synthesis of coenzyme A glucuronic acid and used as purifying the body by drugs and toxins. Pantothenic acid also controls the antioxidant enzymes and is an important nutrient when the body increases its biochemical activity as a result of injury or exposure to toxins. Dosage: 500 mg / day.

cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folic Acid And pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Vitamin B12 acts as metildonatore and thus facilitates the process of detoxification of homocysteine. Although folic acid and vitamin B6 are performing this task following a high-protein diet. Vitamin B12 also helps in cases of sensitivity to sulfites in foods, which manifests itself with symptoms similar to asthma. In this case, we recommend vitamin B12 with molybdenum in doses of 100-600 mcg / day. High values \u200b\u200bof homocysteine \u200b\u200bare linked to a risk of cardiovascular disease, especially women have a higher risk. Dosage of Vitamin B12: 1000 mcg / day.

tablets of vitamin C all'acerola

There are tablets of vitamin C and bioflavonoids extracted from fruit of course, based on acerola, rose hips, green pepper, raspberry, black currant, the property described above one can understand how this supplement may have beneficial properties.

3 The treatment of movement

These therapies reduce tension, improve blood circulation and metabolic rate.


consists of alternating hot and cold water, should an empty stomach, early in the morning or at bedtime.


Take a hot shower for 5 minutes, letting the water run along the back, then take a cold shower for a period equal to 30 breaths and repeat the cycle three times, dry well and resting in bed for half an hour, otherwise the blood to flow back slowly, especially in the abdomen, is stimulated the sympathetic system that runs along the spine, should be performed 2 times daily, or at least 1 time.

dry clutch

made on the skin with a natural fiber brush, make short strokes toward the heart but still decided to stimulate the elimination of toxins.


A good aerobic exercise is jumping rope, jumping 200 continuous to start without errors, otherwise start over, and increase up to 1000, excellent calves, hips and abdominal muscles. This is to improve coordination, aerobic and rhythmic.

Yoga and alternate nostril breathing

There are various yoga poses, the goal is relaxation. For the alternate nostril breathing lie down on the floor with a pillow under your buttocks or sit with your back straight, slowly exhale and then insipirare with the right nostril with the thumb holding the other occluded, when the lungs are filled close the left nostril with the 'ring and remove the thumb from the right. You can start with breathing and count to ten that exhale, then switch to eg higher than 5 times and 10 units (15/15, 20/20, 30/30) then you can still improve in exhaling twice as long on inspiration. Yoga is recommended in particular the Savasana position.

is obviously impossible to take all these actions of dietary supplements, food, and relaxing effect of exercise and breathing, but with better results considering the synergy of results of specific operations.


Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Editions

Association Médicale Kousmine International - "The method Kousmine" - Editions Techniques New

Jean Valnet - "Herbal Medicine - Healing with Plants" - Giunti Editore

Various Authors - "Detox in 7 Days" - Techniques new editions

Roberto Spinelli - "Turmeric" - Edizioni MIR

Nitrous Oxide Whipetts Long Term Effects

Natural cosmetics for cleansing the body

There are cosmetics for the beauty of body and hair, which contain nutrients and avoid the use of aggressive substances.

The usual soaps, for example, in contact with water to form excessive foam that dries the skin, paradoxically, are therefore recommended vegetable soaps using nutrients and emollients such as shea butter almond oil, and do not contain synthetic preservatives .

These natural vegetable soaps are also a good alternative to bubble bath, and are more environmentally sound, and then ourselves. There

bubble bath, shampoo and conditioner natural, ecological, which avoid the use of SLS, SLES and parabens (you can find such a shop in Fair), substances that contribute to increasing environmental pollution.

We can also find liquid soaps marseille for hand washing in formulations
neutral or scented with essential oils.

Then there are the soap of Marseille, who are usually the ones on the market, as you can read the labels, actually comprise a small percentage of real mixture of Marseille, while the remainder is made up of substances such as the optical brighteners useful to make more reflective fabric washed, and then apparently white.

There are also shampoos in the form of bars of soap using vegetable oils such as hemp oil, ideal for washing hair, especially long ones, to feed them, leaving it soft and easy combing. How

stuccante for cleaning the face, almond oil is great, the best is cold-pressed, as it is obtained from a purely mechanical procedure without the use of chemicals.

There are natural toothpastes that do not contain fluoride or sodium fluoride
scented with essential oils with astringent properties for inflamed gums
or green clay to facilitate removal of food and prevent plaque.

These products are not usually in traditional stores, we need to go into shops, organic supermarkets or in health food stores, I think it's worth a try ...... the difference is obvious!

The only negative thing is the price a bit ' higher, compared to traditional products, but if we think the quality of the product and try to use dosarne better, considering our contribution to the companies that undertake to provide natural cosmetic and lower pollution, it is worth it really.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mr Clean Magic Eraser Stove Top

Feel like skiing? In Trentino, the Passo Tonale and 'came the snow and you're' waiting for!

From Friday, November 7th you can ski on the glacier Presena where, thanks to snow in recent days there is a meter of snow.

The slopes will open the Presena right and Presena Heaven, Step Up to Heaven.

The facilities will be open from 8.00 to 15.00 on weekdays and from 8.00 to 16.00 on Saturdays and Sundays.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Do You Safely Secure A Leaning Mirror

Stress: Natural Remedies, ginseng and Eleutherococcus

With any stress disorder is defined as heat, cold, physical trauma, emotional excitement, chemical toxins and microorganisms in the body to induce a reaction called stress response, part of a broader response call general adaptation syndrome.

general adaptation syndrome

This general reaction organism can be broken down into three phases: • Alarm

• Resistance • Exhaustion


At this stage the fight against disorder that causes stress is supported by mechanisms of brain type, thanks to production from the pituitary gland hormone ACHT (adrenocorticotropic hormone) that stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline and other hormones related to stress response.
This response serves to set in motion the body's energy reserves to counteract the danger and causes:

• Increased heart rate and force of contraction of the heart, the blood tends to move skin and internal organs, except heart and lungs that are crucial for survival, muscle and brain, which require more oxygen and glucose
• Increased respiratory rate, to provide heart, brain and muscles more oxygen
• Increased sweating, to better dispose of endotoxin, produced by the body and lower body temperature
• Reducing the production of gastric juices, which do not represent a major utility to combat stress
• Production of glucose by the liver to from glycogen, and release into the bloodstream, which will have high sugar levels made available by the increased demands energy body


This phase may last much longer before the alarm, which is generally short, takes over and has the following effects:

• Production of hormones such as cortisol and other glucocorticoids, proteins that promote the conversion of energy in order to avoid depletion of glucose
• Retention of sodium to maintain high blood pressure, it is associated with a loss of potassium (sodium salt pump / potassium)

stimulates changes to

• Fighting • Make an emotional crisis
big physical effort
• Fighting infections

Excessive continuation of this stage of resistance can lead to the risk of contracting a serious illness such as:

• Diabetes • High blood pressure (hypertension)
• Cancer


This phase is manifested as partial or total collapse of an organ or body function due to exhaustion

• Loss of potassium ions, this leads to dysfunction and even cell death
• Out of glucocorticoid hormones such as cortisone, is so lost control on blood glucose and hypoglycemia can develop the • Undermining of organs

organs and systems particularly weakened by stress

• Heart • Blood Vessels •
adrenal glands
• Immune System

stress-related diseases

• Angina • Arthritis •

• Asthma • Cancer Ulcerative colitis
• Depression • Diabetes
adult, or Type II (NIDDM, non-insulin dependent)
• Intestinal
• Weakened immune system • hypertension

• Headache

• Cardiovascular diseases • Irregular menstruation • Common cold

• Premenstrual Syndrome • Ulcer

approach to combat stress

• Relax your mind and body
• Optimization time
• Care relationships
• Fitness • Healthy Diet

• Food, fruits and plants to strengthen the body and the adrenal glands

Behaviours to avoid inducing stress

• chemical dependency (drugs, drugs, alcohol, smoking)
• Look for long time TV
• Bulimia (blow off steam in the food until you get to rivomitarlo)
• hysterical • Radioactive

• Spend a lot of money

Relax your mind and body

In a complementary way to the stage of stress response, governed by sympathetic nervous system, which protects us from danger, this technique is to use methods to promote the relaxation response, governed by the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the phases of sleep, meditation, relaxation and rest the digestion, breathing and heartbeat failure, and can in this way to Garat refreshment, healing and good shape.


• Meditation • Prayer • Breathing

• Progressive muscle relaxation

• hypnosis • autogenic training


One of the most useful breathing techniques to relax is diaphragmatic breathing, another is that of divine healing, described in Chapter 4 of detoxification, also report below.

Divine Healing • Stand up with arms outstretched to the sides continuously while breathing
• Bring both arms above your head • Exhale
throwing down their arms dropped and swinging

The breath, called divine healing, can take advantage of the top of your lungs, that at the top, which is not normally used. This breath is often practiced as an exercise of preparatory gymnastics, swimming, during the stretching. In swimming the same can be carried out a similar exercise during the swim back to the frog, that is in the prone position with his back facing the bottom of the tank, move your arms and legs back together with a frog in bringing the arms to the head inhale deeply through the nostrils until the end of the arms, and then exhale returning the arms to the legs.


Meditation is a powerful method to combat stress, studies show that a three-day retreat in meditation is able to halve the cortisol, known as the stress hormone, and to increase DHEA, a hormone precursor of testosterone, as well as melatonin, a hormone of good humor. If you want to deepen, there is a post dedicated This argument, which is attracting increasing interest for both the charm that arouses in us the East West and for the benefits that our friends tell us that they had in practice daily life.

optimization time

• Set priorities by calculating how much work a day was able to play
• Organize your day by setting the time required for certain jobs, including the unexpected interruption of our work
• Delegate work to others, when we are not able to do everything yourself
• Do not postpone the deadlines might otherwise overwhelm
• Tackling the toughest jobs quickly so that at the end of the day, when you are more tired, you can play other
• Do not be a perfectionist, to outline the basis of the work, then adjust later
• Organizing meetings at lunch and end of the day, so as to limit the duration and have more time to make these other commitments

Care relationships

Establish a good relationship, first of all means be respectful, so having a dialogue with others, why are these qualities

• Demonstrate good listeners identifying with nell'interlocutore
• Do not interrupt the speaker, is expected to ask the question and understand what they're asking, without hurry to think and mean our response, be sure that we listen or they will not be including our reasoning, unless the person before us is extremely rude, which he may be kindly noted
• Listen actively by asking questions
• reflective listening, thus indicating that we have heard, proposing their own version showing an interest
• Encourage active listening in their own party, asking questions to make sure she understood, and possibly re-explain the idea until he understands
• Ability to communicate with the silence and reflect on what we heard

sports tires and induce stress, but with regular exercise your body adjusts and is able to better combat stress, depression and afffaticamento general, because the body is strengthened, acquires resistance and responds better to the tension, the sense of inadequacy, concerns and distressing situations. Sport in general has a real purpose for general detoxification, and allows you to burn fat reserves if it is practiced for at least 30 minutes with a heartbeat that is 80% of the number 220 - age, the only way you can succeed to dispose of fat with physical activity sport allows the purification of cells in the body of toxins, and at the same time it improves your blood circulation and lymph flow even when is practiced to mild levels.

Healthy Diet

those suffering from stress or anxiety should take this advice

• Reduce or eliminate caffeine
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption
• Delete from pure carbohydrate diet
• Diversifying the range of food
• Increase the ratio potassium / sodium introduced
• Power supply with regular meals in a calm and quiet, to aid digestion
• Remove any food allergies

Caffeine may harm not only those who make extensive use of coffee or drinks that contain, but also those with reduced hepatic phase I detoxification, which are more sensitive to it and tolerate a lesser amount.

Effects of caffeine overdose

• Irritability • Depression • Nervousness

• palpitations • Insomnia • Migraine

Alcohol Consumption of alcohol produces these effects

• Prevents the normal chemical processes in the brain
• Increases
anxiety • Increases the production of adrenal hormones
• Alter the sleep-wake cycle

Refined carbohydrates

foods such as flour and sugar, causing problems controlling blood sugar and hypoglycemia. Disorders such as depression, anxiety and mental problems would require the monitoring of blood levels of hypoglycemia. In several studies have found high levels of hypoglycemia observed in depressed patients. For those who suffer from anxiety and depression sometimes is enough to eliminate refined carbohydrates from the diet to solve the problem, when it is caused by hypoglycemia.

Value Potassium / Sodium

for the proper functioning of the adrenal glands the ratio of potassium and sodium intake should be high, about 50:1, very useful for this purpose to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and reduce salty foods. A proper ratio potassium / sodium pump in the saline cell phone provides a good barrier, with a balanced electrical potential, thereby increasing the resistance to the action of free radicals and degenerative diseases and viruses even when already under way.

allergenic foods

those suffering from anxiety and chronic fatigue should be careful to eat foods that might show respect for food allergy. This mechanism of food allergy, immunology and nature, and the result of an immune reaction that release histamine, deeply quite different from that of food intolerance, digestive in nature.
symptoms that accompany food allergies can include: • Anxiety

• Fatigue • Muscle aches and joint
• State of confusion
• Difficulty concentrating • Depression

Nutritional support

prolonged stress and corticosteroids such as prednisone, make the contracted and malfunctioning adrenal glands, and increases sensitivity to allergies and infections, as well as anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue.

The most important substances as dietary supplements to restore the proper functioning of the adrenal glands are the vitamin C, pantothenic acid (B vitamin), vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium. In fact, the levels of these substances in the adrenal glands decreases when there is stress, thereby altering the secretion of hormones and the functioning of the glands themselves.


Vitamin B: 100-500 mg (particolrmente useful for people who should be subjected to chronic stress and corticosteroids such as prednisone)
Vitamin B6: 50-100 mg
Zinc: 20-30 mg
Magnesium: 250 -500 mg

herbal remedies

The two most mentioned the Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng), also called Siberian ginseng or el'eleuterococco (Eleutherococcus senticosus)

The Chinese ginseng is indicated in persons who have undergone periods of high stress, who is recovering from a long illness and has taken prednisone for a long period, while the Siberian for those who had a mild stress or a slight disturbance to the adrenal.

Both types of ginseng

• allow individuals to give back vitality
• Increase the weak force
• Increase the capability of the body presale stress
• mitigate certain negative effects of cortisone
• To improve physical performance and mental
• Improve the functioning of the liver
• Protection against radiation doses

For referral to a specialist, or naturopathic doctor who specializes in herbal medicine, which will assess his personal situation, and through history, or an interview about the history of your health prescribe appropriate therapy.


Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni

How Much Is One Scoop Of Vanilla Sugar?

Candidiasis Chronic cystitis natural remedies

with chronic candidiasis is defined as the benign overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans which is normally present in the digestive tract and vagina. The cause is multifactorial and also symptoms that can result are manifold. So it is important to finally win this annoying problem, identify the predisposing factors and correct their lifestyle and diet. The yeast multiplies beyond measure mainly when there is a lowering of the immune system and when you have damage to the intestinal walls, so that our body absorbs particles of yeast and toxins from the gut, which is no longer a good filter for them, thus causing a deterioration in the processes of various organs by developing the so-called "yeast syndrome." The symptoms relate mainly to the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, the endocrine system and urogenital tract and nervous system and chronic fatigue, allergies, immune dysfunction, depression, digestive disturbances and sensitivity to chemicals. Predominantly affects women between 15 and 50 years with rates 8 times higher than in males, due to the effects of estrogen, the greater quantity of pills and took antibiotics.

predisposing factors in an overgrowth of Candida

-dietary factors
-Nutritional deficiencies
-drugs (mainly antibiotics, especially if taken prolungatamente)
-Alteration of intestinal bacterial flora
-immune dysfunction
-Hepatic function abnormal disease-

General Symptoms

-Chronic fatigue-decreased energy, general malaise

-Diminuizone libido

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

- Swelling
-intestinal cramps, alteration of bowel function

-anal itching


-vaginal yeast infections (vaginitis)
-recurring bladder infections (cystitis)

Disorders endocrine

Disorders related to the menstrual cycle

nervous system disorders

-Lack of concentration Irritability

-Depression-immune disorders

-depressed functions immuntarie

-Allergy-Sensitivity to chemicals

History (history of the habits of the patient)

-chronic yeast vaginitis
-Antibiotics given in a chronic infection or acne-
Taking birth control pills
-administration of oral steroid

issues associated

-Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual

-sensitivity to foods, chemicals or other allergens

-Endocrine Disorders-Eczema-Psoriasis

-Strong desire for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast


The Antibiotics suppress the immune system and normal bacterial flora, which has a role in the prevention of bacterial overgrowth of yeast, are a major factor in the proliferation of Candida. Sometimes they are prescribed for problems such as acne, recurrent cystitis, otitis, sinusitis and chronic bronchitis, and irritation of the throat without the presence of bacteria could be avoided by using the most effective natural remedies, having also induced resistance in bacterial strains to these drugs. The WHO (World Health Organization) we are getting closer to a "post-antibiotic was" in which many infectious diseases will become impossible to treat, perlaltro the warming is changing the micro-climates on different continents and are expected to trigger a return of old infectious diseases and epidemiology to further strengthen those currently available. Antibiotic resistance is enhanced by its addition to animal feed, perpetuated since the fifties, and the WHO recommended limit their use and prevent misuse. This resistance antibiotic is much more common as it is their administration, and this is especially problematic in relation to structures osperdaliere organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which often lead to fatal complications, and there is no resistance when given sporadic, so to avoid this situation as a possible remedy is to reduce the limitation period. The health effects triggered by overuse of antibiotics can make you feel even after decades, for example, since 1950, since it was introduced in addition to their use for livestock feed in developed countries, Crohn's disease is increased, in areas where it was presented prior to, thus removing the etiological hypotheses, or causal, genetic. Comparative statistics show a correlation between areas of high incidence of Crohn's disease and those related to premature wear and high use of antibiotics, there is also a parallel increase in the quantity required and the annual increase in the incidence of the disease.

therapeutic approach

With the therapeutic approach described here has ensured complete elimination of chronic candidiasis.

First Step: Identify and possibly eliminate the predisposing factors

(for example: dietary factor on the weakening of the immune system, a compromised liver function or a pre-existing illness).

Eliminate antibiotics, steroids, immunosuppressants, and birth control pills, except those cases that require urgent medical use.

Scan complete digestive stool, which is useful to assess digestive function, environment and intestinal absorption, digestive disorders and to understand what may be the basis for bacterial overgrowth of Candida, such as hypochlorhydria, or a lack of production hydrochloric acid, insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes such as proteases, which in addition to have a digestive function of proteins in the small intestine is used to eliminate pests such as bacteria, yeasts, protozoa and intestinal worms, and low production of bile, which may be useful to take additional food substances that promote the flow. Moreover, this test can determine a possible correlation of symptoms with other conditions such as Candida from bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine and irritable bowel syndrome.

Observe the recommendations of the predisposing factors identified.

Second Phase: Follow a control diet for Candida


or simple sugars and refined, because refined sugar is the main food for yeast, can be replaced with honey, maple syrup and fruit juice.

or Milk and dairy products, with the high lactose content promotes the growth of candida, as well as milk is one of the most common food allergens and a less digestible gradually advancing age, a decrease of ' enzyme lactase to help his digestion, thus giving rise to problems such as fermentation and development of intestinal gas going to weaken even more the intestine.

or foods with high of yeasts and molds such as alcoholic drinks, cheese, dried fruits, melons and peanuts.

Food allergies or known or suspected, it is useful in this regard using the ELISA to determine IgE-mediated food allergies and IgG-mediated.

Third Step: Take nutritional supplements

- Vitamin and mineral preparations highly effective as carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc and selenium, useful for the prevention of involution of the thymus-
antioxidant supplements (the same vitamins C, E and selenium are above)
-One tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day

Fourth phase: Improving immune function

-Encourage a positive mindset
-Take positive techniques to combat stress-
Avoid taking alcohol and refined sugar, smoking and controlling blood levels of cholesterol that if high could lead to a weakening of the immune function
-long sleep and rest to reduce stress and allow your body to regenerate
-Take 750 g per day of crude fractions of polypeptides to assist the functions of the thymus gland

factors that suppress the immune system in candidiasis:

-Taking antibiotics, corticosteroids or other medications that suppress the immune system
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Food allergies
sugar-rich diet

Fifth step: To promote detoxification and evacuation.

Take the evening of 4 grams of soluble fiber, guar gum, psyllium or pectin to promote intestinal motility. Device especially recommended for those who have followed antilievito therapies to remove the dead yeast cells. The psyllium fiber in particular has proved most effective among the soluble fiber as a laxative.
When it is necessary to improve liver function in such case in history of taking contraceptive oral steroids or estrogen, alcohol abuse, gallstones, hepatitis viral infection, diabetes, psoriasis, excess weight over 10 kg, high epsosizione to certain chemicals or drugs, such as solvents and cleaners, pesticides, antibiotics, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and thyroid hormone, taking silymarin and lipotropics factors for facilitating the flow of bile from the liver and fat and to itself, and fat metabolism. This need is often manifested through sensitivity and allergies to chemicals, which are signs of stress reactions of detoxification. The liver is very sensitive to chemical toxins and even when it is slightly damaged the immune system is seriously damaged, and therefore this is another predisposing factor of excessive growth of candida. In particular to assist the body's detoxification process is recommended:

-Take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds
-Adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and taking regular exercise physical
-Take Vitamin and mineral supplements for high-efficiency
Take prepared lipotropics which 1000 mg / day and 1000 mg choline / d of methionine and / or cysteine, and 140 mg of silymarin (an excerpt is taken from Sylibum marianum (milk thistle), 3 times daily, for protect the liver and enhance its functionality. Studies show property agents Lipotropics increase the SAM (S-adenosylmethionine), which is the main compound lipotropic hepatic, and glutathione, the main compound of the liver detoxification
Follow-fasting for three days at each change of season

Sixth stage: Take probiotics

The recommended dose of probiotics from 1 to 10 billion viable cells of L. acidophilus and B.bifidum per day, which had proved effective for most patients, higher doses may result in mild intestinal disorders while lower doses may be insufficient to colonize intestinal tract. The main functions of the use of probiotics for the treatment of chronic candidiasis are the creation of a healthy intestinal environment, a return to balance as postantibiotica therapy, a useful support to vaginal infections caused by yeast and urinary tract infections, which also depend intestinal health. It 's very important to supplement with probiotics, since it helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, as his health is closely related to the nutritional status of the host, and influences on aging, on the genesis of cancer, functions the immune system, and metabolism of cholesterol.

Seventh step: Follow appropriate therapy antilievito

-Taking nutritional supplements and / or herbs recommended to control the bacterial overgrowth and restore health to the bacterial flora.
-When necessary, take medication antilievito, in general, however, many patients may benefit from taking natural substances rather than from that of a pharmacological preparation. The exclusive use of drugs leads to antilievito Herxheimer reaction caused by the rapid killing of the microorganism and the following intestinal absorption of high amounts of toxins, and antigens derived yeast. To avoid this reaction follow the dietary advice above, help the liver function, and take a natural supplement antilievito given here, starting with a low dose until you arrive at the therapeutic dose indicated.
-Taking supplements antilievito natural
caprylic acid, which is a natural antifungal fatty acid in the form of capsules or coated preparation delayed effect, since it is rapidly absorbed from the intestine at a dose of 1500 mg / day with food.
berberine-containing plants such as goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and barberry (Berberis vulgaris).
-The berberine is an alkaloid from the potent antibiotic against bacteria, protozoa and fungi, including Candida albicans, which prevents the overgrowth of yeast, caused widespread side effect of antibiotics. The berberine is effective in combating a common symptom in patients suffering from Candida albicans as diarrhea, and such a powerful antidiarrhoeal action is also related to infections such as cholera, amebiasis, giardiasis and other acute gastrointestinal infections such as E. Coli, singuellosis, Salmonella, Klebsiella). For this reason, berberine-containing plants are used to combat cystitis, which affects mainly women, since these bacteria are frequently present in the intestines of these patients. In Europe has formed a tradition of using the Warburg salutaris to combat chronic candidiasis, It contains an alkaloid very similar to berberine and therefore is also useful to combat cystitis, unfortunately, has been banned since January 2007, and an alternative remedy is the grapefruit seed extract (GSE = grapefruit seeds extract). The dosage of standardized liquid extract (1:1) of berberine is 2-4 ml (0.5-1 teaspoon) of tincture (1:5), 6-12 ml (1.5-3 teaspoons tea). The recommended reference dose of berberine result have effective in combating gastrointestinal infections are of 25-50 mg 3 times a day. In particular, the Warburg-
salutaris manages to be effective against Candida albicans because it alters the functioning of the membrane and external causes such destruction, berberine is not toxic when taken in recommended doses, but if it is exceeded, it may interfere with the metabolism of vitamin B, and is not recommended to take during pregnancy.
-garlic, proved to be an important antifungal agent, thanks to the active component allicin, which gives the characteristic pungent odor. There are preparations of garlic without having the typical unpleasant smell due to the fact that allicin is formed only in the small intestine and large intestine when the coated tablet reaches you. The dosage for the treatment of chronic candidiasis is at least 10 mg of allicin or a potential of 4 g (one slice) of fresh garlic.
essential oils the form of capsules coated, in particular the essential oil of oregano has been shown to have 100 times more effective caprylic acid against Candida albicans, but we can not recommend this assumption because essential oils can give rise to problems for people with heart problems, and should be made detailed examinations on the lot belonging to detect the amount of essential oil components evaluated in relation to particular problems, however, only Daun aromatherapy or by a physician experienced in the field, even in Italy this discipline is not yet widespread in contrast to France where it is widespread in the studies of medical Jean Valnet. The dosage of reference for the preparation of essential oil is 0.2-0.4 ml per day in the form of capsules coated, due to the rapid intestinal absorption of the oil, and its association with heartburn.

If despite this guideline is not followed has detected an improvement in the problem should be repeated laboratory tests such as stool cultures and analysis of the levels of antigens to assess whether the candidates actually hides other problems. If the organism does not appear to have been deleted in addition to the recommendations that have been described need to take antibiotics.


Michael T Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni

Pratham And Gauri Rape

: bearberry, goldenseal and cranberry, natural remedies

Our fabrics can present an excessive acidification due to stress and an unbalanced diet, such as too much refined carbohydrates based , sweets, citrus fruits, industrial products, and indicates an optimum healthy state of our body.

to the acidity of the tissues are recommended in addition to the care Pantellini mentioned several times, citrates also referred to by Dr. Kousmine which also serve to heal the tanks without the presence of bacteria in the urine, I myself have tried a product based on citrate sodium, potassium and magnesium, as well as regular urine alkalinization, serves as a vermifuge for the intestine. This product also contains inulin is also a powerful stimulant Perren and stimulating the immune system via complement or by increasing the body's ability to evacuate the endotoxin, a substance present in high concentration even artichokes, nell'echinacea, sunflower seeds, nell'enula bell and burdock. The oil sunflower seed and then in addition to being referred to as mouth rinse to disinfect the gums and oral cavity and to balance the omega 3 and 6 of our body, is also useful as a stimulator of the immune system, this is a example of how a single product will be useful for multiple purposes.

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder and affects many more women fequentemente man.
The citrates are a remedy for tanks without bacteriuria, while in cases of cystitis with bacteria, there is a cure with garlic, bearberry, and goldenseal (also known by the name Golden Seal) combined in various ways depending on the bacteria present. Almost all bladder infections are derived from the bacterium Escherichia coli, in that case recommended Garlic (Allium sativum), goldenseal (tincture [1:5] 4-6 ml or 1 to 1.5 teaspoons) and bearberry (dye [1:5] 4-6 ml or 1 to 1.5 teaspoons) if instead of the infection is generated by Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Proteus mirabilis, or Staphylococcus saprophyticus Garlic and goldenseal are given, then only for Pseudomonas aeruginosa goldenseal.

It 'important to support the immune system because cystitis is an inflammation and the body produces white blood cells to fight bacteria, which are difficult if urine pH is higher or more alkaline, and are opposed by the wall vesicles that antimicrobial properties as well as the male prostate secretion, which is why the tanks are far more applicants in men than in women.

In one study, 73% of patients in 44 women and 16 men, who have been given 500 ml of cranberry juice per day showed benefits and 61% of them saw the resurgence of the infection, to cease the recruitment, although not in wide use should take into account, important to note that cranberry juice should be taken stretched to the limit with grape juice, apple or blueberry, as many commercial cranberry juices contain sugar deterioree that has an effect on the immune system, then perhaps we should take fresh fruits or take cranberry extracts in pills cranberry. E 'was found that Myrtilus red juice can prevent all'Escherichia coli to adhere to the walls of the bladder and urethra and thus is particularly indicated in the cysts that are caused by this bacterium.
E 'is also advised to eat a lot of onions, cut calories, avoid simple sugars and refined carbohydrates (so best to take pasta and bread, and it is better to dilute the fruit juice and drink 2 liters / day of water) and avoid drinks sodas, coffee and alcohol. Women who have a history of urinary tract infections should wash the genitals and urethra with the infusion of goldenseal (2 teaspoons per cup) before and after intercourse and if it is not effective enough with povidone iodine.
E 'then recommended the recruitment of sandalwood oil at a dose of 1-2 drops, the book I found the reasons we should search for it on a treaty Aromatherapy, to me at the end if we can snatch from nature its secrets from the disciplines that use extracts, oils or anything else to the end we could solve many series even more difficult for you.

Nutritional Supplements recommended

-Vitamin C-Bioflavonoids

-Vitamin A-Beta-carotene

As a final suggestion is finally recommended alkaline urine, and is the only possible treatment alternative for tanks without bacteriuria that is, without detection of bacteria in the urine, this can become especially citrates of sodium and potassium, and is then recommended to those who have cystitis due to bacteria as it is shown that the bearberry and goldenseal work best under alkaline conditions.

for IC is recommended instead of Centella asiatica, has shown to improve the integrity of the interstitial connective tissue and promotes healing of ulcers in the bladder.

The dose of tincture [1:5] (TM) that can be found in herbal medicine is 10-20 ml / day

Other applications of this plant also known as "poverty in India are:
-Leprosy (therapeutic response comparable to that of the drug dapsone, which is normally used for that disease):
-surgical wounds such as ENT surgery
-Skin ulcers due to venous insufficiency and arterial injuries of the skin gangrene

injuries schistosomiasis
-produced perineal injury during childbirth
bladder infections are sometimes linked to bacteria such as Candida in women cysts can be made by bacteria present in stool or vaginal secretions and may be affected, as well as for the man to urethral obstruction from trauma or stones, from pregnancy or male homosexual practices, but more frequently by structural abnormalities of the kidney. With regard to Candida re recalls the importance of taking probiotics free milk or without milk, which may produce intestinal fermentation, given the tendency of our body to decrease the production of the enzyme lactase with age, which is a specific enzyme to digest milk.

These products such as tinctures of bearberry, cranberry juice and probiotics free milk can be found in health food stores and health food store as well as in organic supermarkets.


Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red Edizioni

Association Médicale Kousmine International - "The method Kousmine" - Editions Techniques New

Can You Get Thrush From Waxing?

Premenstrual syndrome: natural supplements

PMS affects women prominently, from one to two weeks before the onset of the menstrual cycle, below shows the main symptoms, causes and possible dietary supplements.

main causes of PMS:

Excess estrogen-progesterone-Fault

-High levels of prolactin (possibly related to low levels of zinc)

-Hypothyroidism-Stress, lack of endogenous opioids (endorphins and dynorphin) and adrenal dysfunction
nutritional abnormalities
-Alterazioni/eccesso macronutrient
-Lack of micronutrients

Signs and symptoms of PMS:

-Decreased energy

-Depression-Irritability Headache-

-Impaired libido

breast-Pain-Back Pain-

-abdominal swelling Swelling of the fingers and ankles

physiological effects induced by the increased ratio estrogen / progesterone:

-Hepatic impairment ----> ----> Deterioration of cholestasis SPM to difficulties in flow of bile ----> worsening liver function (vicious circle)
-Reduction of the production of serotonin in mood disorders ---->
-Decrease of the Increase vitamin B6 ----> nervousness, breast tenderness, and weight change of mood takes place because vitamin B6 permit the entry of magnesium into cells and it affects the factors described above.
-Increased secretion of aldosterone ---->
Water retention-Increased secretion of prolactin ----> more likely to breast pain and fibrocystic disease

Exams Recommended:

-Complete blood:

low white blood cells (Stress)
Framework chemistry, the values \u200b\u200bof SGOT and SGPT liver damage if you exclude normal, but abnormal hepatic detoxification explain that high estrogen levels, detectable by a special test called the profile of liver detoxification, and may be useful to detect the adrenal stress index and a search for food allergy, these tests are useful if the CBC and the general haematochemical framework have not been reflected in abnormalities.

Thyroid: [Normal range]

T3: 80 to 220 ng / dl TSH
: 0.35 to 5.50 mIU / ml

T3 Uptake of thyroxine (T4): 4.8 to 13 , 2 mIU / dl
index of free T4: 0.9 - 2 ng / dl

These values \u200b\u200bserve to exclude hypothyroidism, which manifests itself with menstrual dysfunction, such as prolonged menstrual flow associated with shortness of the cycle.

Ferritin represents the body's iron stores (along all'emosiderina), therefore a decrease in ferritin prepares to anemia, is recommended as a blood test because it is a feature of iron deficiency in women with PMS. Are considered normal values \u200b\u200bin the range: 5 to 177 ng/100ml.

Low levels of progesterone and high estrogen levels are linked to anxiety, irritability and emotional instability (SPM by anxiety).

low levels of estrogen lead to the destruction of neurotransmitters (eg serotonin), and then the SPM depression.

Low levels of estrogen produced by the ovary may be due to an increased secretion of adrenal androgens and / or progesterone-induced stress. Weight gain with swelling and abdominal discomfort, breast tenderness and swelling of face, hands and ankles may be due to excess aldosterone, which increases water retention, and this may be due to stress, excess estrogen, a failure magnesium or an excessive intake of salt (SPM by overhydration), to that end it is useful to the licorice, it should be avoided by those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure, because it tends to raise it, and who is suffering from renal failure .

In cases where the levels aldosterone are normal, excessive intake of licorice-like effects could lead to aldosterone-induced water retention on the glycyrrhizic contained in licorice, but it is sufficient to take potassium to prevent them. The richest natural source of potassium is the active dry yeast, but also, in descending order, dried apricots, lentils, dried figs, broken peas, almonds, raisins, and banana. Licorice in addition to blocking aldosterone is also useful to increase the levels of progesterone inhibits the enzyme responsible for its degradation.
High prolactin levels are induced by endogenous and exogenous estrogen (birth control pills contraception), but are also linked to hypothyroidism. Useful for lowering and supplementation with vitamin B6 and zinc plant and the chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus), useful to push down in case of failure of the corpus luteum (3 weeks after the onset of menstruation lower blood levels of progesterone 10-12 ng / ml are related to the high probability of failure), poster with menstrual irregularities such as excessive blood loss, menstruation absent, persistent, and more often and with decreased thyroid function.

The liver uses a variety of B vitamins to metabolize and excrete estrogens in the bile, and an excess of them justifies a possible deficiency of vitamin B6 and recommended its inclusion, along with herbal supplements to help your liver function, otherwise there is a cholestasis (stasis or poor flow of bile in the liver) by inserting a vicious circle which the liver disposes of more difficulties so that estrogens appear to have increasing values, and further aggravate the SPM.

Lipotropic compounds that exist that promote liver function and therefore the flow of bile, as well as fat metabolism as choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B6 and natural cholagogues like turmeric and dandelion, which also acts as a choleretic, that induces contractions of the gallbladder favoring flow of bile to the intestine.

Care must be taken to take dandelion if there is no doubt of gallstones, because its choleretic action could result in a push that could give problems of colonic obstruction and, if gallstones were not able to flow into the common bile duct.

In descending order of the richest natural sources of choline are egg yolks, organ meats (liver), yeast, wheat germ and fish. Low zinc levels lead to the release of prolactin, thus taking zinc can reduce blood levels of prolactin. The richest natural sources of zinc are oysters, herring, mushrooms, yeast, wheat bran, Full oats and wheat germ.

Folic acid is related to the metabolism of vitamin B6 and the richest natural sources of folic acid are green leafy vegetables, root, offal, eggs, cereals and yeast complete (ie whole, unrefined).

Magnesium helps to reduce nervousness, breast tenderness, weight gain and mood changes, better effects on symptoms of PMS can be obtained by supplementing with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which allows their transport into cells . (Dose: 6mg per kg bodyweight). The richest natural sources of magnesium are in descending order cocoa, soy, almond, peanut, bean white, walnut and hazelnut, while the richest natural sources of vitamin B6 are present, always descending in brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, nuts and Grenoble.

The acid GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) is reduced in women with PMS may be incorporated in the form of borage oil, and with this also regulates the production of prostaglandins, compounds related to many processes such as inflammation, production typically altered in the SPM. Essential in the metabolism of essential fatty acids is the presence in adequate amounts of vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc, can be therefore useful to integrate them.

supplementation with vitamin It has worked well to reduce breast tenderness, nervous tension, headache, fatigue, depression and insomnia. The richest natural source of vitamin E is wheat germ oil, but they also contain high amounts of sunflower seed oil, cold pressed vegetable oils, fruits and egg oil. We must also remember the

SPM carbohydrate that occurs with increased appetite, particularly in respect of sugar, headache, fatigue, palpitations and fainting, and is detectable by a blood glucose curve flattened in the early part of the curve, 5-10 days before of menstruation, detectable by the assay of glucose tolerance.

Gastrointestinal Flora

Integrating probiotics in your diet such as Bifidobacterium bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus without milk, is important both because of stress due to which women have been subjected SPM occurs with a lowering of the immune system and thus the health of the intestine, both reduce the activity of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which decouples the carcinogens coupled to glucuronic acid by the liver and secreted into the bile to detoxify the body, in particular, this integration is very important for those suffering from Gilbert's syndrome which manifests itself with high blood levels of bilirubin, due to the low activity of the enzyme glucuronidase which makes it critical for the glucuronidation detoxification, improved by intake of monoterpene limonene in the oil content of fennel seeds, cumin and lemon zest. This integration of probiotics is important because women with PMS who have received estrogen have an increased risk of breast cancer estrogen-dependent, since they represent a greater load for the body to detoxify, and decrease the activity of probiotics 'enzyme that, in addition to restore the bacterial flora allowing it to donate to the intestinal walls a better filter for toxins, improve immunity, prevent bacterial growth and associated irregular lowering of defenses and a depletion of the intestinal flora such as Candida albicans. (Dose 1 to 10 billion live cells per day).


E 'recommended reducing the intake of fats, limiting red meat, preferring white meat and fish, because with this device you can dramatically reduce estrogen levels in the blood, remove the caffeine in coffee and some carbonated drinks, because worsens PMS symptoms such as anxiety, depression, breast tenderness and fibrocystic disease affects, reduce the salt that puts a strain on the kidneys and increases blood pressure and water retention, reduce the ' exposure to exogenous estrogen and a diet exclusively or predominantly vegetarian.

addition to deficiencies of iron and zinc, many women with PMS also have deficiencies of manganese. Iron can be supplemented in the diet through soybeans, cocoa, beef liver, offal, red wine, white beans and lentils, although it is not recommended because it promotes intestinal fermentation potentially exacerbating the weakness of the intestine and then the immune system, worsening the filtering action of its walls by bacteria and toxins, it is useful instead to take vitamin C, which increases absorption. The richest natural sources of vitamin C are, in descending order, parsley, dandelion, green leafy vegetables, peppers, citrus fruits.

The richest natural sources of manganese are, in descending order, tea, cloves, ginger, rice bran and spinach.

soy-based foods are good as a regularization of estrogen because it can be useful to both in case of failure (in some cases of SPM) and the lack of them (eg menopause).

Eliminate sugar, especially chocolate, which interferes with estrogen metabolism, and pay special attention to its combination with caffeine as the worst effects of SPM and mood.

Cimicifuga racemosa

Integration with this plant is useful in case of uterine fibroids and is very effective in reducing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, tension and mood swings. Dosage: Standardized extract (4 mg of 27-desossiacteina) 1 tablet (2 for women in menopause) 2 times / day.

Special dietary practices

Although recommended for their high vitamin content and / or minerals, foods such as cocoa, offal and yeast are not recommendable because it was seen that some chocolate worsens PMS symptoms as described above The yeast causes fermentation intestinal worse functioning intestine and thus weakening the immune system, and offal Since filtering organs like the liver have a high probability the majority of residues of toxins, solvents and pollutants, which remain in these tissues, and this can only worsen the SI who assumes that food. Like red meat, more fat than white, are not recommendable as well as a justification of worsening symptoms of PMS and weight, including the fact that fat tissue more easily retain the pollutants, and most likely this is related to a 'increased incidence of cancer in populations that make frequent use.

sporting activities

Regular sporting activity helps to improve mood through the resulting increased release of endorphins in the brain, which are reduced when you have high values \u200b\u200bof estrogen and is useful in the treatment of PMS also because it lowers levels of cortisol. Environmental pollution of compounds such as DDT, DDE, PCB, PCP, chlordane and dieldrin is particularly harmful for women with PMS since they mimic the action of estrogen, and are probably related to the increased incidence of breast cancer.


Michael T. Murray, Joseph E. Pizzorno - "Treaty of Natural Medicine" - Volume 1 and 2 - Red
Association Médicale Kousmine International Editions - "The Kousmine method "- Editions Techniques New

Friday, October 10, 2008

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Brazilian newspapers in England and Brazil-mania `` `

In England and Brazil-mania `` `
(AGM-DS) - 29/09/2008 12:22:30 - (AGM-DS) - Milan, September 29 - In England they're crazy for Brazilian players. And 'what emerges from a ranking published today in the online edition of British tabloid The Sun that draws up the list of the ten South American players that stood out most in the English top flight. Among these are excluded Heurelho Gomes and the two of Manchester City, Robinho and Jo, in England long enough, according to the newspaper, to be judged. Out of competition, but because they judged the `real flop, even Kleberson and two old friends of our football as Jardel and Roque Junior. In tenth place is

Geovanni square, in the past summer by the City all'Hull, but unable to prove its worth in the last round against Arsenal. Below Mirandinha, Lucas and Anfolso Alves, in the past few months as a candidate aspiring to flop revelation of the tournament. Denilson in sixth position, the twenty year old Arsenal midfielder in the summer has taken on the thankless task of Flamini and Gilberto forget to supporters of the Gunners. Elano is the fifth position, and to find out who occupies the fourth position just stay at Manchester United side: at the foot of the podium there `In fact, the Red Devils striker Anderson. In third place there `Edu, Gilberto in the second, while in command there` Juninho, Middlesbrough's striker and the supporters still have not been able to forget.
